
  • 网络Opium Trade
  1. 真实的资料,揭露出鸦片贸易的罪恶。

    The material exhibits reveal the evil of the opium trade .

  2. 鸦片贸易在对外贸易中占有特殊的地位。

    Opium trade having a special status in the foreign trade .

  3. 彻底根除阿富汗鸦片贸易,将切断阿富汗鸦片收入。

    Completely eliminating the Afghan opium trade would eliminate Afghan opium revenues .

  4. 近代中国鸦片贸易合法化问题初探

    A Glance at Legalization of Opium Trade in Modern China

  5. 近代江苏鸦片贸易的基本特征及其原因分析

    The Basic Character and Reason Analysis of Modern Opium Trade In Jiangsu

  6. 他们的工作为中国反鸦片贸易和世界反毒运动作出了不可磨灭的贡献。

    They made indelible contribution to the Chinese and world Anti-drug battle .

  7. 他已经控制了整个亚洲的鸦片贸易。

    He already controls the opium trade all across asia .

  8. 1858年,清廷确立鸦片贸易合法化地位后,全国范围内鸦片贸易状况的变化,对江苏鸦片市场产生了巨大的影响。

    In 1858 , the Qing Government legalized opium trade in China .

  9. 它在推动江苏的鸦片贸易逐步走向繁荣的同时,使江苏鸦片贸易具备了全国鸦片贸易变化、发展的一般特征。

    It made the opium trade prosperous in Jiangsu .

  10. 第四章特殊商品&鸦片贸易法律制度。

    Chapter 4 discussed the regulations and laws concerning the special commodity & opium .

  11. 论民国时期湖南军阀的鸦片贸易

    Analysis of the Trads on Opium of Warlords in Hunan Province during the Republic of China

  12. 当清朝政权试图禁止鸦片贸易在1838年,大不列颠宣战中。

    When the Qing regime tried to ban the Opium Trade in1838 , Great Britain declared war on China .

  13. 然而,因为邻国缅甸和其他地方的罂粟种植,鸦片贸易仍然在继续。

    The opium trade continues , however , with poppies grown in neighboring Myanmar ( Burma ) and elsewhere .

  14. 他派人翻译外国报纸,编译国外关于地理和抨击鸦片贸易的书籍。

    He had foreign newspapers translated , and extracts made from foreign geography books and polemical attacks on the drug trade .

  15. 中国皇帝试图制止鸦片贸易,希望能够闭关锁国,与外部世界完全隔离。

    The Chinese emperor tried to stop the trade , and hoped to slam the door completely on the outside world .

  16. 在对华鸦片贸易问题上,美、英两国政策不同,性质有别,后果有异。

    In opium trade with China , the U.S and U.K carried out different policies , which led to different results .

  17. 最后,我们有治外法权,并利用这一法律的好处,以极为活跃在鸦片贸易。

    Finally , we had extraterritoriality and used this legal advantage in order to be extremely active in the opium trade .

  18. 从1835年到1906年的七十余年问,欧美各国来华传教士纷纷投入到这场反对鸦片贸易和吸食鸦片的运动中来。

    Over 70 years from 1835 to 1906 , missionaries from American and European countries poured in the movement one after another .

  19. 其原因主要有两个,一是鸦片贸易,二是中外货币的不等值交换。

    There are two reason mainly , one is opium trade and another is exchange of unequal value between Chinese and foreign currency .

  20. 其中,由鸦片贸易导致的鸦片战争,开辟了西方列强侵略中国的时代。

    It was the opium trade through Guangzhou that triggered the Opium Wars , opening an era of foreign incursion and intervention in China .

  21. 其中之一是,我发现在19世纪,鸦片贸易并没有现代人所认为的那么恶劣。

    One thing I found was that trading opium in the19th century doesn 't sound quite as bad as it sounds in the contemporary perspective .

  22. 最后,香港被日本侵占,英国丧失了对该地的统治权,只得终止鸦片贸易。

    Finally , the British government had to abolish the trade when Hong Kong was occupied by the Japanese invaders in the Second World War .

  23. 塔利班在国家大部分地区土崩瓦解之后,令人厌恶的军阀掌控了各地,常常参与猖獗的鸦片贸易。

    After the Taliban 's collapse large parts of the country came under the control of unsavoury warlords , often linchpins of the booming opium trade .

  24. 最先来到亚洲的葡萄牙人利用原有的贸易网络,逐渐建立起葡萄牙大商帆贸易,亚洲的鸦片贸易随之活跃。

    Taking advantage of original trade network , Portuguese who came to Asia firstly established the Big Business Sail trade and opium trade become prosperous correspondingly .

  25. 赫尔曼德省跟巴基斯坦接壤,具有战略意义,非法的鸦片贸易非常兴旺,武装人员和武器轻而易举地可以通过漏洞百出的边界。

    Helmand is strategic , lying along the Pakistan border , where the illicit opium trade flourishes and fighters and weapons move easily across the porous border .

  26. 首先,1842年,英帝国主义部署炮舰恫吓敢于反对鸦片贸易的中国,迫使清王朝割让了香港。

    First , in 1842 , British imperialists forced the Qing emperor to cede Hong Kong after deploying gunboats against China for daring to oppose the opium trade .

  27. 鸦片贸易合法化以后,外国鸦片美其名为洋药,作为合法商品课税,每百斤纳税银十两。

    After the legalization of the opium trade , foreign opium , euphemistically described as " foreign drugs " as a legal commodity taxation , every tax-jin silver 12 .

  28. 浙江的土药真正泛滥起来,确切地说是从1858年鸦片贸易合法化以后开始的,到清末浙江年产鸦片14000担。

    Zhejiang medicines really rampant soil , or more precisely from the opium trade was legalized in 1858 began to produce opium in the late Qing , Zhejiang , 14000 Tam .

  29. 鸦片贸易合法化是指鸦片作为商品经主权国家对外贸易特定监管机构海关许可,列入正常贸易货单并征收一定比例关税的国际贸易行为。

    Legalization of opium trade refers to an international trade with opium as commodity , permitted by the customs specific supervisory institutions of foreign trade in the sovereign state and listed in a regular trade bill and collected a certain proportion of customs .

  30. 他们虽然势单力薄,无论在资金、政治地位都不能和赞成鸦片贸易的人相提并论,但他们为了实现传播福音的理想孜孜不倦地为废除鸦片贸易而奋斗。

    Although their power was very weak , and could not be mentioned in the same breath with the opium traffickers no matter in the capital or political status , they fought for anti-opium unfailingly in order to realize their ideal of evangelism .