
  1. 然后探究了新型农村社区规划的基本原理。

    Then are principles of new rural community planning .

  2. 合作化思想下的新型农村社区规划模式探讨

    Discussion on the planning pattern of new rural community based on cooperative ideas

  3. 随着我国新农村建设进程地日益加快,新型农村社区文化建设的重要性和紧迫性日趋明显。

    As the quickening process of our new rural construction land , the importance and urgency of the new rural community culture construction has become increasingly obvious .

  4. 新型农村社区建设作为统筹城乡经济发展的一项试验,承载着农村制度创新与实惠于民的双重任务。

    Construction of new rural community in urban as a test , bears the weight of rural system innovation and benefit to the people of dual task .

  5. 进入21世纪以来,全面建设小康社会是一切工作的中心内容,也是我国新型农村社区建设的根本要求。

    With the 21st century coming , building a moderately prosperous society is central to all work , but also fundamental requirements of the construction of new rural communities .

  6. 目前,我国新型农村社区建设正方兴未艾,取得了很大成绩,但实事求是地讲,也还存在不少问题。

    At present , the new rural community construction in China has remained is unfolding . Although has made great achievements , in fact , there are still problems remained .

  7. 社会主义新农村和新型农村社区建设是落实科学发展观、统筹城乡发展和全面推进小康社会建设的重要途径。

    The construction of socialist new-rural and new-type rural community is the important way to implement the development of scientific concept , coordinate urban-rural relation and construct the well-off society .

  8. 加快新型农村社区的开发建设,提高农村居民生产和生活方式的转变,切实提高农村居民的生活质量。

    Speeding up the development of new rural communities construction , improve the rural residents production and change the way of life , finally improving the quality of life of rural residents .

  9. 新型农村社区建设是社会主义新农村建设的重要组成支撑,是探索社会主义新农村建设的突破口和切入点。

    The construction of new rural community is an important component of support for building new socialist countryside to explore the breakthrough and the starting point of a new socialist countryside construction .

  10. 这些都要求我们应该基于目前我国国内社区建设的实际情况,深入地研究新型农村社区工作者的现代管理问题,尤其是管理问题中的重点的核心内容,也就是激励问题。

    Requirements should be based on the actual situation of the domestic and in-depth research of new urban and rural community workers modern management mechanism , especially the core content management incentives .

  11. 新型农村社区建设的开展对于节约利用土地资源,为农村农民提供良好的居住环境,实施社区化管理,促进城镇化具有重要的意义。

    The development of new rural community construction has a great significance for economizing the utilization of land resource , providing a good living environment for rural farmers , implementing the community management , promoting urbanization .

  12. 当然,星海新型农村社区规划方案实施过程中可能存在一些问题。主要由两小部分组成,即规划设计方案本身存在缺陷和设计方案执行过程中可能存在风险。

    Certainly there may be two main issues on planning design and implementation of new rural community named Xinghai , namely : the planning has its own shortcomings and the implementation process may be at risk .

  13. 这就需要我们对新型农村社区建设进行理论探索和实践总结,以避免在新型农村社区建设的过程中付出沉重的社会经济代价。

    This needs us to the new rural community construction to carry on the theoretical exploration and practice , in order to avoid in the process of new rural community construction heavy social and economic cost .

  14. 建设新型农村社区对于改善农民人居环境、改进农村生产条件、提高农民生活水平、进一步缩小城乡差距有着重要意义。

    Construction of new-type rural community has important significance to improve farmers ' living environment and rural production conditions , to promote farmers ' living standards , further to narrow the gap between urban and rural areas .

  15. 新型农村社区建设是当前我国农村发展的客观要求,是解决三农问题,统筹城乡发展的必要路径。

    Construction of new rural community is the objective requirement of current our country rural development . It is a way to solve rural problems . Meanwhile , it is also the necessary path of balancing urban and rural development .

  16. 新型农村社区建设是新农村建设的缩影,只有搞好新型农村社区建设,才能为全面建成社会主义新农村提供经验和借鉴。

    The construction of new rural community is a microcosm of the new rural construction , only to do a good job in the construction of new rural communities , in order to provide experience for building a new socialist countryside and learn from .

  17. 最后提出信阳市新型农村社区建设发展的总体思路是要明晰新型农村社区的建设目标,统筹规划新型农村社区布局,明确发展方向,找准改革重点。

    Finally , Xinyang City , the construction of new rural community development of the overall idea is to clear the goal of building new rural community , plan the layout of the new rural community , a clear direction of development , identify the focus of reform .

  18. 第一节分析了非农化村庄作为新型的农村社区所具有的特征。

    Section one shows you the non-agricultural village 's characteristic as new - type rural community .

  19. 当前,我国各地新型城镇化建设如火如荼,城中村改造、合村并城(点)、新型农村社区、城市组团建设等各项工作深入推进。

    At present , the new urbanization construction in all China is in full wing . The urban village reconstruction , mergence of town and village , new rural community and city group construction are deeply promoted .