
  • 网络Cobra Verde
  1. 昔日非洲黑奴的买卖已不复存。

    The old trade in black ivory is on more .

  2. 中国苦力贸易与非洲黑奴贸易之比较

    Comparative Research on Chinese Coolie Trade and African Slave Trade

  3. 非洲黑奴被贩卖到美国后,非洲音乐和美洲音乐互相融合在一起。

    The African songs met American music when African slaves were brought to the US .

  4. 此外,这里还生活着一些非洲黑奴的后代以及毛里求斯岛的土著居民。

    There are also descendants of African slaves and Franco-Mauritians , the original settlers of the island .

  5. 上个世纪前,南方的种植园主雇佣非洲黑奴来为他们工作。

    In the last century and before , the owners of the southern plantations imported African slaves to work for them .

  6. 诗乐合璧相得益彰&论音乐与诗的融合关系非洲黑奴被贩卖到美国后,非洲音乐和美洲音乐互相融合在一起。

    Poetry and Music-Supplementary Harmony : On Combination of Music and Poetry ; The African songs met American music when African slaves were brought to the US .

  7. 这个数字是在跨大西洋奴隶贸易中从非洲被贩卖的黑奴总数的两倍。

    That 's double the amount of people taken from Africa during the entire trans-Atlantic slave trade .

  8. 在非洲,朗姆酒被当作货币,可以用来购买最赚钱的货——非洲黑奴。

    In Africa , rum is the currency used to purchase the most profitable cargo of all ... African slaves .