
dōng bāo zǐ
  • teliospore;teleutospore;teleutogonidium
冬孢子[dōng bāo zǐ]
  1. 小麦秆锈病菌(Pucciniagraminisvar.Tritici)冬孢子萌发的研究

    On the teliospore germination of Puccinia graminis var. tritici

  2. 玉米丝黑穗病菌冬孢子萌发条件的研究

    Studies on the germination of teliospore of Maize Head Smut pathogen

  3. 度过5~6个月休眠期的冬孢子,必须浸水48h以上才开始复苏;

    The spores spending 5-6 months of rest period , revived in water culture for more than 48 h.

  4. 温度对小麦矮腥黑穗病菌冬孢子萌发影响的试验结果表明,TCK冬孢子在-2~12℃范围内都可以萌发,5℃为最佳萌发温度。

    The results showed that teliospores of TCK could germinate at-2 ~ 12 ℃, and the optimum temperature for teliospore germination was5 ℃ .

  5. 每天光照1012h,5天后冬孢子大量萌发,先连续黑暗水培34天,再间歇光照3天,也可大量萌发。

    Large numbers will germinate after continous 5 days of 10-12h light illumination per day , or after 6 - 7 days , in darkness for first 3 - 4 days then under light illumination 10 - 12h per day for later 3 days .

  6. 用刀刮除冬孢子堆及其周围健组织法:此法简便易行。

    Scratch the telia as well as the healthy tissue around .

  7. 今冬供暖比去冬晚。冬孢子阶段,冬孢子堆

    The heating went on later this winter than last . telial stage

  8. 经接种试验证明,病菌的冬孢子一担孢子不侵染竹秆和竹笋。

    The inoculation test indicates that winter-born spores-sporidium do not infect culms and shoots .

  9. 它们产生特有的冬孢子。

    They produce the characteristic brandspores .

  10. 冬孢子堆呈暗褐色或黑色,覆盖在完整的寄生表皮下显得发亮。

    Telia are dark brown or black , and shine from the intact host epidermal covering .

  11. 昼夜温差大,形成冬孢子堆数量多。

    The greater the temperature difference between day and night was , the more the teliosorus formed .

  12. 扫描电镜观察发现枣锈病病原菌包括夏孢子和冬孢子阶段。

    Scanning electron microscope showed that pathogens of Jujube rust included the stages of urediniospore and teliospore .

  13. 外,其余均为长循环型生活史,夏孢子、冬孢子寄主涉及到单子叶和双子叶植物的13个科,57个属。

    , is microcyclic , uredospore and teliospore hosts are involved in 13 families and 57 genera of monocotyledon and dicotyledon .

  14. 稻粒黑粉病菌冬孢子,在室内干燥条件下贮存3年左右即丧失活力。

    The chlamydospores of rice kernel smut lost germinating power , when they were stored under indoor dry condition for three years .

  15. 长有无柄的单胞的冬孢子且形成一层的锈菌的一属。所有不锈钢阀体球阀都配置不锈钢手柄。

    Rusts having sessile one-celled teliospores in a single layer . All stainless steel body ball valves come with stainless steel handles .

  16. 研究中未发现病菌的转主寄主,且冬孢子作用不明;

    The alternate host of the disease has not been found , and the role of telia in disease cycle was dubious .

  17. 同一分离菌冬孢子在不同温度处理的萌发特性和萌发率有差异;不同分离菌冬孢子在相同温度下的萌发特性和萌发率有很大差异。

    Germination characteristics of teliospores of same isolates at different temperatures and different isolates at the same temperature were both great different .

  18. 冬孢子在病残体上越冬,第二年春天遇到适宜的条件,产生担孢子,侵染向日葵幼苗。

    Winter disablement body on spores in winter , the following spring met appropriate conditions , produced infection sunflower seedlings , upon which spores .

  19. 又经过约29&35天生长发育,夏孢子堆周围形成大量黑色小疱,即病菌的冬孢子,破碎散出铁锈色冬孢子。

    And after about 29 to 35 days of growth , urediospore formed around the small black blister , namely of the teliospore , broken germs spread out rusty teliospore .

  20. 本研究认为锈菌冬孢子可能也会在寄主表面萌发产生一个生长的短芽管,继续萌发产生双核菌丝体形成夏孢子,夏孢子萌发继续反复侵染寄主植物。

    This study suggests that in the host surface teliospore may also produce a short germ tube , continue to produce dual-core mycelium which germinated to form urediniospores , then urediniospores germinate and infect host plants repeatedly .

  21. 病原菌鉴定、低空孢子捕捉、夏孢子存活时间、冬孢子诱导等一系列试验表明,河北省玉米南方型锈病是由外来菌源传播引起的。

    Through the experiments of pathogen identification , low altitude spore capturing , summer spore survival experiment , and winter spore inducing experiment , it was indicated that the corn rust ( south type ) in Hebei province was caused by foreign pathogen .

  22. 结果表明:冬孢子在感病的玉米材料胚芽鞘上的萌发率(13.23%~18.81%)显著高于在抗病的玉米材料胚芽鞘上的萌发率(6.60%~7.10%);

    It was showed that the germination rates of teliospores on coleoptiles of susceptible maize materials ( 13 . 23 % ~ 18 . 81 % ) were higher than on coleoptiles of resistant maize materials ( 6.6 % ~ 7 . 10 % ) .

  23. 成熟的冬孢子萌发时,冬孢子继续伸长,中间形成一个隔,将冬孢子分成两部分,上部分含原生质,呈金黄色,下部形成透明的柄状结构;上部分发育形成为担子。

    A septum was formed in the middle of each teliospore to separate the teliospore into two parts , the upper-part was golden yellow with protoplast which would developed into a basidium and then to be basidiospores . while the bottom was transparent like a stipe .