
  1. 意象天然带有文学性气质,它必然是一种智性的运思、感的节制。

    Image is with an inbred nature of literature , which intends to reflect the wise thoughts and restraint of feelings .

  2. 马克思列宁主义的消失给俄罗斯留下了自我认同的真空吗?作为一种智性激发,它怎么会消失得那么迅速呢?

    Has the disappearance of Marxist-Leninism left a vacuum in russia 's self-identity ? How could it have disappeared so quickly as an intellectual inspiration ?

  3. 如果说高盛集团带着一股充满铜臭的嚣张气焰,麦肯锡公司则让人感到一种智识的傲慢&后者引发粗俗反应的能力跟前者不分伯仲。

    If Goldman reeks of moneyed arrogance , McKinsey reeks of intellectual arrogance & the latter capable of producing just as visceral a response as the former .

  4. 知是为了获取一种智的生命智慧,为了培养一种仁智双修的理想人格。

    The knowing of The Chinese Classics is for obtaining a life wisdom named a kind of " intelligence ", for cultivating a kind of an ideal personality concerning " goodness and wisdom " .

  5. 介绍一种集智控制与通信于一体的智能化岗位巡检管理系统,该系统由现场标识器、数据采集器、岗位显示通信器、就位器、遥控器、联机系统与智能巡检管理软件六大部分组成。

    A kind of intelligent post patrol system formed by intelligent control and communication is introduced . It is composed of spot marker , data collector , data collector , post indicator , position apparatus , tele-control instrument , and on-line system management software .

  6. 该文给出了一种基于多智体技术的智能信息推拉交通事故处理辅助决策方案,阐述了各Agent的基本功能和系统的工作过程。

    In the paper , the IIPP scheme of the assistant decision support system for traffic accident disposing based on the Multi-Agent Technology is given , base functions and work process of agent are described .

  7. 那是一种衰而不败的从容,一种哀而不伤的平和,一种智而不言的哲学。

    It was a failure and unbeaten calm , a calm and sad but not wounded , a statement of philosophy rather than intellectual .