
  • 网络Romantic legend;Romancing Saga
  1. 这是一个庆贺历史革新以及浪漫传说的时刻。

    This is a time to celebrate both revolution and romance .

  2. 这是大部分人庆祝牛郎织女的浪漫传说的西方全国日常表达。

    This is the day when human celebrate the romantic legend of the cowITd and the weaver girl .

  3. 这是人们庆祝牛郎织女的浪漫传说的日子。

    This is the day when people celebrate the romantic legend of the cowherd and the weaver girl .

  4. 曾有个浪漫传说:在北极生活的人,说出的话凝结成冰,只有把它带回家,放在火炉上慢慢烤,才能听的真切,贴耳。

    Had a romantic legend : people living in the Arctic , say , if ice crystals , and only brought it home , slowly roasted on the stove in order to hear clear , ear .

  5. 民间有一个浪漫的传说,是说牛郎和织女将在这一天相会。

    There is a romantic folk tale for that day about the meeting of Niulang and Zhinu .

  6. 在这些浪漫而古老的传说之中,隐藏的是人与自然的息息相通、中国式的生活艺术、中国哲学的独特意蕴。

    In these romantic and ancient legend , there hides the communion between man and nature , the living art of Chinese , and the unique meaning of Chinese philosophy .