- teliospore;teleutospore;teleutogonidium

On the teliospore germination of Puccinia graminis var. tritici
Studies on the germination of teliospore of Maize Head Smut pathogen
The spores spending 5-6 months of rest period , revived in water culture for more than 48 h.
The results showed that teliospores of TCK could germinate at-2 ~ 12 ℃, and the optimum temperature for teliospore germination was5 ℃ .
Large numbers will germinate after continous 5 days of 10-12h light illumination per day , or after 6 - 7 days , in darkness for first 3 - 4 days then under light illumination 10 - 12h per day for later 3 days .
Scratch the telia as well as the healthy tissue around .
The heating went on later this winter than last . telial stage
The inoculation test indicates that winter-born spores-sporidium do not infect culms and shoots .
They produce the characteristic brandspores .
Telia are dark brown or black , and shine from the intact host epidermal covering .
The greater the temperature difference between day and night was , the more the teliosorus formed .
Scanning electron microscope showed that pathogens of Jujube rust included the stages of urediniospore and teliospore .
, is microcyclic , uredospore and teliospore hosts are involved in 13 families and 57 genera of monocotyledon and dicotyledon .
The chlamydospores of rice kernel smut lost germinating power , when they were stored under indoor dry condition for three years .
Rusts having sessile one-celled teliospores in a single layer . All stainless steel body ball valves come with stainless steel handles .
The alternate host of the disease has not been found , and the role of telia in disease cycle was dubious .
Germination characteristics of teliospores of same isolates at different temperatures and different isolates at the same temperature were both great different .
Winter disablement body on spores in winter , the following spring met appropriate conditions , produced infection sunflower seedlings , upon which spores .
And after about 29 to 35 days of growth , urediospore formed around the small black blister , namely of the teliospore , broken germs spread out rusty teliospore .
This study suggests that in the host surface teliospore may also produce a short germ tube , continue to produce dual-core mycelium which germinated to form urediniospores , then urediniospores germinate and infect host plants repeatedly .
Through the experiments of pathogen identification , low altitude spore capturing , summer spore survival experiment , and winter spore inducing experiment , it was indicated that the corn rust ( south type ) in Hebei province was caused by foreign pathogen .
It was showed that the germination rates of teliospores on coleoptiles of susceptible maize materials ( 13 . 23 % ~ 18 . 81 % ) were higher than on coleoptiles of resistant maize materials ( 6.6 % ~ 7 . 10 % ) .
A septum was formed in the middle of each teliospore to separate the teliospore into two parts , the upper-part was golden yellow with protoplast which would developed into a basidium and then to be basidiospores . while the bottom was transparent like a stipe .