
  • 网络Information Island;island of information
  1. 基于工作流引擎开放源码Shark信息孤岛的WebServices整合

    Web Services Combination of Information Island Based on Open Workflow Engine Shark

  2. 不过,目前的OA系统在信息化建设过程中普遍存在着信息孤岛、整合复杂、扩展性差、复用性低等问题。

    But present OA systems in the informationization construction process universally exist isolated information island , complex integration , bad extension , low reuse and so on .

  3. 但是传统的GIS应用系统,由于不能进行交互,被认为是信息孤岛。

    But traditional GIS systems are thought as " Information Islands " .

  4. 企业应用集成(EnterpriseApplicationIntegration,简称EAI)是为了解决信息孤岛问题而提出的。

    Enterprise Application Integration ( EAI ) is proposed to solve the problem of isolated information .

  5. 而SOA架构可以有效地把这些信息孤岛连在一起,从而把系统都整合起来。

    SOA infrastructure can connect the systems and integrated them .

  6. 从而在Internet环境下,消除巨大的信息孤岛,实现信息共享、达到信息一致性的要求越来越迫切。

    So , it is more prominent to cancel the large information isolated island . Realize the data sharing and consistent under internet .

  7. CAD、CAM、CAPP等技术广泛应用于企业的同时,也带来了信息孤岛的问题。

    But there is a problem of the island of information with the application of CAD , CAM and CAPP etc.

  8. SOA可以解决信息孤岛问题,并能提供随需应变的服务。

    We can use SOA to solve the " information isolated island " problem , and also provide on demand services .

  9. 使用SOA来进行企业信息化,可以避免信息孤岛问题,使企业能够快速灵活的应对市场的变化。

    Using SOA for enterprise informationization , can avoid information-island problem , so that enterprises can respond to market changes fast and flexibly .

  10. 信息孤岛问题及PLM解决方案

    Research on The PLM Solution of " Islands of Information "

  11. 考虑到国内的行业现状,存在着很多的信息孤岛,这与开放与合作的呼声恰恰背道而驰。究其根本,就在于GIS互操作的问题。

    Regarding to the actuality of our GIS industry , there are many " information islands " which are opposite to the appeal of open and cooperation .

  12. 它在多个信息孤岛(即域)中使用UAV和支配集的DS节点共同完成通信。

    It uses an UAV and DS nodes together to complete communication in many islands of information that is area .

  13. 面向服务体系构架SOA作为整合已有不同系统的一种构架被提出来,主要是解决企业中信息孤岛问题。

    Service-Oriented Architecture as architecture has been proposed to integrate the different systems which had been existed , it mainly to resolve the business problems of separating information .

  14. 基于SOA思想,采用WebServices技术设计和实现了实时协作系统服务接口,实现了与OA系统和远程教育平台的异构集成,从而消除了信息孤岛,使得实时协作系统能够发挥更大作用。

    SOA-based thinking and using Web Services technology to design and realize the real-time collaboration system interface , and realize the heterogeneous integrate with the OA system and long distance education platform .

  15. 这些都阻碍了内窥镜影像的数据共享和利用医院HIS、PACS等进行辅助诊断的可能,现有的内窥镜工作站处于一个信息孤岛的状态中。

    All described above encumbrance the share of endoscope image data and the possibility of using HIS , PACS to assist diagnosis .

  16. PDM技术作为一个平台,将CAD、CAE、CAPP等CAX子系统进行集成,使之不再成为一个个信息孤岛。

    PDM , as an integrating platform , makes CAD , CAPP , CAM and other CAX systems not be isolated with each other any more .

  17. 空间数据所特有的空间分布性,也使不同地区和不同行业的空间数据管理和GIS应用系统相互独立并形成异构格局,由此造成了空间信息孤岛。

    The specific spatial distribution of the spatial data makes the spatial data management and GIS application system independent and form a heterogeneous pattern in different regions and different sectors , resulting the global spatial information island .

