
  • 网络Corvidae;Family Corvidae;Corvids
  1. 鸦科的模式属;乌鸦和渡鸦。

    Type genus of the corvidae : crows and ravens .

  2. 而且,这将给鸦科鸟类(包括乌鸦、渡鸦、松鸦和喜鹊)原有的知识添加了新内容。

    And it would add another footnote to the legacy of the family Corvidae , which includes crows , ravens , jays and magpies .

  3. 郑州城区鸦科Corvidae混群鸟冬季大集群栖宿与环境

    Roost and environment of mixed-species colony of Corvidae in winter in urban areas of Zhengzhou

  4. 松鸦一种常带有羽冠的鸦科松鸦、蓝松鸦、灌丛松鸦属鸟类,经常嘶哑地大声鸣叫。

    Any of various often crested birds of the genera garrulus , cyanocitta , aphelocoma , and related genera within the family corvidae , often having a loud , harsh call .

  5. 雀形目鸦科鸦属二十多种黑色鸣禽的俗称,比大多数渡鸦小,嘴也不那么厚实。

    Any of more than 20 species of Black perching Birds ( see passerine ) of the genus Corvus ( family Corvidae ) that are smaller than most ravens and have a thinner Bill .

  6. 但是一项发布在PeerJ上的研究显示亚洲象会表现出这种行为,直到现在,会表现出这一行为的动物仅仅有猿,乌鸦以及其他一些鸦科动物,还有犬齿类动物。

    But a study published in the journal PeerJ shows that Asian elephants will now join the select group of animals scientifically shown to display this behavior . Until now , the group has only included great apes , ravens and certain other corvids , and canines .