
xīn wén lián bō
  • CCTV News;News Network;News Feeds;news network show
  1. 许多人通常是边看新闻联播边吃晚饭。

    Many people usually have supper CCTV news .

  2. 灾害报道的变化&《新闻联播》莫拉克台风灾害新闻刍议

    The Change of Disaster Reports : An Analysis of CCTV News Broadcasting 's Relevant Reports on Typhoon " Morakot "

  3. 《新闻联播》自1978年开播以来,一直是央视最重要的一档新闻节目。

    Xinwen Lianbo , or News Simulcast , has been one of CCTV 's most important news programs since it first aired in 1978 .

  4. 在YouTube(视频网站)上,他们还有自己的新闻联播,至今已有36000个观众

    They also have their own news network on YouTube with 36000 viewers at the moment .

  5. 得了吧妈妈别再看新闻联播了

    Okay , mom , stop watching " Dateline . "

  6. 他们在收听北京台的新闻联播。

    They are listening to a news bulletin put out by Radio Beijing .

  7. 让你生气的新闻联播一结束你就上床睡觉了。

    You go to bed right after you get mad at the news .

  8. 从“新闻联播”到“说新闻”&电视新闻形式的可信度研究

    The Analysis of Reliability for TV News Broadcasting Pattern

  9. 论《新闻联播》的公共危机报道(2003-2008)

    The Study on Public Crisis Reports in " Xinwen Lianbo " ( 2003-2008 )

  10. 新闻联播经常从发行物中寻找灵感。

    Items in broadcast news frequently take their cue from reports in the press .

  11. 虽然央视方面否认《新闻联播》正式改版,但承认节目做出了一些调整尝试。

    Although CCTV News denies radical changes , officials admit that adjustments have been made .

  12. 他每天看中央电视台的新闻联播。

    He watches the CCTV news everyday .

  13. 2005年6月7日,中央电视台《新闻联播》节目启用了两位新主持人,一时成为了新闻焦点。

    On June 7,2005 , CCTV launched two new hosts , which instantly became news focus .

  14. 央视《新闻联播》即将改版,而其中的主持人也将面临调整。

    CCTV news broadcast about the revision of the host , which will also face adjustment .

  15. 昨晚,新闻联播破例插播了莫言获奖的公告。

    Yesterday evening , most unusually , state news broadcasts were interrupted for the announcement of the prize .

  16. 像平常一样,他在开始洗漱前,将收音机调至早晨七点的新闻联播。

    Before he started to wash , he turned the radio to " Morning News " as usual .

  17. 从新闻联播换主持人看消息类电视新闻的改革

    Reform of Information-Oriented TV News Programs : An Approach from the Change of Announcers in " CCTV News "

  18. 央视栏目名的用字用语情况考察从中央电视台《新闻联播》看推广普通话

    Investigation of Word Choice of CCTV Feature-Programme Titles A View of the Standard Chinese Popularization from the CCTV News Broadcasting

  19. 两岁时,他就对中央电视台晚七点播出的《新闻联播》表现出了浓厚的兴趣;

    At the age of two , he demonstrated a strong interest in watching China Central Television 's 7 pm news ;

  20. 是不是每个人都会熟悉一个甚至多个像新闻联播一样的人,天天的糊口除了撒谎就是吹牛逼。

    If everyone will be familiar with a even more like the news broadcast , everyday except to lie is boast forces .

  21. 总统明晚将发表重要的电视[广播]讲话。从中央电视台《新闻联播》看推广普通话

    The President will broadcast an important message tomorrow evening . A View of the Standard Chinese Popularization from the CCTV News Broadcasting

  22. 从1980年7月1日,中央电视台的《新闻联播》开始播放天气预报开始,就开启了我国电视气象节目的大门,使气象信息能广泛的服务于社会和人民。

    Since July 1 , 1980 , the " news broadcast " of CCTV had began to broadcast the " weather forecast " .

  23. 深入研究该栏目如何生产和传播国家话语,是理性认识《新闻联播》的核心问题。

    To research how the state discourse is produced and communicated in the news discourse is the central question to realize the program reasoningly .

  24. 河南省郑州市庆阳制药公司要求其员工每天准时收看《新闻联播》,缺席一次将从薪水中扣除100元(合14.5美元)。

    Qingyang Pharmaceutical in Zhengzhou , Henan Province wants their staff to watch the daily news or face a deduction of $ 14.50 from their salary .

  25. 2008年我国南方出现了严重的冰冻灾害,《新闻联播》对其进行了大量报道。

    There was a serious snow disaster in the southern part of China in2008 , about which the " Chinese CCTV news " has covered a lot .

  26. 在新闻联播测试数据中的实验结果表明,该文提出的自动分段和分类算法性能与手工分段分类性能几乎相当。

    The experiments on Xin Wen Lian Bo broadcast news show the performance of automatic segmentation and classification is almost equivalent to that of manual segmentation and classification .

  27. 原来是央视一位粗心的编辑,未来得及对一家地方台传来的错误高考画面进行审看,便编入了当晚央视《新闻联播》。

    It turned out that a careless editor made it up into the CCTV news of that night without timely scrutinizing the incorrect picture transmitted from a local TV station .

  28. 俺就和家里人聚聚,每天看看《新闻联播》。

    I relax at home with my family and watch the CCTV news broadcasting every day ( CCTV is Chinese Central Television , the primary state operated television network ) .

  29. 新闻联播节目主持人王宁下班后骑摩托车回家,车子后面带着他的女友,娇小玲珑的少儿节目主持人刘纯燕。

    Wang-Ning , News network host hastened home by motorcycle after work . , his girlfriend Liu-Chunyan sat behind him on the pillion , who was dainty and cute children program hostess .

  30. 国内某家公司现在要求公司员工每天中午必须观看《新闻联播》重播,缺席一次将面临扣除薪水的命运。

    A company in China is now requiring their employees to tune in to the state-run news broadcast at noon every day or else their salary will get deducted every single time they miss a program .