
  • 网络statistical bulletin;Statistical Communique
  1. 据中国海洋经济统计公报显示,海洋旅游业在海洋产业中的比重由1996年的14.7%增长到2008年的28.08%,成为海洋产业最重要的产业之一。

    According to the Statistical Communique of Chinese Marine Economy , marine tourism income in the marine industry increased from 14.7 % in 1996 to 28.08 % in 2008 , becoming one of the most important marine industries .

  2. 人力资源和社会保障部近日发布的一份统计公报首次披露了我国公务员总数:截至2015年底,我国共有公务员716.7万人。

    China had 7.167m civil servants at the end of 2015 , according to a statistical communique issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security ( MHRSS ) . It is the first time that the MHRSS publishes the number of civil servants in China .

  3. 根据国家卫健委发布的统计公报,2019年我国居民人均预期寿命达到77.3岁,比2015年提高0.96岁。

    Average life expectancy reached 77.3 years in China in 2019 . That was up 0.96 years from 2015 .

  4. 2003年六大林业重点工程统计公报

    Government Bulletin to the Sis Major Projects of Forestry in 2003

  5. 1996年铁路运输生产建设统计公报

    Statistics of Railway Transportation , Production and Construction in 1996

  6. 2000年国家铁路统计公报

    Bulletin of Statistics for the Chinese Railways in 2000

  7. 2005年林业重点工程统计公报

    2005 Statistical Communique of Forestry Key Engineering Project

  8. 中国2002年国民经济和社会发展统计公报(节录)

    The Statistics Communique on National Economy and Social Development of China 2002 ( Extract )

  9. 1994年中国民航发展统计公报

    1994 Statistic Report on China Airline

  10. 工程产品、包括与自动化有关的设备世界贸易统计公报;

    Bulletin of statistics on world trade in engineering products , including equipment related to automation ;

  11. 参见《中华人民共和国1998年国民经济和社会发展统计公报》,外文出版社1999年版。

    See the 1998 Statistics Bulletin of the National Economic and Social Development of the People 's Republic of China , Foreign Languages Press , 1999 .

  12. 重庆市2008年统计公报显示,享有城镇最低生活保障的人口占了城镇人口的8.7%。

    2008 statistical bulletin of Chongqing Municipality shows that , in 2008 , Enjoy the urban minimum living of the population accounted for 8.7 % of the urban population .

  13. 根据2008年国民经济和社会发展统计公报,截止2007年底,全国乡村人口数为72135万人。据此,乡村人均耕地仅为2.53亩。

    According to the 2008 national economic and social development statistical communique , the rural population was 72 135 million and rural per capita farmland is 2.53 mu by the end of 2007 .

  14. 据《2008年上海市国民经济和社会发展统计公报》,至2008年末,上海市共有普通高等学校61所,独立学院5所,在校学生数50.29万人。

    According to " Shanghai 2008 National Economic and Social Development Statistical Bulletin ", there are 61 colleges and universities and 5 Independent Colleges in Shanghai by the end of 2008 , and the number of college students were up to 502,900 .

  15. 根据《二00六年全国教育事业发展统计公报》显示,2006年高等教育总规模超过2500万人,高等教育毛入学率已达到22%,进入国际公认的大众化发展阶段。

    National Education Development statistical bulletin ( 2006 ) shows that the total scale of higher education was more than 25 million . Higher education gross enrollment rate had reached 22 % in 2006 , and China had access to the internationally recognized popular stage of development .

  16. 民航局发布的《2015年民航行业发展统计公报》显示,去年,全国客运航空公司共执行航班337.3万班次,航班正点率仅为68%左右,这意味着有近1/3的国内航班遭遇延误。

    Only about 68 percent of the 3.37 million flights by domestic carriers in 2015 were on time , meaning nearly one-third of Chinese flights were late last year , according to the 2015 Annual Report on Civil Aviation Industry Development released by the Civil Aviation Administration .

  17. 基于概率统计的地震事件公报评估算法

    Seismic event bulletin evaluation based on probability analysis

  18. 统计及经济资料公报

    Statistical and Economic Information Bulletin

  19. 在资料来源方面,主要是南通市的统计年鉴、统计公报和部门的调查数据,以体现南通市工业的最新状态。

    In source of the materials , it is mainly the census data of statistical yearbook , statistical communique and department of Nantong .

  20. 根据中国国家统计局的统计公报,该国2005年度的研发投资为300亿美元。

    According to China 's National Bureau of Statistics , the country 's R & D spending in2005 was about US $ 30 billion .

  21. 北京市统计局2001年国民经济和社会发展统计公报

    Statistical Communique on the 2001 national economic and social development of the city of Beijing

  22. 根据国家统计局官方网站上公布的国民经济和社会发展统计公报数据,2009年全国房地产开发投资36232亿元,住宅用房屋施工面积250804万平方米。

    According to the statistical data on national economy and social development , published by the National Bureau of Statistics , investment in real estate is up to 3623.2 billion yuan in 2009 , of which the total floor space under construction is 2508.04 million squre meters .