
tǒnɡ jì huì zǒnɡ
  • statistical summary
  1. 水利移民实物指标数据是水利移民工作的数据基础和事实依据,其数据量大、种类繁杂,前期需对数据统计汇总分析,后期也有管理需求。

    The water conservancy immigration physical indicator data is the basis of data and factual of the work of water conservancy immigrants , it has the large amount of data , complex types , the needs of statistical summary analysis primevally and management in the later period .

  2. 系统构建了以microsoftSQLserver2000为平台的宏观金融数据仓库,不仅能对业务数据进行查询等事务型处理操作和简单的统计汇总,而且还能对各种数据进行复杂分析;

    The finance data warehouse based on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 , not merely operate transaction process such as data inquire , and can carry on complicated analysis to various data ;

  3. 每一个拦截器都作为一个插件,实现Interceptor接口就可以插入到拦截器链中,从而实现数据转换,日志记录,统计汇总等功能。

    Each interceptor is a plug-in and can plug into the chain as long as it implements the interceptor interface . We can implement data transform , log and statistic in the interceptor .

  4. 灵活应用百事一日通软件(MCMIS)的字段更名、查改增删、统计汇总、报表生成、汉字替换和综缩微扩展等10个智能器,可实现医疗设备信息的全方位管理。

    Flexible use of the intelligent functions of MCMIS including changing , word segment , checking , changing , adding , deleting , statistic gathering , table formation , Chinese character replacement and micrographic expansion may provide all-round information management for medical equipment .

  5. 如何做好新形势下种子行业财务统计汇总工作

    How to do Seed Industry 's Financial Statistics Collection well in the new Situation

  6. 给出了质量管理文档的数据库设计方案;介绍了质量信息的组合模糊查询条件与统计汇总功能的实现。

    Introduces the conditions of combination and fuzzy query and Statistic collection of quality information .

  7. 选取了全国365个城市作为研究对象,进行城市需水、供水和缺水分析,并按照六大分区统计汇总。

    The paper chooses 365 cities to study the current situation of water demand , water supply and water shortage .

  8. 对订单及出货明细进行月度、季度、年度的统计汇总,得出相关指标供公司高层参阅。

    Make statistics of the order monthly , quarterly and annually , from which some indexes come out for senior supervisor 's concern .

  9. 同时在油液监测技术分析过程中,常常需要对各类数据进行分析计算,统计汇总,绘制趋势图及打印报表,而这些重复性的事务工作占用了油液监测操作人员的大量时间。

    It is necessary to analyse and calculate for different data , but in the analysis process of oil monitoring data technicians spend considerable time doing repetitive job .

  10. 摘要一般认为,社会经济总体现象中的极端情况都是极少数,而且“两极”的情况会由于统计汇总而相互抵消。

    It is generally believed that the extreme things in the macro social phenomenon are very few , and the " two extremes " can counteract with each other in statistic summary .

  11. 系统功能模块分为:用户管理模块、基金管理模块、信息查询模块、定点医保单位模块、数据管理模块、统计汇总模块、打印帮助模块等。

    The function modules contains : user management module , fund management module , information query module , fixed medical care units module , data management module , summing up module , printing and help module .

  12. 本文对镜铁矿内控制标准样品从样品的选取、样品的加工、样品的均匀性检验、样品的定值分析及定值分析数据的统计汇总等研制过程进行了一一的阐述。

    This text described with details of all R & D processes of internal control standard samples in Specularite , from sample selection and process , equilibrium test to sample value analysis and its data statistics summary etc.

  13. 本系统集数据采集、数据实时分析、状态监控、统计汇总、生成质检报表于一体,为核燃料元件制造提供了一套数据采集→数据分析→监控→报表的质量管理平台。

    Fabrication of Spherical Fuel Element for 10 MW High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor This system is integrated with the data gathering and real-time analysis , the status monitoring , the statistical summing-up and the generating of quality control .

  14. 为了方便工作人员对大量的拆迁地块信息、大量的安置房源信息的完成查找、统计汇总、住房安置等工作。

    In order to facilitate the relocation of staff to the large number of land information , a lot of the completion of the placement availability of information search , summary of statistics , housing placement and so on .

  15. 基于关键字的自动化引擎能够独立的完成测试环境的构建,测试用例的运行,测试结果的统计汇总,测试报告的生成等测试工作,大大简化了测试人员的手工作业难度。

    With no human intervention , Keyword-based automation engine is able to complete the construction of the test environment , run the test case , summary test results , generate test reports , which greatly simplifies the testing personnel manual work difficult .

