
  • 网络Sindh Province;Sind
  1. 2010年12月,在巴基斯坦的信德省,出现了缠绕于树与树之间的巨大蜘蛛网。对于在当地泛滥的蜘蛛网,Watkins说到,“任何长在地面上的植被都被波及了,几乎包括每一种树木和灌木”。

    The giant spider webs in Sindh , Pakistan , sometimes stretched from tree to tree , as seen above in December 2010 . " Any kind of vegetation that was above ground was affected , literally every kind of tree and bush , " Watkins said of the widespread spider webs .

  2. 行政长官在712,阿拉伯一般卡西姆穆罕默德本征服信德省和旁遮普省南部的木尔坦。

    In712 CE , the Arab general Muhammad bin Qasim conquered Sindh and Multan in southern Punjab .

  3. Watkins说,他并不清楚到底是哪一种蜘蛛在信德省织出了困住树木的网。

    Watkins said he didn 't know which type of spider was responsible for the tree cocoons in Sindh .

  4. 那位名为米尔·班达·阿里(MirBandaAli)的地主,在南部的信德省拥有辽阔的土地,据说当时有五个铁路车站,都在其领地境内。

    Saeed Jan Qureshi came from a family that worked for a feudal landlord named Mir Banda Ali . His estates in southern Sindh province were so vast that five railway stops reputedly lay within his property lines .

  5. 巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼(YousufRazaGillani)表示,他将负责对南部信德省数百万洪水灾民的救助工作。

    The Prime Minister of Pakistan , Yousaf Raza Gillani , has said he 'll take charge of the relief effort for millions of flood victims in the southern province of Sindh .

  6. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛灾难已经持续了两周的时间,我们终于看到总统扎尔达里探望灾民。这这些图片显示,扎尔达里前往北部信德省中心城镇Sakar,这里是救援工作的中心。

    Two weeks since this crisis and finally we are seeing pictures of President Asif Ali Zardari out meeting victims of this flood in Northern Sindh near the hearted town of Sakar , which has been the focus of so much of this rescue effort .

  7. 有报导说,洪水正在朝着南部的旁遮普省和信德省方向移动。

    Floodwaters were also reportedly moving southwards towards Punjab and Sindh provinces .

  8. 据报道,在信德省相撞前,其中一列火车脱轨。

    It 's reported one of the trains derailed before the collision in Sindh Province .

  9. 我们去了信德省的议会,所有议会成员为我鼓掌祝贺。

    We went to the Sindh assembly , where I was applauded by all the members .

  10. 信德省一名高级官员表示,他的团队正在努力应对。

    A senior minister in the province of Sindh says his team are on a war footing .

  11. 这条管道将连接伊朗南部法尔斯气田和巴基斯坦的俾路支省及信德省。

    The pipeline will connect Iran 's South Fars gas field with Pakistan 's Balochistan and Sindh provinces .

  12. 信德省的部长凯姆.沙阿星期二讲了话以回应众怒。

    Sindh 's chief minister , Qaim Ali Shah , spoke Tuesday in reaction to the public outcry .

  13. 这就是一周前将北部信德省Ghotki地区许多村庄整个淹没的洪水。

    These are the floodwaters that have buried entire villages in the district of Ghotki in northern Sindh province .

  14. 巴基斯坦南部信德省有震感,使当地民众感到恐慌。

    The tremor was also felt in the country 's southern Sindh province , causing panic among the people .

  15. 被蛛网缠绕的树木相继死亡,给信德省的居民带来了新的麻烦。

    The subsequent deaths of many of the web-covered trees has created a new problem for the residents of Sindh .

  16. 我们从海德拉巴市出发,在路上耽误了几个小时,因为信德省境内的道路仍然不通。

    We started out from the city of Hyderabad and spent many hours on the roads that remain passable across rural Sindh .

  17. 由于日益担心塔利班武装分子可能向南方发展,巴基斯坦政府正让南部省份旁遮普和信德省进入戒备状态。

    The Pakistan government is putting the southern provinces of Punjab and Sindh on alert amid growing concerns that Taliban militants could spread south .

