
lànɡ màn pài
  • the Romantics;romanticist
  1. 他喜爱所有浪漫派乐曲,尤其倾心于拉赫曼尼诺夫的作品。

    He is fond of all the romantics and especially devoted to Rachmaninoff .

  2. 浪漫派钢琴音乐中的民族魂

    National Spirit in Piano Music of the Romantics

  3. 他纯属浪漫派。

    He was romantic with a capital R.

  4. 不管你从诗人那里听到关于我的什么情况,我实际上不是十足的浪漫派。

    Whatever you may have heard about me from poets , I am really not a very romantic character .

  5. 这位浪漫派诗人在英国上议院(HouseofLords)只发表过一次演讲,就是为内德•卢德(NedLudd)的追随者辩护。十九世纪初,卢德派分子在英国各地打砸纺织机,因为他们担心机器会让工人失业。

    The Romantic poet 's only speech in the House of Lords defended the followers of Ned Ludd , who were smashing the mechanical looms in England during the early 1800s because they feared the machines would put people out of work .

  6. 深受中国人喜爱的是英国浪漫派诗人。

    Greatly loved in China , are the English romantic poets .

  7. 浪漫派爱情小说是时代的产物。

    The romantic love fiction is the outcome of the times .

  8. 从浪漫派到艾略特:西方文论的世纪性转换

    From Romanticism to Eliot : Cross-century Transformation of Western Literature Theory

  9. 因此让我们把浪漫派作家带进这场谈话中。

    So let 's bring a romance novelist into this conversation .

  10. 陈亮与浪漫派历史哲学之比较

    A Comparison of the Philosophy of History between Chen Liang and Romanism

  11. 人性升华:中国现代浪漫派爱情小说

    Contemporary Chinese Romantic Love Fictions : Distillation of Human Nature

  12. 第二个比喻代表当前盛行的浪漫派关于诗的见解。

    The second typifies the prevailing Romantic conception of the poetic mind .

  13. 绝望的浪漫派这下可以欢呼雀跃了——科学貌似站在了你们这边。

    Cheer up hopeless romantics - science appears to be on your side .

  14. 德国早期浪漫派的美学原则

    The Esthetical Principles of the Early Romanticism in Germany

  15. 中国现代后期浪漫派小说的叙事特征

    The Narrative Character of Late Modern Chinese Romantic Novels

  16. 其中精灵音调的引用,丰富了19世纪浪漫派的音乐宝库。

    Reference tone wizard which enriched the treasure house of 19th century Romantic music .

  17. 他是创造社的创始人之一,推进了浪漫派的写作方式。

    He co-founded the Creation Society , which promoted a romantic style of writing .

  18. 英国浪漫派诗人的民族情结

    Nationalistic Emotions in Romantic Poets of England

  19. 浪漫派诗歌关乎图征,还是象征&华兹华斯与柯尔律治的诗学思想比较

    Romantic poetry concerns emblem or symbol & Comparison of poetics thinking between Wordsworth and Coleridge

  20. 她给了我一堆混乱至极的文件;他是个无可救药的浪漫派。

    She handed me a hopeless jumble of papers ; he is a hopeless romantic .

  21. 艾辛多夫是19世纪德国浪漫派作家。

    Eichendorff was a German romantic poet of the late 18th and early 19th centuries .

  22. 德国浪漫派的神学倾向

    The theological trend of germany romanist

  23. 德国浪漫派是18世纪德国文学艺术和美学的重要流派。

    German Romanticism was an important genre of German literature and esthetics in the 18th century .

  24. 他是一位真正的浪漫派艺术家。

    He was a true Romantic .

  25. 一位世界著名的浪漫派钢琴家&忆我的恩师康斯坦丝·金

    A World-famous Romantic Pianist

  26. 我们发现这些修饰中有许多不只是在巴洛克时期音乐中运用过,就是在经典的和浪漫派音乐中也有。

    We find many of these embellishments not only in Baroque but also in Classical and Romantic music .

  27. 在批评观上则受到浪漫派批评家弗·施莱格尔、诺瓦利斯、荷尔德林、歌德等的影响。

    His criticism theory was affected by the romantic critics such as F Schlege , Holderlin , Goethe etc.

  28. 诺瓦利斯不仅是德国浪漫派先锋,更是一位具有强烈政治理想的诗人。

    Novalis is more a poet with intense political ideal than just a pioneer of the German Romanticism .

  29. 他们排演了19世纪浪漫派作曲家柏辽兹著名的弥撒曲。

    Together , they all performed the monumental " Requiem " by 19th century Romantic composer Hector Berlioz .

  30. 德国浪漫派诗歌具有显著的神学倾向,其深刻的社会背景给资本主义新的文明带来新的束缚。

    Germany romance poems , which had characteristic theological trend , was the result of the new capitalistic chain .