
  • 网络Hai Guo Tu Zhi;Records and Maps of the World
  1. 《海国图志》的作者及版本研究

    Research about the Author And Edition of the Illustrated Annals of Overseas Countries

  2. 《海国图志》的对外关系用语和新词语研究

    Foreign Relationships Words and New Words : On the Language of Atlas and Annals of Overseas Countries

  3. 1842年《南京条约》刚刚签订,经世学者魏源便推出“愤悱”之作《海国图志》。

    After was just concluded and signed in1842 , the scholar " weiyuan " brought out his book for " anger and grumbling " .

  4. 从传播内容来看,魏源的《海国图志》拥有较高的价值,正符合日本当时国内的需要。

    As for the content , Hai Guo Tu Zhi by Wei Yuan did have considerable value , and meet the needs of Japan .

  5. 《外国史略》是晚清早期一部“西洋人谭西洋”的重要著述,也是魏源百卷本《海国图志》所引用的两部外人史著之一。

    Concise Foreign History is an important work of " westerners on the west ", and is a historical work quoted by Wei Yuan in his100-volume Hai Guo Tu Zhi .

  6. 我们应该吸取《海国图志》在日本成功传播经验,立足于民族文化,不断地学习外国先进文化,与人类精神、时代精神融汇,促进中国文化走向世界。

    We should learn the experience from the successful communication of Hai Guo Tu Zhi in Japan , based on the national culture , continuous learning foreign advanced culture , to promote the Chinese culture to the world .

  7. 有鉴于此,本文拟针对《海国图志》在日本引起巨大反响这一历史史实,从社会背景、传播内容、受众、传播渠道等方面分析其在日本获得成功的原因。

    Concerning about this , the article aims at the history that Hai Guo Tu Zhi aroused tremendous response in Japan , and tries to analyze the reason for its success by the social set , its content , reader , communication channels .