
  • 网络space concept;idea of space;spatial sense;Spatial;space
  1. 谈地理教学中学生空间观念的培养

    Developing the students ' space concept in teaching geography

  2. 在空间观念上,变封闭的学校学习为开放的社会学习;

    In space concept , closed-school learning has changed into open society learning .

  3. 美国人有空间观念,没有地域观念。

    Americans have a sense of space , not of place .

  4. 纳西族空间观念之色彩表象

    The Representation of Space by Way of Color by Naxi People

  5. 试论电影的深度空间观念

    A discussion on the notion of depth space in film

  6. 中国古代宇宙观中的空间观念刍论

    View of the Universe in Ancient China-the Concept of Space

  7. 培养空间观念与几何直觉;

    To cultivate students ' space conception and geometrical intuition ;

  8. 信息化空间观念与信息化城市的空间发展趋势研究

    The Research of Informational Space Conception and the Development Trend of Informational City

  9. 再次,空间观念是人类思维的逻辑。

    On the other hand , the concepts of space are logic of thoughts .

  10. 试析空间观念与中国古典园林

    Discussion on Space Concept and Chinese Classical Gardens

  11. 电影的深度空间观念形成机制非常复杂,它是人的视觉深度、影像的运动和声音等因素共同作用的结果,并与人的相应心理幻觉和后天观影经验有关。

    The unique depth space of film and its wrought mechanism are very complicated .

  12. 美国人的空间观念很强,而位置观念较弱。

    Americans have a strong sense of space , but vaguer sense of position .

  13. 规划理论和实践中的空间观念辨析

    Views of space in planning theories and Practice

  14. 媒介与图书馆空间观念

    Views of medium and space for libraries

  15. 装饰艺术具有与写实艺术完全不同的空间观念。

    The concept of space in decorative art differs entirely from that in presentive arts .

  16. 中国古代的空间观念

    The concept of space in ancient China

  17. 现代主义绘画的空间观念

    On space view on modern painting

  18. 空间观念是培养学生初步的创新精神和实践能力需要的基本要素;

    Spatial idea is the basic element of training students ' creative spirit and practical ability ;

  19. 城市空间观念的反思

    Rethinking the concept of urban space

  20. 云南省高中地理教学中空间观念教育的调查研究

    Study on the View of Geographical Space Education in the Senior Geography Teaching in Yunnan Province

  21. 依据《课程标准》的要求,培养学生的几何直观和空间观念,是一个重要的目标。

    On the basis of curriculum standards , trainingstudents ' space idea is an important target .

  22. 注重发展学生的空间观念;

    The third , we should pay attention to the development of students ' space idea ;

  23. 小学几何课程如何培养学生的空间观念是备受关注的问题。

    How to develop student 's spatial sense by geometry curriculum is drawing more and more attention .

  24. 在阐述空间观念演进的同时,文章还对不同历史时期典型画家的典型作品进行了比较,并对有代表性的空间表现技巧进行分析。

    Simultaneously the author compares the typical paintings of different historical period and analyzes their representative space depiction techniques .

  25. 既有网络伦理自身的理论根源,也有网络外部的社会根源,比如,人们在网络空间观念上存在误区、网络法律权威的弱化等。

    For example , there exists the human mistaken concept of network space , and the fragility of network law authority .

  26. 在自然、适度的几何应用情境中,加强对学生初期几何意识的培养,完善空间观念的形成和发展。

    We need to strengthen the informal geometry to students innatural 、 appropriateenvironment and improve the development of the space idea .

  27. 时间和空间观念是人类在实践中产生的,并随着实践的发展而不断地深化。

    Time and space conception was born in the practice of mankind , and has been being deepened in the process of practice .

  28. 社会化表皮现象作为一种程式的地域性包含着特定区域人们的空间观念,空间认知模式和空间利用模式。

    As a stylized Regionalism , this phenomenon contains human sense of space , space cognition and usage model in a specific area .

  29. 本文针对地理学科的知识结构特征,从教法上阐述了在地理教学中培养学生空间观念的尝试。

    This paper presents some teaching methods applied to develop the students ' space concept based on the knowledge structure characteristics of geography .

  30. 本文从中国古代人们的空间观念入手,在历史的溯源中分析中国古典园林中的空间观念及其表现手法。

    Starting with the space concept of Chinese ancient people , the assay analyses the space concept and its represent means in the historical background .