
  • 网络non-ideology;non-ideological
  1. 50年代中期,新中国继承并发展了列宁的和平共处策略思想,倡导了非意识形态化的和平共处五项原则,这可以说是中国和平外交理念在国际社会的第一次彰显。

    In the middle period of the 1950s , new China follows and develops Lenin 's Peaceful Coexistence tactful thought and advocates Five Principles of Coexistence characterized by non-ideology , which is the first demonstration of China 's peaceful diplomatic ideal in international society .

  2. 陈平原:非意识形态化文学研究模式的构建

    Chen Ping-yuan : construction of literary research model of " non-ideological method "

  3. 其三,他们必须传递出一种沉着、非意识形态的胜任形象。

    Third , they should project an image of calm , non-ideological competence .

  4. 但目前这场危机需要实用主义和新的思维,而非意识形态。

    However , this present crisis calls for pragmatism and fresh thinking , not ideology .

  5. 因为,艺术只能是意识形态可能的表现形式,而非意识形态本身。

    Art is only a possible " form " of expression of " ideology ", but not ideology itself .

  6. 在现实生活中,意识形态由于普遍存在而为人们所习惯,渐渐变成非意识形态的常识。

    In real life , ideology commonly exists and gradually becomes naturalized as non-ideological assumptions so that people get to be accustomed to it .

  7. 认为近几年一些干部和青年学生深受远离政治和非意识形态化思潮的影响,导致理想信念迷茫、彷徨甚至动摇,是思想深层次的原因;

    Analyses reveal that some of the carders and students , under the influence of politics indifference and non ideology thoughts , lost their ideals and faiths ;

  8. 新时期的社会背景和大学生自身的特点决定了思想政治教育具有意识形态功能(政治)和非意识形态功能(育人)。

    The new era of social background and characteristics of college students decide their own ideological and political education with the ideological function of ( political ) and non-ideological function ( education ) .

  9. 做好这篇文章,应不断创新党的意识形态内容,改进意识形态工作的方法和警惕西方非意识形态化的倾向。

    In order to finish this work well , we should innovate the contents of the ideology , improve the ideological working methods and watch out the non - ideological trend from the west world .

  10. 当然,与权力密切相关的也绝仅非意识形态,还囊括了社会历史、政治、经济、宗教、道德伦理等其他因素。由此看来,翻译的权力转向应运而生。

    Moreover , there is something more than ideology that is related to power , such as social-historical , political , economic , religious , moral-ethic elements , etc. Translation is going through a power turn .

  11. 广义的思想政治教育是包含了思想教育、政治教育、道德教育、心理健康教育等在内的社会实践活动,具有意识形态性功能和非意识形态性功能。

    A broad ideological and political education includes some social practice activities , such as ideological education , political education , moral education , mental health education and so on . It has the ideological and non-ideological functions .

  12. 面对意识形态终结论和非意识形态化的影响和高校的教育和学术交流带来的主流意识形态的弱化,马克思主义在高校意识形态领域的主导地位显著弱化。

    In the face of the effect of " The End of Ideology " and " non-ideological " effect and the university education and academic exchanges brought about the weakening of the Mainstream ideology , the dominance of Marxist ideology in the university area is significantly weakened .

  13. 当前我国社会主导意识形态和非主导意识形态问题刍议

    On the Leading and Non-leading Social Ideologies in Current China

  14. 科学语篇中的隐喻是为了便于受众理解复杂的科学知识和概念而非政治意识形态的体现。

    Metaphors in scientific discourses are used for an easier understanding of complicated and unintelligible scientific concepts or theories , in which no political and ideological inclination is involved .

  15. 当代流行歌曲和《花间》词是各自时代的流行歌曲,具有表现非主流意识形态、商业性和时尚性的流行文化特征。

    The contemporary popular song and " Hua Jian " Ci is respective tune popular song , has displays the non-mainstreamideology , the trade and the fashion pop culture characteristic .

  16. 流行歌曲更多的是从个体出发,满足个体的情感需要,因而表现的是非主流意识形态,男女情爱是两者着笔最多、比重最大的主题。

    The popular song more is embarks from the individual , satisfies individual the emotion need , thus displays the non-mainstream ideology , the male and female love is the most and the proportion biggest subject .

  17. 意识形态在构建和谐社会中的整合作用,主要从主流意识形态对非主流意识形态的整合出发,强调社会主义核心价值体系的统领作用。

    Ideology of building a harmonious society in the integration of the role , mainly from the mainstream ideology of the integration of non-mainstream ideology , the emphasis on the core values of the community take the lead role in the system .

  18. 不过,英国联合政府近几个月来所表现出来的是一种实用主义氛围,而非极端的意识形态信念。

    Yet what has marked out the British coalition government in recent months is a sense of pragmatism , not extreme ideological conviction .

  19. 从言语行为、非言语行为、意识形态、价值标准、礼貌策略等方面分析了跨文化经济交际在商务话语系统中的表现、作用和影响,并提出如何实现有效的跨文化经济交际的建议。

    From the angles of speech act non-speech act ideologies values and politeness this paper analyzes the manifestation function and influence of cross-cultural economic communication in business discourse system and proposes some suggestions of achieving effective cross-cultural economic communication .