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bǐng chéng
  • take;in accordance with;receive;obedience to;receive orders
秉承 [bǐng chéng]
  • (1) [receive orders] 按[命令或指示] 办事或处理问题

  • 秉承其主子的旨意

  • (2) 亦称禀承

秉承[bǐng chéng]
  1. 公司秉承“价值源于品质、发展惟有创新”的生产经营理念。

    We take " value stems from quality , development only depends on creation " as the management tenet .

  2. 我们将秉承“关注顾客,追求卓越”的一贯宗旨,与广大用户携手迈进中国自动化领域的新天地。

    We take the tenet'concern to the client , seek on the excellence'and keeps developing with all our buyers together .

  3. 他秉承自己一贯的激进风格,制作出了本年度美国最有感染力的影片之一。

    He has made one of the most powerful American films of the year by keeping faith with his radical principles .

  4. 而不是说“这是科学,那是历史”,我看到有的学校秉承这一项目学习理念并在考虑:他们如何支持孩子们向更高水平的学习进阶呢?

    Rather than saying , ‘ This is science , over here is history , ' I see schools taking this idea of projects and looking at : How do they support children in higher level learning ?

  5. Chris解释到,在星际争霸II的开发过程中,他们一直秉承四项基本原则。

    Chris explained that four basic principles have been taken into account during the development of StarCraft II .

  6. 我们坚信董事会会秉承对股东负责的原则,与Sun公司进行谈判,达成协议,从而为股东谋取最大利益。

    We strongly believe that the Board must negotiate in good faith with Sun in order to strike the best possible transaction for all shareholders .

  7. 社会化标注秉承了web2.0所提出的用户自由性和主动性的特征。

    Social tagging proposed by adhering to the characteristics of freedom and initiative about users ' behaviors .

  8. MVC和持久化对象框架克服了WEB开发中这些缺点,JSP秉承了Java语言的优势,可移植性很高。

    MVC and the lasting object frame can overcome these difficulties in the WEB development . JSP receives the Java language 's superiority , Its probability is very high .

  9. 它秉承了SIP协议的特点,借鉴现有的技术特点,加以融合,而不是创造新的交互协议。

    It takes the traits of SIP , makes use of existing technologies , and integrates them , rather than creates a new interactive protocol .

  10. Brother公司一直非常注重产品研发与革新,秉承“Atyourside”理念,为世界各行业用户提供优质的解决方案与优良的服务,产品深受世界各地的消费者喜爱,已经成为标签打印机主导品牌。

    Brother Corporation has been placing great emphasis on product development and innovation , and adhering to the concept of " At your side " to provide the high-quality products and services for the global users in various industries .

  11. 然而,为了秉承CreativeCommons的可扩展精神,将来可能会有其他的禁例,这是因为被许可的作品的本质和它们的用途都在改变。

    However , keeping with the extensible spirit of Creative Commons , there may be other prohibitions in the future , as the nature of licensed works and how they may be used changes .

  12. HB银行在一百多年的发展中屹立不倒,重要的因素是一向秉承“为客户提供卓越快速的服务”的宗旨。

    HB BANK going through more than a century with excellent tracks , one reason is " the fast and excellent service " that it always promised to its customers .

  13. 韩国秉承贸易立国的经济发展政策,把FTA谈判作为其发展对外贸易的重要策略。

    South Korea adhered to the policy of economic development as a trade nation and regarded the FTA negotiations as an important strategy for the development of foreign trade .

  14. 对客户秉承紫色承诺的美国快递公司联邦快递(FedEx)周二宣布,希望与总部位于荷兰的橙色精灵TNT快递(TNTExpress)合并。

    FedEx , the US delivery company with a purple promise to customers , announced on Tuesday that it would like to blend with the orange spirit of Netherlands-based TNT Express .

  15. Flash是一款优秀的矢量绘图与动画制作软件,它秉承了矢量绘图软件的所有优点,能够制作出声色俱佳、互动性高的动画效果。

    Flash is an excellent vector plot and animation system . It is a system which has received all the virtues of vector plot software that can be used to make good animation effects of nice audio and convenient interaction .

  16. 好的产品来自好的设计理念,AOK公司严格地秉承这一宗旨。

    Good product comes from marvelous design conception , AOK company keeps this tenet .

  17. 华为IPCC解决方案秉承“打造卓越的联络中心”的核心理念,提供定制化服务、一体化方案和电信级设备。

    Huawei IPCC solution adhering to the " excellence to create a focal point " of the core idea of providing customized services , integration and carrier-class equipment .

  18. 云南中青旅一贯秉承“诚信服务”的经营理念,以“4P旅游新理念”为企业发展的行为准则。

    CYTS Tours in Yunnan consistently uphold the " integrity services " business philosophy ," 4 P Tourism New Concept " for the development of standards of conduct .

  19. IMPS集团在一份声明中说,皮尤去世后,他的家人和合作方秉承了他“幽默与勇于创造”的精神,继续他的事业。

    Since then , his family and collaborators have continued his work " in the same spirit of humour and creativity ," IMPS said in a statement .

  20. Youngblood案中的判决,控方可以毁灭证据,只要他们秉承善意。

    Youngblood , the prosecution may consume the evidence in the testing process , as long as they act in good faith .

  21. 还有在CIAO营运的过程中,我们秉承CSQH管理的四大标准,来确保我们的工作永远在一个一流的水准之上。

    In CIAO process of operation , we inherited four standards of CSQH management to ensure our work in a top-class standard .

  22. 公司秉承“团队、创新、超越”的企业理念,不断挑战自我,相信在不久的将来,亚宁盟德(ELE)将以更加光彩夺目的形象出现在国际竞争的大舞台。

    The philosophy of ELE is " Team , Innovation , and Surmounting " . We believe ELE will show on the international competition stage with a more glorious image in near future .

  23. BSTCC秉承“客观、公正、严谨、高效”的咨询原则,愿为您提供专业的咨询服务!

    BSTCC will adhere to the FORE principals of " Fair , Objective , Rigorous and Efficient ", to provide you the professional consulting services !

  24. CLAFRSL秉承“全心全意”的服务理念,贯彻“以顾客为关注焦点“的原则,系统化的建立了售前、售中、售后全过程服务体系。

    CLAFRSL adhering to the " hear " of the service concept , the " Customer focus " principle , the establishment of a systematic pre-sale , sale in the whole process of after-sale service system .

  25. 上海化学工业区(SCIP)秉承绿色经济循环经济的理念,在大力发展经济的同时,也致力于环境保护工作,而位于化工园区内占地22公顷的人工湿则是这一工作的重要体现。

    Shanghai Chemical Industry Park ( SCIP ) adhering to the concept of " green economy " and " circular economy " . It committed to environmental protection , while developing the economy vigorously , and 22 hectares of constructed wetlands in SCIP is an important manifestation of this work .

  26. 款型及设计秉承欧式简约设计风格。

    Model and design adhering to the European contracted design style .

  27. 但同时也秉承了贫穷父母的理财方式和思维观念-

    but with a poor person 's financial programming and mind-set .

  28. 我们的核心业务就是提供可持续基础设施的解决方案,而可持续性也是西门子长期发展中所秉承的一贯准则。

    We are in the business of providing sustainable infrastructure solutions .

  29. 大学自诞生之际开始,就秉承了人类超越的天性。

    University follows the transcendence of human nature since its birth .

  30. 本公司坚定秉承海内外IT业界的创业精神,创造面向世界的中国造品牌。

    We aim to provide world wide brand of made-in-China ITS products .
