
  1. 利比亚反对派在推翻领导人卡扎菲的运动中非常仰赖国际的援助。

    Libyan rebels are depending heavily on international help in their drive to topple leader Moammar Gadhafi .

  2. 廉署一向非常重视国际间合作,联手打击贪污和有组织罪行。

    The ICAC has always paid serious attention to the need of international cooperation in combating corruption and organized crime .

  3. 全国过渡理事会非常看重国际舆论的导向,并且他们极力想要避免利比亚成功解放地区的混乱,同时也包括首都的黎波里。

    The NTC is acutely sensitive to international public opinion , and desperately wants to avoid chaos in liberated areas , including the capital .

  4. 非洲领导人非常了解国际开发协会提供的支持,因此大力支持今年对国际开发协会大规模增资。

    African leaders are well aware of the support that IDA provides and this is why they are strong supporters of a robust replenishment of IDA this year .

  5. 本文认为两国都非常关注国际上海洋环境管理方面的发展趋势和变革,并为建立先进的海洋环境管理体制不断进行各方面的改革。

    This article holds that the two countries have concerned about the international management of the marine environment and the development trend of change , and made great efforts to establish advanced management system .

  6. 啊,我们非常重视国际市场中美元汇率的变化,并根据它的变化,我们每天调整人民币对其他货币的汇率。

    Oh , we are paying close attention to the change of us dollar 's rate in the international market , and against that , we then adjust the rmb 's rates against other currencies every day .

  7. 他是一个非常优秀的国际级球员。

    He is a very good player of an international level .

  8. 他们非常擅长组织国际体育赛事。

    They are very good at staging international sporting events .

  9. 信用证发展到今天已经成为一种非常重要的国际结算方式和融资工具。

    It has become an important means of international settlement and finance equipment .

  10. 我是一个相当成功的、工作狂式的销售代表,服务于一家规模非常大的国际食品企业。

    I was a fairly successful , workaholic sales rep. for a very large international food company .

  11. 同时还可以说,颇有策略技能的内塔尼亚胡带领本国在非常艰难的国际环境中挺过来了。

    Mr Netanyahu can also claim to have negotiated a very difficult international environment with considerable tactical acumen .

  12. 他曾在一个非常有名的国际会议上发表过有关开发患者教育自适应系统方面的工作成果。

    He has published his work in a reputed international conference on the development of adaptive systems for patient education .

  13. 马约多莫非常感谢美国国际开发署提供这些机会,使她不用远离家乡就获取了专业能力。

    Mayordomo is very grateful for the opportunities provided by USAID to help her grow professionally while staying close to home .

  14. 英语,作为一种非常重要的国际语言,对于中等职业学校的学生来说,已经变得越来越重要了。

    English , as a very important international language , has become ever increasingly important for students in the secondary vocational schools .

  15. 英语是一门非常重要的国际性语言,是世界科技、经济、和文化交流的载体。

    English is a quite essential international language and is a carrier of communication of technology , economy and culture around the world .

  16. 尖尖的耳朵最可爱了,而且我发现精灵族的服装非常优雅,国际财经时报上的报道中她如是说。

    Pointed ears are the most adorable thing , and I find the ' elven ' attire is so elegant , she said , according to International Business Times .

  17. 马建堂表示,中国将面临不容乐观、极其复杂和非常严峻的国际环境,这主要是由于主要发达经济体增长乏力。

    Mr Ma said on Tuesday that China would face a gloomy , highly complicated and severe international environment , mainly due to sluggishness in the main developed economies .

  18. 目前,贴牌生产是一项近年来发展非常迅速的国际贸易形式,是国际市场十分流行和行之有效的生产方式。

    Nowadays , with the development of OEM rapid fast as an international trade mode , it has become a very popular and effective producing way in the international market .

  19. 美国需要重新树立对于自由价值观、法治和全球合作的信念&1945年之后,美国正是在这些基础上,建立了非常成功的国际秩序。

    The US needs to renew its faith in the values of freedom , the rule of law and global co-operation on which it built an astonishingly successful international order after 1945 .

  20. 关于影响和经验,他一直都是一个艺术家的艺术看世界的重要,其具创造力的产量是非常自在在国际的舞台上。

    With regards to influences and experience , he has always been an artist who looked at the art of the world at large and whose creative output is very much at home on the international stage .

  21. 这个公司建立至今只有短短五年,却已经在中国的国内市场(世界最大的市场)上成为了实力最轻的智能手机供应商,并且开始引领一场非常成功的国际扩张运动。

    Yet this firm , only 5 years old , has already become a formidable supplier of smartphones in its home market of China ( the world 's largest ) , and has begun a remarkably successful campaign of international expansion .

  22. 特别是INTERNET网的普及,它改变了传统传输媒体的传递方式,而且是一个非常廉价的交互式国际通信媒体。

    Specially the INTERNET net popularization , it changed the tradition transmission medium transfer mode , moreover is extremely inexpensive interactive international correspondence media .

  23. DSU专家组程序是WTO在争端解决机制中创设非常成功的解决国际经济争议的一项制度,在很多方面对传统国际中争议解决作了发展,也取得了相对令人满意的效果。

    The panel procedure of DSU has made successful innovations in solving international economic dispute in many aspects .

  24. 国际服务办公室主任TonyTambascia表示,U.S.C.非常积极地吸收国际学生。

    Tony Tambascia , director of the office of international services , says U.S.C. actively seeks international students .

  25. 分析师表示,投资者对这则消息非常谨慎,因为国际货币基金组织(imf)已一再警告,贸易制裁将是全球经济复苏的最大风险之一。

    Analysts said investors were wary at the news since the International Monetary Fund has warned repeatedly that trade sanctions will be one of the biggest risks to a global economic rebound .

  26. 非常有必要研究国际海事卫星系统。

    It is very necessary to research the Inmarsat system .

  27. 他的文学思想非常丰富,许多国际著名的文学家、思想家、哲学家都曾受到他的影响。

    His literary thoughts are very rich and influenced many world-famous writers , thinkers and philosophers .

  28. 该技术已经非常成功地用于国际象棋,跳棋,或奥瑟罗等游戏。

    This technique has been very successful for games such as chess , draughts , checkers , or Othello .

  29. 这一天的活动非常成功,众多国际媒体在报道中提及我的技术。

    The day was very successful and resulted in a number of mentions in the international press & something I hope to build on in the coming years .

  30. 然而,近三分之二的欧洲受访者(63%)表示,中国和欧洲的价值观非常不同,在国际问题上合作将是不可能的。

    However , almost two-thirds of European respondents – 63 per cent – said that China and Europe had such different values that co-operating on international problems would prove impossible .