
  • 网络spatial sequence;space series;spatial series
  1. 制定详细的技术手段,对重庆市15年间的土地利用及其动态变化在时间序列和空间序列上加以分析,阐明这种变化的外在表象,即耕地、林地的减少和城镇用地的增加;

    The elaborate technical routine is established to study the Chongqing 's land use and its dynamic changes over last fifteen years on temporal and spatial series .

  2. 常规的脱氮除磷工艺是在空间序列或者时间序列上创造厌氧、缺氧及好氧环境,从而完成硝化和反硝化及磷的好氧过量吸收,达到生物脱氮除磷的目的。

    Usually the process of nitrogen removal is to create anaerobic , anoxic and aerobic surrounding in time spatial series in which nitration denitrification and aerobic excess absorption are accomplished so biological denitrification and dephosphorization are achieved .

  3. 基于Sobolev空间序列特征值问题的自然图像小尺度模式分析

    Modeling Small-scale Patterns in Natural Images by Sequential Eigenvalue Problems in Sobolev Spaces

  4. 基本原理是将被测物体投影在线阵CCD上,通过分析和比较CCD视频输出信号,将CCD像元的空间序列转换成电压的时间序列。

    The main is projecting the object on linear CCD and transforming the spacial series of CCD pixels into the time series of corresponding voltages by analyzing and comparing the output signals of CCD video .

  5. 针对甲醇烃动态过程反应参数优化问题,提出了一种基于混合自动微分技术和改进简约空间序列二次规划(rSQP)算法相结合的求解方法。

    To optimize the reaction parameters in the dynamical process of methanol-to-hydrocarbons , a method based on reduced sequential quadratic programming ( rSQP ) and hybrid automatic differentiation technology was presented .

  6. 考虑乙烯生产过程中实时操作优化特点,在建立精馏塔严格机理开放式方程优化模型的基础上,提出了基于简约空间序列二次规划(RSQP)算法的精馏塔智能操作优化方法。

    Based on the strictly mathematical and open formed mechanistic model of distillation column , an intelligent operation optimization method based on reduced SQP ( sequential quadratic programming ) algorithm used to optimize the debutanization in ethylene process was presented .

  7. 明确的空间序列及室内空间的均质性等。

    Definite spatial order , the equal-quality of interior space , etc.

  8. 通过视觉感受组织校园空间序列的规划设计实例

    The Organization of Sequence Spaces of Campus via the Visual Experience

  9. 山区农业气候区划中年平均气温空间序列的正态性研究

    Normality of Annual Mean Temperature in Climate Regionalization in Mountainous Regions

  10. 建筑空间序列与音乐曲式相关性

    Exploration of Relationship between Architectural Space Sequence and Musical Forms

  11. 塑造北中轴路新的空间序列&北京国际展览体育中心规划设计应征方案2

    Scheme 2 of Planning Design of Beijing International Exhibition and Sports Centre

  12. 应用一维空间序列方法研究空间分布型与时空相关

    Characterizing population spatial patterns and spatiotemporal correlation using one dimensional series models

  13. 土壤水分、盐分空间序列初步研究

    The Preliminary Research on Spatial Variability of Soil Water and Salt Contents

  14. 步行商业街的空间序列及界面的研究

    Study on space alignments and interfaces of pedestrian malls

  15. 对相干信号源测向的空间序列相关技术

    The spatial sequence correlation technique for direction & finding of coherent signal source

  16. 地震信号空间序列分形特征的研究

    The Study of the Fractal Characteristics of the Space-Series of Seismic Prospecting Signal

  17. 空间序列评价中运用模糊数学模型进行评价。

    Space carry out valuation by blurred mathematic model .

  18. 空间序列组织具有多空间、多视点、连续性等变化;

    Sequenced space have a lot of space , seeing , and continued change .

  19. 风景建筑空间序列浅谈

    Elementary introduction to space sequence of scenic buildings

  20. 基于简约空间序列二次规划算法和混合求导方法的精馏塔操作优化

    Operation optimization of distillation column based on reduced SQP algorithm and hybrid derivative method

  21. 建筑空间序列的艺术布局

    Artistic layout of sequence of architectural space

  22. 关于引入空间序列概念的思考

    Thinking about introducing space sequence concept

  23. 室内陈设可以组织室内空间序列,烘托室内环境氛围,塑造空间艺术品位。

    Interior furnishings can organize interior space , foil interior environment atmosphere and create space art taste .

  24. 空间序列基本模式研究

    Study of Space Sequence Antetype

  25. 基于分形理论的地震信号空间序列分析

    Study on the application of fractal theory to the analysis of the space-series of seismic prospecting signal

  26. 建筑的外部空间序列

    Exterior spatial sequence of architecture

  27. 高校大门是高校空间序列的动身点,也是城市景观的主要组成部门。

    University front door is the university space sequence beginning , also is the city landscape important constituent .

  28. 目的在于引发读者评判概念提出的意义或者对空间序列的概念进行进一步的研究。

    So as to arouse the judgment for the meaning to introduce space sequence concept , or further research .

  29. 相似性度量方法则采用上文提出的基于信息检索模型的空间序列模型算法。

    Space vector model base on information retrieval model similarity measurement put across in the above parts is adopted .

  30. 并且当人们在体验建筑时,总是通过特定的时空转换完成一定的空间序列。

    And the experience of architecture by people and the sequence of space always accomplish through the transform of given space time .