
  1. 我们发现这些修饰中有许多不只是在巴洛克时期音乐中运用过,就是在经典的和浪漫派音乐中也有。

    We find many of these embellishments not only in Baroque but also in Classical and Romantic music .

  2. 从新文化运动到1978年改革开放,我国民乐界努力按照欧洲古典派和浪漫派音乐中融合统一的音色观念,发展大型的民族管弦乐。

    From New Culture Movement to open policy implemented in the year of 1978 , large-scale Orchestra has developed under the influence of the sense of tone color of fusion and unity in European classical music and romantic music .

  3. 浪漫派钢琴音乐中的民族魂

    National Spirit in Piano Music of the Romantics

  4. 其中精灵音调的引用,丰富了19世纪浪漫派的音乐宝库。

    Reference tone wizard which enriched the treasure house of 19th century Romantic music .

  5. 他在浪漫派这一主调音乐盛行的时期,特例独行地沉浸于复调音乐创作天地。

    He preferred counterpoint music writing that being very special in the period of Romantic , which homophony been dominated .