
gǎn xiù bìng
  • stem rust
秆锈病[gǎn xiù bìng]
  1. 小麦秆锈病侵染机率的叶部试验研究

    Leaf Experiment Study of Infection Probability for Wheat Stem Rust

  2. 北方麦区120个小麦品种抗秆锈病基因的推导

    Postulation of Resistance Genes to Stem Rust in 120 Wheat Cultivars in North China

  3. 这种称作Ug99的新型秆锈病已经越过红海,从埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚和乌干达传到了也门。

    Known as Ug99 , this new form of stem rust has spread from Ethiopia , Kenya and Uganda over the Red Sea to Yemen .

  4. 该项目会涉及对这两个中心提供的几千种小麦样本进行筛选,选出有用的特性&该特性能够抵抗一种新的小麦秆锈病Ug99。

    The project will involve screening several thousand wheat samples , provided by both centres , for useful traits & particularly against a new strain of stem wheat rust , Ug99 .

  5. 小麦秆锈病是由一种寄生真菌形成的,它会对作物造成伤害。

    Stem rust is caused by a parasitic fungus and devastates crops .

  6. 浙江竹秆锈病的观察研究

    Study on bamboo - culm rust in Zhejiang Province

  7. 竹秆锈病防治试验及其推广应用

    Bamboo Culm Rust Control Trial and Its Popularizing Application

  8. 大多数小麦品种都可以感染秆锈病。

    Most wheat crops are susceptible to stem rust .

  9. 94个小麦重要抗源品种抗秆锈病基因的推导

    Postulation of Resistant Genes to Stem Rust in 94 Cultivars of Wheat Important Resistant Resources

  10. 例如生活在禾草上,引起麦类秆锈病的禾柄锈菌,必须在在小蘖属植物上越冬。

    An example is Puccinia graminis , the stem rust of cereals and grasses , which overwinters on the barberry .

  11. 在秆锈病的流行过程中,每周在小麦田中进行观测,得到如下结果。

    Weekly observation in a wheat field might give the following observations on stem rust during the course of an epidemic .

  12. 小麦秆锈病流行的简要模拟模型研究(Ⅰ)一日传染率、潜育期和显症率子模型的建立

    A Simple Simulation Model for Epidemic of Wheat Stem Rust (ⅰ)── Establishment of Submodels on the Daily Multiplication Factor and the Probability of Apparition

  13. 我国的小麦秆锈病菌对这80个抗源品种表现无毒力或毒性频率很低,这些抗源品种是我国小麦抗秆锈病育种的有效抗源。

    Sp. tritici in China were unvirulence or had quite low virulence frequency to the 80 cultivars . They are effectively resistant resources for wheat breeding .
