
  1. 刘琨被祖逖的爱国热情深深感动,决心献身于祖国。

    Deeply moved by Zu Ti 's patriotic7 passion , Liu Kun was determined8 to devote himself to his homeland .

  2. 祖逖和刘琨一谈起国家局势,总是慷慨万分,常常聊到深夜。

    Zu Ti and Liu Kun often talked about the country 's situation till late into the night , and each time they talking very excitedly again .

  3. 祖逖北伐及其失败原因浅析

    Zu Ti 's Northern March and the Reasons of the Failure

  4. 从这一角度看祖逖北伐亦有其消极意义。

    The northern invading leaded by Zu Ti showed its negative meaning from the view .

  5. 晋代有一个人叫祖逖,他是个有远大抱负的人。过去无数先烈的远大抱负,要我们这一代去实现。

    In the Jin Dynasty ( 265-420 ), there was a man called Zu Ti . He was a farsighted man with great ambitions . It falls to our generation to fulfill the great aspirations cherished by countless martyrs in the past .

  6. 公元311年,大将祖逖出兵收复河北,但后因受到朝廷的排斥忧郁而死,最终未能完成统一大业。

    In 311 Zu Ti , a southern gentry-official , once led an expeditionary force to the north and regained the Yellow River valley for a short time . However , Zu Ti died from too much upsetting for being not trusted by the court and left the cause of recovering the north unfinished .