
  • 网络Ocean water;Sea Water
  1. 本文介绍由交通部海洋水下工程科学研究院自行设计制造的SD便携式水下电视的总体性能、结构设计与计算、电控系统、照明及观测系统的参数和说明。

    The specification , construction design and calculation , control system , illumination and observation systems of the SD portable under - water TV are introduced in this paper .

  2. 解决的关键技术有:使用三维建模工具Creator进行武器实体和海底地形三维建模、基于Vega解决了对海洋水下环境的模拟、采用动态实体列表的方法实现了武器实体的动态添加等。

    The key technologies involved are : weapon entities and seabed modeling using 3D modeling tool Creator , ocean environment and the sound of weapon entities simulation developed with Vega , dynamic addition for weapon entities through the method of dynamic list of entities .

  3. 我国海洋水下工程技术的发展与展望

    The development and outlook of ocean underwater engineering and technology in china

  4. 因此,检测海洋水产品贝类毒素是迫在眉睫的任务。

    So shellfish toxin detection is an urgent task .

  5. 抗强海流海洋水下机器人电动机

    Motors of Submarine Robot for Anti Strong Ocean Stream

  6. 本教程将帮助你创造你自己的四维影院海洋水。

    This tutorial will help you create your own oceanic water in Cinema4D .

  7. 论原始海洋水的酸碱度

    On the Acidity and Alkalinity of the Primitive Seawater

  8. 中国海洋水动力学的研究进展

    The research progress on marine hydrodynamics in China

  9. 海洋水下机器人系缆绞车驱动电动机的研制

    Reserch on ocean robot winch driving motor

  10. 海洋水下机器人电动机分析

    Analysis on Motor of Ocean Submarine Robot

  11. 国外救捞及海洋水下工程科学技术水平

    State-of-the-art of salvage and ocean underwater engineering

  12. 本文研制了一种可用于海洋水下作业机械的双斜盘轴向柱塞式海水液压电机泵。

    This thesis has researched the seawater hydraulic electric-motor-pump with double swashplates used in the underwater .

  13. 军民两用的海洋水下观测技术

    Underwater Observing Technique for Navy-civil Dual-use

  14. 目前,用于海洋水下机器人用的电动机大多数为永磁直流电动机。

    At present , the motors used in the ocean robots are always the permanent magnet DC motor .

  15. 实验结果表明,光学图像分析系统能对海洋水产品贝类毒素进行快速和自动化检测。

    The results indicated that optic image analysis system was able to detect shellfish toxins fast and automatically .

  16. 海洋水还通过吸收和释放热量而使地球的温度保持稳定。

    The water in the oceans also keeps the temperature of the earth steady by absorbing and releasing heat .

  17. 鲐鱼作为经济鱼类之一,已成为我国重要的一种海洋水产品。

    The chub mackerel , as one of economical fish , is one kind of sea aquatic product in our country .

  18. 现阶段的微生物絮凝剂产生菌大多数来源于土壤、污水处理厂活性污泥等陆生环境,其活性高低以及对海洋水环境污染治理方面尚存在一定的局限性。

    Presently microbial flocculant-producing bacteria are mainly from soil , active sludge in sewage plant which have some limitations on marine pollution .

  19. 贝类毒素是继病原菌、弧菌和病毒之后,又一威胁海洋水产品质量的重要问题。

    Along with the pathogenic bacteria , viruses and Vibrio , shellfish toxins is another threat to the quality of marine aquatic products .

  20. 对东海海洋水体系进行了回收率的分析,证明了该方法在海水体系中运用的可行性。

    In the system of seawater , the recovery of the method has been researched . And feasibility of the method has been proved .

  21. 成矿溶液来自变质水,硫来源于古海洋水硫酸盐和岩浆硫的混合;

    The ore forming fluids were derived from metamorphic waters . The sulfur elements were derived from old seawaters aqueous sulfates and magmatic sulfur .

  22. 激光雷达在海洋水下目标探测中存在主要的问题是,海水对光的后向散射作用导致目标对比度的严重降低。

    The main disadvantage of using LIDAR for the detection of objects in the ocean is that the backscattering clutter limits the contrast of underwater target reflections .

  23. 主要研究内容如下:海洋水下区和潮汐区是混凝土结构遭受氯离子侵蚀的重点区域。

    The main contents of this paper are as follows : Marine underwater region and marine tidal region are the key region where concrete structures suffer chloride corrosion .

  24. 本文对多种状态的内破裂进行了数值预报,对于一系列影响内破裂的因素及降低内破裂危险性的方法进行了分析研究,分析结果对海洋水下工程实践有重要意义。

    Effects of a serial factors which influence implosion results and methods which may reduce implosion danger have been analysed . Analysis results are significant for underwater engineering practice .

  25. 近年来,我国陆续从国外引进大量多波束测深系统,并广泛应用于江河、水库、湖泊、海洋水下地形的测量;

    Many multibeam systems have been imported to China in recent years for applications in the fields of : underwater topographic mapping of rivers , reservoirs , lakes and seas ;

  26. 针对海流对水下机器人运动的影响,设计了边探测边识别和先探测后识别两种探测方法。抗强海流海洋水下机器人电动机

    Considering the effect of ocean current on AUV , the paper designs two planning methods of identification as reconnaissance and identification after reconnaissance . Motors of Submarine Robot for Anti Strong Ocean Stream

  27. 因此,用无刷直流电动机代替永磁直流电动机作为海洋水下机器人的推进器,无论是理论上还是实际上都具有重大意义。

    So , to use permanent magnetic brushless DC motor as the propeller of the ocean robot instead of the permanent magnet DC motor has a great significance both in theory and in practice .

  28. 而且波浪是海岸地区一个非常重要的海洋水动力因素,波浪作用下底部边界层的流态、底摩阻系数、床面剪应力和泥沙起动的理论还不成熟。

    But the theory about the flow regime of the wave boundary layer , the wave friction factor , the bed shear stress and the initiation of sediment motion has not developed very well .

  29. 诸核素的平面分布与垂直分布均有一定波动,这种波动与沉积物的陆源变化及海洋水动力学作用有关。

    Horizontal distribution patterns of each nuclide from different regions and the vertical distribution with depth fluctuated , which resulted from the change of terrestrial origin of sediment and effect of hydrodynamics of the sea .

  30. 介绍了已研制的各种海洋水下机器人用电动机的技术参数、电磁设计和结构设计特点以及关键技术问题。

    Motors of ocean submarine robot have been developed in many kinds . The technical parameters , electrical magnetic design and construction design and key technical problems of these kinds of motors have been introduced in this paper .