
kē jì qínɡ bào
  • scientific and technological information
  1. 基于TRSAPI科技情报管理系统

    A Scientific and Technological Information Management System Based on TRS API

  2. 浅议高等学校的科技情报工作

    Touch on Scientific and Technological Information Work in Higher Education Institutions

  3. 地市科技情报机构的SWOT分析及发展战略

    SWOT Analysis on Local Sci-tech Information Institutes and the Development Strategies

  4. 开展竞争性科技情报(CTI)工作迎接全球性竞争的挑战

    Develop competitive technology intalligence ( CTI ) work , meet the global challenges of competition

  5. 本文介绍作者在IBM&PC机上用非过程性语言Prolog实现的一个科技情报检索系统。

    In this note , the anthor introduced a information management system implemented with non-process programming language Prolog for micro - computer IBM-PC / XT .

  6. 以某科技情报知识仓库为例介绍了如何应用TPI系统建设特色型的数字图书馆,为图书馆及科技情报界建设具有单位特色的数字图书馆提供了参考。

    The paper introduces the method of how to apply TPI system to construct characteristic digital library through the example of certain technological intelligence knowledge bank , thus provides some references to library and technological intelligence circles on how to construct self - characteristic digital bank .

  7. 论现代图书馆及其科技情报服务工作

    On the modern library and information services of science and technology

  8. 中国科技情报系统投资结构评价

    The Evaluation of Investment Structure of ST Information System in China

  9. 科技情报管理体制的调整与改革

    Adjustment and Reform on the Managing System of S. & T.Intelligence

  10. 国际农业科学技术情报系统英国联帮农业科技情报研究所

    International Information System for the Agricultural Science and Technology , AGRIS

  11. 网络环境下科技情报人员的继续教育问题

    Continuing education questions of technology intelligence personnel under the network environment

  12. 增长、发展与现代国防科技情报服务保障体系的建设

    Growth & Development of Modern Defense STI Service Guarantee System Construction

  13. 科技情报刊物编辑出版工作探讨

    A Discussion on Editing Publishing the Information Journal of Science Technology

  14. 科技情报信息出版物有效性评价指标分析

    Analysis on Effective Evaluation Index of Science and Technology Information Publications

  15. 科技情报成果分类及评价研究

    Study on Classification and Evaluation of S & T Information Achievements

  16. 试论用户对农业科技情报的需求

    On requirements for agricultural scientific and technological information by the users

  17. 以情报手段现代化促进企业科技情报工作向前发展

    Promote Scientific-and-Technical Information Work of an Enterprise by modernizing Information Means

  18. 科技情报对农业生产结构调整的作用

    The Role of Scientific and Technological Information on Restructuring Agricultural Production

  19. 阐述了航空科技情报的检索方法与检索途径;

    Retrieval methods and strategies of aero scientific information are expounded .

  20. 对科技情报部门引入竞争情报的思考

    Ponderation on Competitive Intelligence introduced by scientific & technical information departments

  21. 国防科技情报网站工作关系研究

    Research on Work Relations of Defense S & T Information Net work

  22. 科技情报商品及影响其使用价值的因素

    S & T Information Commodity and the Factors Affecting Its Use Value

  23. 知识经济环境下科技情报工作探讨

    Study on Science Technology Information Working under Knowledge Economy Environment

  24. 对新时期地震科技情报工作的一点思考

    Thinking for seismological information work in new period an earthquake

  25. 试论国防科技情报学的学科建设

    On Disciplinary Construction of Defense S & T Information Science

  26. 地质科技情报工作的三十年

    30 years ' scientific and technological information work of Geology

  27. 对提升基层科技情报单位情报能力的思索

    Study on the Improvement of Intelligence Capability of Basic Sci-tech Intelligence Unit

  28. 浅谈新疆科技情报业面临的困惑与出路农业科技情报研究所

    Talking about the Perplexity and Outlet Faced by Xinjiang Sci-tech Information Industry

  29. 面向市场面向经济搞好纺织科技情报工作

    Textile Information Work Must Cater to the Market & Economy

  30. 也论科技情报期刊分类体系

    On the Classification System of S & T Information Periodicals