
  • 网络Auspicious symbol
祥符 [xiáng fú]
  • [the title of the Emperor Song Zhenzong's reign] 大中祥符的简称,宋真宗年号,公元1008至1016年

  • 祥符中,因造玉清宫。-- 宋. 沈括《梦溪笔谈》

  1. 祥符水厂脱水污泥实现泵&管道输送

    Pipeline Delivery of Dewatered Sludge in Xiangfu Waterworks

  2. 真宗前期,朝廷开始命司农寺专管;大中祥符年间改由三司提领。

    Shinshu early , the court began life Secretary for Agriculture Temple specifically to deal with ; Dazhong Xiangfu replaced by the Third Division to withdraw .