
  • 网络xinyang city
  1. 高密度电法在信阳市燃气混气站场地隐伏断裂探测中的应用

    Application of 2D resistivity imaging survey to detection of buried fault in Gas-works site of Xinyang city , henan Province

  2. 从区域断裂带的活动性和区域稳定性看,信阳市燃气混气站场区处于相对稳定的“岛区”。

    Based on regional tectonical activity and regional stability , the site of gas works of Xinyang City is located at the safe island region .

  3. 目的了解信阳市献血浆人群HIV、HCV、HBV感染率及其流行因素。

    Objective To study the prevalence of HIV HCV and HBV infection among paid plasma donors and risk factors .

  4. 相混型又可分为f类与x类。f类以信阳市为代表,x类以潢川县为代表。

    The type of similarity can be divided into f-type and x-type , Xinyang City represents f-type , and Huangchuan County represents x-type .

  5. 目的了解信阳市铁路社区居民社区卫生服务(CHS)参与状况。

    Objective To investigate the sense of participation in Community health service ( CHS ) of railway community residents .

  6. 信阳市民权路浉河大桥为主跨136m独塔双索面预应力混凝土边主梁斜拉桥。

    The Minquan Road Shihe River Bridge in Xinyang City is a single pylon and double cable plane cable-stayed bridge with prestressed concrete edge main girders and with a main span 136 m.

  7. 信阳市五大水库浮游植物群落调查研究

    Study on phytoplankton community in the five large reservoirs of Xinyang

  8. 城市信用社重组的经验与发展&对信阳市城市信用社重组案例的分析

    The Experiences and Prospects of the Reorganization of Urban Credit Cooperatives

  9. 信阳市猕猴桃引种及无公害栽培技术研究

    Studies on Introduction and Non-pollution Cultivation of Chinese Gooseberry in Xinyang

  10. 信阳市劳务经济品牌及其提升研究(二)

    On the Labor Economic Brand in Xinyang and its Improvement ;

  11. 信阳市农业可持续发展指标体系研究

    Research on the sustainable development indexes system of agriculture in Xinyang city

  12. 信阳市浉河区茶产业发展状况调查与思考

    An Investigation on the Tea Industry in Shihe Region of Xinyang City

  13. 信阳市园林绿地病虫害综合防治技术

    The IPM Against Diseases and Pests of Landscape Plants in Xinyang City

  14. 河南省信阳市家庭暴力问题调查报告

    Investigate Reports of Domestic Violence Problem in Xinyang City of Henan Province

  15. 信阳市病毒性乙型肝炎疫苗接种效果调查

    Investigation on the effect of hepatitis B vaccine in Xingyang , Henan

  16. 信阳市城镇园林绿化树种的选择与应用

    The choice and application of gardening tree variety in Xinyang

  17. 信阳市茶叶产业可持续发展战略研究

    The Research on Sustainable Development Strategy of Tea Industry in Xinyang City

  18. 信阳市水产养殖与水体环境保护相互关系的思考

    Relations between Fishery Industry and Water Environment Protection in Xinyang

  19. 2007年信阳市饮水含氟量调查结果与分析

    Analysis on Survey Result of Fluoride Concentration in Drinking Water of XinYang

  20. 信阳市某大型水库水质评价

    Assessment of water quality on a reservoir in Xinyang

  21. 信阳市区域旅游一体化构想

    Design of integration of regional tourism of Xinyang city

  22. 信阳市浉河大桥主梁现浇支架施工技术

    Support Construction Technique of Cast-in-site Main Girder of the Shihe Bridge in Xinyang City

  23. 信阳市自然保护区现状调查与规划研究

    The Situation , Investigation and Programme Research of the Natural Protection Region in Xinyang

  24. 信阳市淮河源水源涵养功能恢复研究

    Research on the Restoration of the Function of Huaihe Water Conservation in Xinyang City

  25. 信阳市花卉产业存在的问题与对策

    The problems and countermeasure on Xinyang flower production

  26. 信阳市烤烟主产区土壤钾素资源现状分析

    Current Situation of Potassium in Soil in Main Flue-cured Tobacco Area of Xinyang City

  27. 河南省信阳市农村中学体育教师年龄结构比较合理,40岁以下体育教师是体育教学的主要力量;

    Main strength , sports of teaching ;

  28. 第二部分为信阳市息县农村居民点建设的背景条件。

    Chapter two is the background about the construction of Xixian rural settlement in Xinyang city .

  29. 立意建筑之灵魂河南省信阳市茶之韵博物馆创作构思感悟

    Conception & Soul of the Building

  30. 信阳市2004~2005年流行性乙型脑炎监测及防治现状分析

    Analysis of present condition and surveillance of Japanese B encephalitis in Xinyang during 2004 ~ 2005