
  • 网络developments;new trend;trend
  1. 这些新动向哪一点不好?

    What is not to like about these developments ?

  2. 所有这些新动向都有一个共同点:相关技术最初是在中国流行起来的。

    All of these developments have something in common : The technology was first popularized in China .

  3. 这个展览表明她的创作有几个新动向。

    The exhibition provides evidence of several new directions in her work .

  4. 房地产的这一新动向暗示的什么?为什么这些城市有如此魅力?

    What is underlying this new movement in real estate , and why do these cities have so much appeal ?

  5. 世界CO2埋存技术的最新动向

    Newest Development of CO _ 2 Sequestration in the World

  6. 使用PC的开放式计算机数控系统&CNC的发展新动向

    The Use of Open Personal Computer Contorl System

  7. PLC发展的新动向&IEC1131-3编程标准和开放式结构

    New Trend of PLC Development & IEC 11 3 1 - 3 Programmable Standard and Open Architecture

  8. DSP技术的最新动向

    New Trends of DSP Technologies

  9. BP公司成功地将控油帽防止在漏油钻井上方,这是最新动向。

    Here 's the latest , BP has successfully placed a new containment cap on the gushing well .

  10. 世界PVC产业最新动向

    The latest trend of worldwide PVC industry

  11. 访问IBM的模式解决方案可以找到到IBM关于模式和可重新利用资产所进行的最新动向。

    Visit IBM 's Pattern Solutions and find out what IBM is doing around patterns and reusable assets .

  12. 微型MEMS致冷器的研究新动向

    Recent Research Progresses of Micro-MEMS Cryogenic Refrigeratory

  13. 分析了EU及其成员国的区域政策新动向及其依据;

    Furthermore , the article also analyzes the new dynamic and its foundation of regional polices of EU and its members ;

  14. 在文章的最后,就加入WTO以后外商直接投资的新动向以及对我国产业结构的影响进行了简要的概述和预测;

    Finally , article analysis and forecasts foreign direct investment trends and its impacts of China 's industrial structure after china enters into WTO ;

  15. 传统的黄原二硫化物衍生物调节型CR的性能得到了全面提高,出现了CR同特种橡胶结合的新动向;

    A traditional xanthic disulfide ( XD ) modified CR was improved greatly and a new trend combining CR with speciality elastomer emerged .

  16. 解析美国PSC检查新动向

    The new trend of USCG PSC inspection

  17. 它现在可以将Facebook、推特和LinkedIn与我的联系方式整合在一起,让我更轻松地与其他人保持联系,了解他们的最新动向。

    It currently integrates Facebook , Twitter and LinkedIn with my contact profile , so I can reach out and follow up with folks easier .

  18. 美国法院附设ADR是一种新兴的、在法律阴影下运作的纠纷解决方式,其出现代表了司法制度的新动向。

    Operating in the shade of law , the Court-Annexed ADR in USA is a kind of new rising disputes settlement , and its emergence represents the new trend of judicature .

  19. 全球光通信市场最新动向由于通信、专用仪器、国防、航天和专用数据网络等应用的需求牵引,半导体光放大器(semiconductoropticalamplifier&SOA)市场呈现蓬勃发展的势头,其发展前景引人注目。

    The Latest Progress in Optical Network Market Due to the requirements of the applications in telecommunications , specific equipments , military , space research and private data network , market of Semiconductor Optical Amplifier ( SOA ) will keep highly developing trends , which is very conspicuous .

  20. 从美国财务会计准则委员会(FASB)的最新动向&对美国现行会计准则减负的趋向出发,对美国会计准则超载形成的原因及治理措施进行了分析。

    According to the new tendency of Finance Accounting Standard Board that the USA reduce the Standard-overload , this paper analyses the reasons for the formation of the American Accounting Standard-overload and the ways to deal with it .

  21. 国外测绘机构大地测量的新动向

    Tendency of Geodetic Activities in Foreign Organizations of Surveying and Mapping

  22. 摩托车活塞环耐磨涂层研究新动向

    New Research Trend on the Wear Resistant Coating of Motorcycle Piston

  23. 缩小学校规模:美国教育改革的新动向

    Reducing School Size : the New Trend of American Education Reform

  24. 国外清梳联技术中开清棉流程新动向

    New Trends of Opening and Cleaning Process in Overseas Blowing-carding Technology

  25. 国内外固体废弃物管理的新动向与对策

    New Trends in Home and Abroad Solid Wastes Management and Countermeasures

  26. 美国学前教育改革的新动向&入学准备研究

    Study of Readiness for School in American Current Preschool Education Reform

  27. 迈克尔本人对这种新动向可并不大满意。

    Michael himself had not been too pleased by this development .

  28. 国际法发展新动向及中国的外交实践

    International Law 's New Trend and China 's Diplomatic Practice

  29. 造影剂设计原理的演变与最新动向

    Evolution and current trend of principles of contrast media design

  30. 德国高等专业学院改革新动向

    The New Trend of Reform in Specialized Higher Education Institutions of Germany