
  • 网络Winterreise;Die Winterreise;Schubert Winterreise;Winterborne
  1. 通过对《冬之旅》钢琴伴奏艺术的研究,也为笔者今后研习舒伯特其他音乐作品奠定了良好的基础。

    By studying the art of piano accompaniment in Winterreise will lay a good foundation in studying other works of Shubert in the future .

  2. 文章以舒伯特的声乐套曲《冬之旅》为研究对象,探究其钢琴声部艺术特色以及在演奏方面的处理手法。

    The writer chose Schubert 's Liedercyclus Winterreise as an example , to research the musical character of piano part and the way of performance the piano part in vocal music .

  3. 舒伯特创作的声乐套曲《冬之旅》取材深刻,结构紧密,把作曲家天才的灵感和成熟的技巧与作曲家特有的创作心理高度地融合在了一起。

    Winterreise , one of his vocal cycles , drew from profound sources and was of a close-knit structure , which integrated the genius and mature skills of the composer and his peculiar composition psychology .

  4. 在研究过程中,主要从《冬之旅》的作品解读、钢琴声部特点、演奏处理及钢琴伴奏与演唱者的合作四个方面进行详细、系统的分析与总结。

    In the process of study , the author detailed and systematic analyzes the art work Winterreise from the interpretation of the work , characteristic of piano part , playing processing and cooperation of piano accompaniment and singer .