
  • 网络unified storage
  1. 在介绍了存储网络的体系结构,IP互连技术的基础上,对构建统一存储网的关键问题存储虚拟化技术作了深入讨论。

    Through introducing the architecture of storage-network and storage over IP technology , we introduce the detail of storage virtualization technology which is the key technology of building Unified Storage Network .

  2. 随着网络上的数据呈爆炸性的增长,融合NAS和SAN技术的USN(统一存储网)正成为新的研究热点。

    With the increasing explosively of data in internet , Unified Storage Network ( USN ) merging NAS and SAN , have become the new focus .

  3. 针对应用程序中不同用例的调用跟踪文件(calltracefiles)会统一存储在中央数据库中。

    Call trace files for different use cases of the application will be stored in a central database .

  4. XML基于半结构化数据模型,而半结构化数据很难统一存储和管理。

    XML is based on semistructured data model , but the semistructured data is hard to store and manage .

  5. 一种统一存储网的Cache方案

    A cache scheme of united storage network

  6. 该模型通过负载平衡算法将各个Web信息存储节点的磁盘空间组织成一个统一存储池,利用目录管理服务器来对存储池进行分配和管理。

    The module consolidates disk space of individual storage node into a single storage spool and implements automatic distribution and management through the catalog management servers .

  7. 结果PACS系统实现了统一存储和资源共享。

    Results PACS can store all kinds of patient imaging data and share the resources .

  8. 统一存储网融合了NAS和SAN的优点,但对小写数据其I/O性能不高。

    United storage network integrates some advantages of NAS and SAN , but it also brings low performance to little data block .

  9. 由于移动设备跨平台使用的特点,文件存取采用XML格式,所有笔迹信息统一存储在同一个结构已预定义的XML文件中。

    For crossing platform , this system uses XML format to access files which have uniform file structure , in that , all of handwriting 's information are stored in a pre-defining XML file .

  10. USN(统一存储网)为用户同时提供FileI/O和BlockI/O服务,实现了NAS和SAN的统一。

    United storage network , which provides users with both File I / O and Block I / O , realizes the uniting of NAS and SAN .

  11. C、C++和Fortran等基于单指令流和统一存储结构的传统编程模型已经无法适应多核处理器结构。

    Traditional programming model like C , C + + and Fortran are poorly suited to multi-core architectures because of the assumed single instruction stream execution model and centralized memory structure .

  12. 基于单一存储类型的JMS架构缺乏升缩性,对不同应用创建的消息统一存储,会带来性能和安全上的缺陷。

    The JMS architecture that is based on a single storage type lacks scalability . Using the same way to store messages that created by different applications could influence the JMS server 's security and performance .

  13. 结果传统的胶片存储模式在影像和管理与存储上存在种种弊端,PACS系统实现了统一存储和资源共享。

    Results Traditional film storage pattern is a variety of corrupts practice in administration and storage of patient image files . PACS 's implementation can store all kinds of patient image data , and share the resources .

  14. 测试表明,在相同的网络环境下对同等大小的数据进行传输,采用统一存储网数据迁移系统的数据传输速度比采用samba技术的数据传输速度快20%。

    Tests proved that moving the same amount of data under the same environment , the speed of adopting this data mover system is 20 ? % faster than that of adopting samba technology .

  15. 模型还实现了对捕获的网络数据进行协议分析,得到数据的有效载荷,将处理后得到的攻击数据样本统一存储在MySQL中,利于对数据的分析。

    Model also achieved protocol analysis of the captured network data , got the data payload , and then the attack data samples after being treated uniformly stored in MySQL , it is beneficial for data analysis .

  16. 针对存储和处理B2C电子商务系统中各种不同数据结构数据的问题,提出了可变实体存储处理模型,实现了各种不同数据结构数据的统一存储和处理,在数据库一层实现了通用性。

    Introduce a changeable entity storing and processing model to solve the problem of storing and processing the varied data structure in B2C e-business system . It unifies the storing and processing of varied data structure and achieves the general feature on database level .

  17. 统一存储网(USN)利用TCP/IP协议,将NAS和IP-SAN整合成单一的存储空间,同时为用户提供文件I/O和数据块I/O2种服务。

    Using TCP / IP protocol , united storage network integrates NAS and IP-SAN into a single storage space , and provides users with file I / O and block I / O at the same time .

  18. 它利用集群网络方式,实现了数据/元数据统一存储与查询式数据访问机制.该引擎可对基于AgMES的、用HTML、XML、RDF、RSS等不同格式标记的农业元数据信息进行搜索。

    It introduces the uniform storage of data and meta-data as well as query-locating mechanism to adapt storage hierarchies to structured data . The engine can precisely search agricultural information which described with AgMES in different file formats such as HTML , XML , RDF and RSS .

  19. 统一存储网数据迁移系统的设计与实现

    Design of unified storage network date mover system and its implementation

  20. 基于统一存储网的多媒体存储系统性能的研究

    Performance Evaluation of Multimedia Storage Based on Unified Storage Network

  21. 制造业的数据复杂多样,并且异种数据库数据格式不同,通过制定通用的文件模板,实现了异种数据库数据的统一存储与转换;

    Data file template is implemented to store and transform data of heterogeneous database systems .

  22. 统一存储网中的虚拟存储技术研究

    Storage Virtualization in USN

  23. 基于物理统一存储大规模数字导航地图道路网拓扑自动生成算法

    Algorithm for automatically creating topological information for road networks in large scale digital maps based on physical-integral storage strategy

  24. 提出了一种将关联、分类和时序三种数据挖掘结果模式进行统一存储及统一操作的方法。

    A unified storage and manipulation for three mining patterns is realized , which including association rule , classify and sequential pattern .

  25. 该系统不仅解决了文档统一存储的问题,并且实现了知识的录入、采集、分类、检索和展示。

    The system not only solved the problem of document unified storage and the entry of knowledge acquisition , classification , retrieval and display .

  26. 本文所提出的信息集成平台能够实现研制过程中信息的统一存储与管理,并按照研制流程实现信息统一浏览与交互;

    The platform implements the unified storage and management in developing procedure , which can browse and exchange the information according to the workflow of developing .

  27. 存储区域网络作为主流网络存储结构,它很好的满足了数据统一存储、数据共享、远程数据容灾等的需要。

    Storage Area Network , as the major architecture of network storage , meets the requirement of data storage , data share , and remote data recovery , etc.

  28. 数据网格是海量数据分布式管理和分析的基础设施,它实现了分布、异构空间数据的统一存储、管理、访问和传输。

    Data Grid is the distributed management of large-scale data and the infrastructure analysis ; it has implemented uniform storage , management , access and transmission of distributed , heterogeneous data .

  29. 通过对一般网络备份系统的结构进行分析以及网络备份中使用的关键技术进行深入的研究,实现基于统一存储网的Sever-less备份系统架构和实现方案。

    Through analyzing the principle and structure of common network backup model , some critical techniques of network backup are thoroughly discussed such as LAN-free Backup , Server-free Backup , Snapshot , Mirror .

  30. 该架构支持流媒体数据编解码压缩,可以按帧存储寻址,有利于在海量存储介质中实现快速定位和分析结果统一存储。

    This framework supports the compression of encoding and decoding of streaming media data . It can store and address by frames and can realize the quick positioning and unified storage of analysis results in the mass storage medium . 2 .