
  1. 基于AutoCAD中实现空间基础数据符号化

    The symbolization of spatial topographic data based on AutoCAD

  2. 城市空间基础数据生产是城市GIS实用化的支柱,也是发展城市地理信息产业和建设数字城市或数字地球的重要内容。

    Urban spatial data production is the practical pillar of urban GIS , also is the key issue of developing urban geoinformation industry and building digital city or digital earth .

  3. 空间基础数据入库方法的探讨

    A Discussion about Ways of Data Loader of Spatial Fundamental Data

  4. 数字厦门空间基础数据体系研究

    Study on the Foundational Spatial Data System for Xiamen Municipality

  5. 面向变比例尺的空间基础数据结构模型研究

    A Study of Varioscale-oriented Spatial Fundamental Data Structure Model

  6. 城市空间基础数据生产的几个问题初探

    On the Urban Spatial Fundamental Data Production

  7. 分析了数字城市空间基础数据建设中一些需要注意和解决的问题,初步讨论了解决方案。

    This paper deals with what problems should be taken into account when producing urban spatial fundamental data , and the related technical processes and methods are also discussed .

  8. 介绍了“数字武汉”空间基础数据集成建库工程的建设目标、总体规划、数据处理与集成建库、系统开发和应用情况,并对数据处理和集成建库所涉及的关键技术进行了论述。

    This paper introduces the objective , framework , data processing and integration , system development and application of fundamental geo-spatial database of digital Wuhan , analyzes the key technology about the data processing and integration .

  9. 基于GIS的空间基础地理数据在地图编制中的应用

    Application of Spatial Basic Geographical Data Based on GIS in Mapping

  10. 数字地下空间基础平台数据组织方式研究及应用

    Research on Data Organization of Integrated Platform for Digital Underground Space

  11. 为满足中央和地方各级政府管理部门对空间基础地理数据的需求,1:5万空间信息数据库的建立势在必行。

    It is imperative to establish 1:50000 spatial database in order to meet the need of spatial base geography data in the government administration departments .

  12. 三是论述了数字宝山空间信息基础数据平台建设的组织与实施,包括平台建设的组织保证、基于软件工程的项目实施管理以及运行维护管理等。

    To discuss the management and implementation of the project , including the organizational guarantee , project implementing management and the maintenance management based on software , engineering project management and so on .

  13. 同时,随着数字上海空间信息基础数据平台的建设及各行业地理信息系统建设的逐步深入,信息资源的整合与有效利用已成为上海市地理信息系统建设和发展的重要内容。

    Meanwhile , with the construction of " digital Shanghai " spatial information platform and the penetration of GIS into every walk of life , the integration and utilization of information resources have become an important portion of the construction and development of geographic information systems in Shanghai .

  14. 而DEM作为数字化的地形图,蕴含着大量丰富的地貌特征信息,是定量描述地貌结构及空间变化的基础数据。

    DEM is a digitized map that contains plentiful information about geomorphology , so it is the basis to analysis geomorphological structure .

  15. 数字高程模型(DEM)蕴含着大量的、各种各样的地形结构和特征信息,是定量描述地貌结构、水文过程、生物分布等空间变化的基础数据,是地形信息获取的数据源。

    As a Digital relief map , Digital elevation model ( DEM ), which contains various information of terrain structure and character , is the foundation data for quantitatively describing many spatial variations such as landform structure , hydrologic process and biological distribution et al .

  16. 海量多源、多维、异构数据对数字地下空间基础平台的数据组织提出了挑战。

    Data from different sources with different structure put forward great challenges for data organization of digital underground space integrated platform .

  17. 后者中,基于地块的多尺度无缝不规则网格是整合城市社会经济数据的关键,也是当前城市空间数据基础设施框架数据体系建设中的薄弱环节。

    And the construction of unified multi-scale irregular and seamless grids based on land is the key to integrate urban social and economic data , and should be attached more importance on .

  18. 根据空间数据基础框架的理论及建立的依据,确定流域空间框架基础数据,以DOQ为本底数据利用屏幕数字化技术交互式提取主要矢量线型要素,建立流域空间数据基础框架;

    On grounds of theory and construction foundation of spatial data framework , watershed spatial frame basic data was confirmed . Watershed spatial basic framework was erected , DOQ being taken as foundation data , utilizing screen digitalization technique to distill main vector lineal element .

  19. 城市空间基础设施的建设是“数字城市”建设的重要组成部分,空间基础数据在“数字城市”的建设中发挥越来越重要的作用。

    The construction of urban spatial information infrastructure is the main part of the development of digital city ; the fundamental spatial information data plays a very important role in the construction of digital city .

  20. 空间基础地理信息是城市信息基础设施建设的重要组成部分,中小城市地理信息系统建设的核心是空间基础数据。

    Basic geographic information is the important component of city spatial data infrastructure . The core of establishment of middle and small Urban Geography Information System ( UGIS ) is geo-spatial data .