
duō jí shì jiè
  • multipolar world
  1. 把单极政治这种旧酒装入新瓶,并称之为G2,这不是构建多极世界的务实方案。

    Putting the old wine of unipolar politics into a new bottle and calling it G-2 is not a practical solution for building a multipolar world .

  2. 为创建多极世界而结成新同盟的努力肯定还会继续,但在叶卡捷琳堡召开、对俄罗斯最重要的会议是上海合作组织(sco)峰会,而非金砖四国峰会。

    Building new alliances for a multipolar world will certainly continue , but the meeting in Yekaterinburg that matters most to Moscow is the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation , rather than the BRIC summit .

  3. 但在一个多极世界,各个级之间存在竞争。

    But in a multipolar world there is competition between poles .

  4. 俄罗斯和中国都乐于谈论多极世界。

    Russia and China talk merrily of a multi-polar world .

  5. 多极世界利益纷争仿真模型

    Simulating Models of Distributing Interests in Multipolar World

  6. 那是一个真正的多极世界。

    This was a truly multi-polar world .

  7. 中国与委内瑞拉之间的紧密关系,对于创建一个多极世界将起到促进作用。

    Close relations between China and Venezuela would advance the creation of a multi-polar world .

  8. 俄罗斯长期以来呼吁建立一个多极世界,旨在削弱美国的影响力。

    Russia has long called for a multi-polar world , aiming to weaken American influence .

  9. 就塑造未来多极世界的格局而言,美国手中的牌比其他任何国家都要多。

    The US holds more cards than any other in shaping what the multipolar world will look like .

  10. 如果说哥本哈根会议将定义新的多极世界,那么它预示的可能是一个混乱的未来。

    If Copenhagen is the moment that defines the new multipolar world , it could herald a chaotic future .

  11. 我们无疑是在朝着多极世界和多种货币储备体系的方向发展,美国势力将受到进一步约束。

    We are clearly moving towards a multipolar world and a multi-currency reserve system , in which US power will be more constrained .

  12. 事实上,崭露头角的多边、多极世界那些对美国强权感到不安的人长期以来一直呼吁建立这样的世界显露出种种高度紊乱的迹象。

    In fact , the emerging multilateral , multipolar world – long called for by those uncomfortable with American power – shows every sign of being highly dysfunctional .

  13. 当今世界多极化趋势日趋明显,但美国单边主义对多极世界的发展形成挑战。

    In recent years , the trend of multipolarization has become increasingly obvious , while the unilateralism of America has posed a grave challenge to the development of a multipolar world .

  14. 各国议会也必须学会彼此合作,以便让欧洲人相信,在当今多极世界上,即便是最强大的欧洲国家也是矮子。

    The national parliaments , too , have to learn to co-operate with each other to convince Europeans that in our multipolar world , even the greatest European states are dwarfs .

  15. 纾困欧元区将释放巨大的政治善意,进一步推动各国走向一个不再由美国主导的、真正的多极世界。

    Bailing out the eurozone would create immense political goodwill and would drive further down the road towards the kind of world no longer dominated by the US but genuinely multipolar .

  16. 希拉克十分重视能对美国起到牵制作用的“多极世界”的理念,由法国领导的反“伊战”同盟便是它的一个重要体现。

    The concept of a " multipolar " world to counter the United States is dear to Chirac , and he made it come alive with the French-led opposition to the invasion of Iraq .

  17. 伊拉克战争引发了一场后冷战时期重塑世界秩序的大碰撞,它关系到在冷战结束之后的国际社会的走向和建立一个什么样的世界秩序问题:是走向单极世界还是多极世界?

    The Iraqi War leads a big collision of how to remould a world order after the Cold War and it concerns what kind of world order should be established : Unilateralism or multilateralism ?

  18. 融入当今的多极世界中,通过外交途径,从中维护应享有的利益,为建立公正的合理的国际政治经济新秩序而努力奋斗。

    Blend in present multipolar world , from it through diplomatic channel , defend the benefit that should enjoy , for the reasonable international political economy of just establishment new order fight with great efforts .

  19. 当今世界仍是一超多强的世界,未来多极世界将由五大中心和地区性大国及一些重要国际组织构成。

    The present world pattern is still one superpower and many powers , while the future multi pole world will be composed of five power , either central or regional , and some important international organizations .

  20. 从历史的发展趋势来看,西欧作为多极世界的一极,在反对军备竞赛、维护世界和平的事业中将进一步发挥其积极作用。

    Viewed from the trend of historical development , West Europe , as one pole in this multipolar world , will play an even more positive role in opposing the arms race and defending world peace .

  21. 希拉克于上周日在柏林向欧洲告别,并坚持欧洲应在多极世界中扮演重要角色。这个到目前为止尚未解决的问题是希拉克在任期间外交政策的主题。

    Chirac said his goodbye to Europe on Sunday in Berlin , insisting on the need for a strong role for Europe in a " multipolar " world -- an issue that was a mainstay of foreign policy under Chirac but which so far remains unfulfilled .

  22. 坚持独立、不结盟的和平外交政策,冷静、理性地对待和发展中美关系,发展中俄战略协作伙伴关系,推动建立多极世界格局和国际新秩序,将成为21世纪中国外交的战略性抉择。

    The strategic diplomatic choices of Chinese government in the 21 century should be keeping insisting on the policies of peaceful diplomacy with national autonomy and avoiding allies , developing the Sino-US relations with sober mind , improving the Russia-China strategic partnership powers and the new international orders .

  23. 多极的世界与多元的文化

    Multi-polar World and Plural Culture

  24. 美国始终以全球霸权为目标,而欧盟更愿意看到一个多极的世界。

    The goal of the United States has always been a global hegemony , while the Europe Union expects to see a multi-polar world .

  25. 中国和其它国家,例如欧盟或俄罗斯,可能强大到使我们回到一个多极的世界,较为均衡地在几个国家之间分享权力。

    China , along with , say , the EU or Russia , could grow so strong that we go back to a multipolar world in which power is more evenly distributed across several nations .

  26. 21世纪的世界将是多元化和多极的世界,全方位的经济竞争将占主导地位,而科学技术和培养人才在其中将发挥决定性的作用。

    In the 21st century , the world will be multiplied and multi-polar . Omni-directional economic competition will take the leading position , while science & technology and talents training will play a decisive role in the competition .

  27. 中国比较文学是世界比较文学发展的第三阶段,它高举人文精神的旗帜,为实现跨文化沟通,维护多元文化,建设一个多极均衡的世界而努力。

    Chinese comparative literature is the third phase in the development of world comparative literature . It strives to reach the goal of trans-cultural communication , to keep up the status quo of multi-cultures , and to establish a balanced world of multipolarity under the banner of humanism .