  18. 信德省常常提出与其他省分歧的意见,而俾路支省虽然一直在打仗,但因为实在太偏远了,几乎无人关注。

    Sindhis often talk of separation and in Baluchistan there is an ongoing war which gets talked about very little because it is so remote .

  19. 这句有损尊严的话是在信德省的瑙德罗,他妻子和“殉难”的岳父阿里。布托的墓地上放出来的。

    The undignified outburst came at Naudero in Sindh province , the burial site of his wife and her similarly " martyred " father Zulfikar Ali Bhutto .

  20. 即使这次情况好一些的话,就算在他们最受欢迎的信德省和旁遮普省也会被主要政党挫败。

    Even if they fared somewhat better this time , they would still , in the most populous provinces , Sindh and Punjab , be trounced by the mainstream parties .

  21. 所以我前往巴基斯坦信德省沙漠里的一处穷乡僻壤,与一家和教会有联系的医疗队一起工作,之后又花了一些时间在巴基斯坦西北部帮助当地儿童。

    So I travelled to a remote corner of the Sindh desert , where I worked with a church-linked medical group , before spending time in the north-west of Pakistan , working with children .

  22. 2012年1月,在信德省政府宣布要将教会路上的一所女子中学用我的名字重新命名,以示对我的褒奖之后,我们受新闻电视台的邀约来到卡拉奇。

    It was January 2012 and we were in Karachi as guests of Geo TV after the Sindh government announced they were renaming a girls ' secondary school on Mission Road in my honour .

  23. 这个14岁的少年来自于巴基斯坦信德省省会卡拉奇,他的脖子十分灵活,能够让他扭转脖子180度,像足了一只猫头鹰。

    The 14-year-old from Karachi , the capital of the Pakistani province of Sindh , has an incredibly flexible neck , allowing him to literally twist his neck 180 degrees , much like an owl .

  24. 吉拉尼已经访问了南部的信德省,季风降雨带来的洪水连续第二年淹没数十万房屋,造成数百人死亡。

    Mr Gillani has been visiting the southern province of Sindh , where monsoon rains have submerged hundreds of thousands of homes for the second year in a row and left hundreds of people dead .

  25. 一名政府官员表示,事故发生在巴基斯坦南部信德省的省府卡拉奇,爆炸发生时这辆限乘47人的客车刚刚经过卡拉奇军营车站。

    A government official says the blast hit a 47-seat passenger bus when it was passing by a bus stand in Cantonment area of Karachi , the capital city of the country 's southern Sindh province .

  26. 在巴基斯坦的信德省流传着这样一种说法:如果你的牛死了,哭吧,那是个悲剧,如果你的妻子死了,没关系,你还可以再娶一个。

    In this part of Pakistan , Sindh Province , there is a saying that goes : If your cow dies , that is a tragedy ; if your wife dies , you can always get another .

  27. 巴基斯坦信德省的一个村落,一片被洪水淹没的农田边的树上出现壮观的蜘蛛网,好似一个巨大的茧。为了躲避可怕的洪水,数百万只蜘蛛—可能还有其他昆虫—爬到树上结网。

    Trees shrouded in ghostly cocoons line the edges of a submerged farm field in the Pakistani village of Sindh , where massive floods drove millions of spiders and possibly other insects into the trees to spin their webs .

  28. 到了年底,我存了不少钱。总理、旁遮普首席部长、开伯尔-普什图省首席部长,还有信德省政府,分别给了我50万卢比。

    I had amassed a lot of money by the end of that year - half a million rupees each from the prime minister , the chief minister of Punjab , the chief minister of our state Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the Sindh government .

  29. 这位人民党主席还表示,该党绝不会容忍凶手冠“荣耀”之名,而行滥杀无辜妇女之事。他还要求信德省政府采取严厉措施制裁这类“荣誉谋杀”的行为,对犯罪者采取零容忍的态度。

    PPP Chairman went on to tell that his Party refused to tolerate the murder of innocent and helpless women in the name of so-called honor killings along with imploring the Sindh government to come hard on honor-killings , with zero tolerance afforded to perpetrators .