  18. 主要是基于如下两个事实:第一,可扩展标记语言(EXtensibleMarkupLanguage,XML)被越来越多地用作电子商务、电子政务中数据交换的标准格式,从根本上解决信息孤岛问题;

    There are two reasons for this . One is that eXtensible Markup Language ( XML ) is adopted by more and more applications of E-commerce and E-government as the standard format of exchanging data .

  19. 针对复杂产品开发过程中各部门间的信息孤岛问题,建立了一种BOM多视图转换的形式化模型。

    In order to solve the problem of information islands in the process of complex product development , a formal model of BOM multi-view transformation is established .

  20. 在分析企业的自动化孤岛和信息孤岛的基础上,引出了MES的需求必要性。

    On the basis of analysis of isolated island of automation and isolated island of information in enterprises , the necessity of the demand to MES is introduced .

  21. Perl和其他喜欢搞信息孤岛的语言不同,几乎Perl需要用到的所有东西都能在这个中心找到。

    Unlike other languages , which tend to form small islands of information , almost anything you could need for Perl can be found in one centralized place .

  22. 企业应用集成EAI是解决信息孤岛问题的重要途径,而基于消息的中间件技术在其中起着重要的作用。

    EAI is one important way to solve the problem of " isolated information island " well in which the middleware technique based on information plays a major role .

  23. 介绍面向服务的架构(SOA)的基本原理、技术特征和应用优势,针对目前电力营销信息化存在数据孤岛和信息孤岛的现状,提出电力营销SOA解决方案和实施原则。

    The paper introduces the principle , technology character and application superiority of SOA . It brings out the solving program and implementing principle about the marketing SOA in light of data island and information island in present power marketing .

  24. 本论文则以实现企业中新、旧系统的有效集成为主要目的,提出基于WebServices和J2EE的企业应用系统集成框架来解决企业信息孤岛中的系统调用问题。

    To realize the efficient integration for new and old system in enterprise is the purpose of this paper , and provides a enterprise application integration framework based on Web Services and J2EE in order to solve the information " isolate island " problem efficiently .

  25. 针对我国电子政务项目建设中普遍存在的信息孤岛与重复建设问题,提出了将EAI体系结构引入到电子政务建设中的新思路。

    Due to the problems of Information Island and Repeated Construction in E-Government projects . This paper advances a new way to apply the EAI system in the construction of E-Government .

  26. 物料清单(BOM)作为PDM和ERP系统的核心基础数据,是对企业大量产品数据进行有效管理和解决企业信息孤岛问题的关键。

    As a core data base in the PDM and ERP systems , Bill of Materials ( BOM ) is used to efficiently manage the huge product data and to tackle so-called Information Island problems as well .

  27. PDM系统作为各个信息孤岛的桥梁将CAD/CAPP以及ERP系统有机地集成到一起,使CAD与CAPP自动为ERP提供准确、完整、规范的数据,因此,PDM模块是ERP成功实施的关键。

    PDM , as a bridge between each information isolated islands , combines CAD / CAPP with ERP system , so that CAD and CAPP can automatically supply ERP with accurate data . PDM mode is the key of ERP 'S success .

  28. 突破传统DCS专有网络所带来的信息孤岛问题,应用广泛采用的TCP/IP网络协议,实现现场控制网与控制网、控制网与管理信息网的互联,更好的为企业生产和管理服务。

    Widely usage of TCP / IP networking overcomes the problem of information exclusion and realizes information exchange between control network and information network . Moreover , it provides a better platform and enhances the manufacture and management of the enterprise .

  29. PDM为轮胎模具企业解决信息孤岛提供了有效的信息集成平台,但PDM如何更好的和轮胎模具企业业务相融合,成为亟需解决的问题。

    PDM is an effective information integration platform to solve the information isolated island for tire mold enterprise . However , it is urgently to be solved that how PDM system and tire mold enterprise business can be better fusion .

  30. 为了解决传统CAPP系统存在的信息孤岛问题,充分利用PDM的强大功能,实现工艺设计过程控制和并行工程,CAPP迫切需要融入PDM,实现与PDM系统的集成。

    In order to solve information isolation problem of traditional CAPP system , make full use of the powerful function of PDM , realize process planning control and the parallel project , it is necessary for CAPP to integrate with PDM .