  16. 具体设计了注册登录模块、资产管理模块、部门管理模块、低值易耗品管理模块、统计汇总模块以及系统管理模块,还对系统数据库进行了详细设计。

    This paper provides a detailed design of log-in and register model , asset management model , department management model , cheap and consumable goods management model , accounting model and system management model as well as a detailed design of system database . 3 .

  17. 此外,在对大、小鼠分型统计汇总中发现,转基因小鼠螺杆菌感染率极高,接近100%,可能是因为正常基因序列被破坏而易感。

    Finally , the large-scale investigation of different strains of rats and mice indicated that helicobacter infection rate of transgenic mice is very high , close to100 % , maybe due to ineffective immunity and susceptibility to infection resulted from the normal gene sequence destroy .

  18. 本设计针对工厂电气图的实际需求而立题,解决了在电气工程中数据查询、统计和汇总的实际需求,是对产品数据管理(PDM)系统的重要补充。

    The design stand by the fact of the electric drawing to settle down the need of data inquiring , count and sum in factory . It is an important supply the product data management ( PDM ) .

  19. 还会显示事务统计数据汇总。

    Along with this , transaction statistics summary is also displayed .

  20. 要想显示所有工作负载分区自引导以来的统计数据汇总,输入

    To display a summary of the statistics for all of the workload partitions after boot , type

  21. 方法收集、审核、统计和汇总全省各市(州)、县(市、区)的季度报表及督导检查的有关资料并进行分析。

    Methods The date of tuberculosis ( TB ) quarterly and monthly reports from every city and county and other relevant information from monitoring reports were collected and analyzed .

  22. 车务部门的技术管理工作经常面对大量技术资料的查询、统计和汇总,因此也产生了很多重复工作,造成人力的浪费、降低了工作效率。

    Technology management dealers in Operation Depot are often faced with cumbersome jobs of inquiries , statistics and summary of numerous technical data , therefore resulting in duplicate work , human waste , and efficiency reducing .

  23. 对五山-2000A型橡胶履带自走式谷物联合收割机,在本区域的使用中所出现的故障进行了统计和汇总,对故障的原因进行了初步分析,并得出了相关的结论和建议。

    This article adds up all the breakdowns that have appeared in using Wu San & 2000 A type rubber track combine harvesters in the native area , analyses the general causes of them and has drawn some relative conclusions and suggestions .

  24. 介绍了专家综合评判法的基本步骤,首先给出整修项目的评价指标及指标权重,进而确定等级矩阵,而后制定专家咨询表,并进行评价、统计、汇总、计算,对项目进行排序。

    The following is the basic procedure of the Expert Evaluation Method : First , to list the evaluation index and index weight and then define class metrix and finally work out expert consultance form with evaluation , statistics , itemization , calculation and order arranging .

  25. 在系统运行过程中,系统随时存储我们增加和修改的信息,以便使用者查看、统计、汇总。最后,对系统实现的环境进行了分析说明。

    In system circulate process , the system saves at any time we increase with the information of the modification , for the purpose of user look into , statistics , gather . Finally , the environment that realizes proceeded the analysis elucidation to the system .

  26. 方法对铜陵市1997~2003年疟疾防治监测报表等资料用流行病学统计方法进行汇总、核实、统计分析。

    Methods Surveillance data of malaria from 1997 to 2003 were analyzed .

  27. 通过该评教系统对要评教的数据进行统计分析并汇总,可以及时反馈教学方面的不足,促进教育教学的改革与进步。

    Through the teaching evaluation system to statistical analysis and summarize the teaching evaluation data , can be timely feedback the shortage of teaching , promote the reform and development of education and teaching .

  28. 描述性分析:对专家库系统中专家信息进行在线查询、统计,应用Excel汇总统计,采用SPSS12.0对数据进行描述统计分析。

    Description analysis : online searching of experts ' information in experts ' database , statistic by Excel and description analysis by SPSS 12.0 .

  29. 基于ExcelVBA的动态数据透视表技术可满足日常会计工作需求,从而弥补了第三方医院财务软件统计、分析、汇总等功能之不足。

    Excel VBA based dynamic PivotTable technology could meet the needs of daily accountancy and supplement the lack of the function of statistics , analysis and summary in third party hospital financial software .

  30. 该系统具有代码可维护、资源统计报表的分类汇总条件可选择、报表统计的约束条件可修改、报表格式可变化的特点。

    The system has the characteristics of database code maintenance , the classification condition choice of forest resources statistics , the modification of stipulation condition for statistics forms as well as the revisable statistics formats .