
yā piàn
  • opium;thebaica;Mekonium;mecon-
鸦片 [yā piàn]
  • [opium] 又称阿芙蓉。通称大烟。得自罂粟乳汁干燥物的一种药物,乳汁由罂粟未成熟蒴果而得,味苦且辣,是一种有刺激性的麻醉毒品

  • 阿片一作鸦片,《本草》云阿芙蓉,今浑称之曰烟,或曰大烟,或曰乌烟,或曰洋烟。--清. 张昌甲《烟话》

鸦片[yā piàn]
  1. 他被迫服用鸦片来止痛。

    He was forced to take opium to kill the pain .

  2. 奥萝拉感觉自己被笼罩在鸦片烟霾中。

    Aurora felt the opium haze enfold her

  3. 有一位妇女剧痛难忍,不得不服用鸦片制剂来镇痛。

    One woman suffered such severe pain she had to take opiates to control it .

  4. 卡尔·马克思曾说,“宗教是人民的精神鸦片。”

    It was Karl Marx who said , ' Religion is the opiate of the people ' .

  5. “鸦片”是一种刺激性的、能引起感官快感的香料,能使你所有的感官兴奋起来。

    ' Opium ' is a provocative , sensual , and voluptuous fragrance which makes all your senses vibrate .

  6. 马钱子碱、砷和鸦片都是毒药。

    Strychnine , arsenic , and opium are poison .

  7. 法律禁吸鸦片。

    Opium taking is prohibited by law .

  8. 直到最近抽鸦片才被判定为非法。

    The use of opium was not criminalized until fairly recently .

  9. 他们在礼堂听了关于鸦片战争的演讲。

    They heard a lecture on the Opium War in the auditorium .

  10. 以往我们闭关锁国,你们用鸦片烟做敲门砖。

    When we closed our doors , you smuggled drugs to open markets .

  11. 东印度公司(eastindiacompany)的商业冒险曾促使英国入侵中国,从而引发了鸦片战争。

    The commercial Adventures of the East India Company compelled the British state to intervene in China , sparking the Opium Wars .

  12. 内源性鸦片肽在骶髓排尿反射中的意义的形态学探讨&溃变法、HRP逆行标记法和免疫组化法相结合的光、电镜研究

    The morphological study on the significance of the endogenous opioid peptide in the sacral micturition reflex

  13. 鸦片战争前中国的西式建筑概述

    A Brief Introduction of Western Architecture in China before Opium War

  14. 包含鸦片和用鸦片处理的麻醉药。

    A narcotic drug that contains opium or an opium derivative .

  15. 真实的资料,揭露出鸦片贸易的罪恶。

    The material exhibits reveal the evil of the opium trade .

  16. 鸦片战争对我国近代科技思想及科技活动的影响

    Effect of opium war on science and technology thought and activities

  17. 教员们也颓丧起来,抽上了鸦片烟。

    The teachers , becoming demoralized , took to smoking opium .

  18. 鸦片酊,曾用作药物。

    A tincture of opium , formerly used as a drug .

  19. 鸦片战争时期英军卡龙舰炮问题研究

    A Study about the British Carronade during the First Opium War

  20. 农业:鸦片,小麦,水果,干果,羊绒。

    Agriculture : opium , wheat , fruits , nuts ; wool .

  21. 彻底根除阿富汗鸦片贸易,将切断阿富汗鸦片收入。

    Completely eliminating the Afghan opium trade would eliminate Afghan opium revenues .

  22. 1912年的今天,国际鸦片公约在海牙签署。

    1912-The International Opium Convention is signed at The Hague .

  23. 西南基督教教会不吸鸦片戒律探讨

    On the Commandment of Not Taking In Opium of Southwest Christianity Church

  24. 吸食鸦片成瘾后,可引起体质衰弱及精神颓废,寿命也会缩短。

    Habitual opium use produces physical and mental deterioration and shortens life .

  25. 近代社会国人吸食鸦片的性心理因素探析

    Sex Psychological Factor of The Opium Proliferation in Modern Society

  26. 鸦片战争扭曲了中国近代史的进程

    The Opium Wars Twisted the Course of Chinese Modern History

  27. 鸦片和其他危险麻醉品贩运问题咨询委员会

    Advisory Committee on Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs

  28. 鸦片战争以后,西洋传教士纷纷来华。

    After the Opium war , missionares rushed to china .

  29. 内源性鸦片样物质在出血性和中毒性休克中的作用

    Role of endogenous opiate-like substances in hemorrhagic and toxic shock

  30. 你吸鸦片多久了,侦探?

    How long have you chased the dragon , lnspector ?