
  • 网络Secret preparation;Secret reserve;secret provision
  1. 我们在国际会计准则和西方会计理论中也很难找到秘密准备的定义。

    However , there is no definition about secret reserve in the system , neither in the international accounting standards nor Western accounting theory .

  2. 本文将通过分析以上问题,指出秘密准备的优缺点,提出应对秘密准备的具体措施。

    This paper analyzes the problems mentioned above , points out the advantages and disadvantages of secret reserve , and proposes specific measures to " secret reserve " .

  3. 谷歌还秘密准备了一份详尽的、长达38页的插图手册,用来解释Chrome浏览器的独特功能。

    As part of it , the company had secretly produced an elaborate , 38-page comic book that explained the unique features of Google 's browser .

  4. 《论中国》一书的核心内容,讲述的是1972年美国总统理查德尼克松(richardnixon)和基辛格(时任美国国家安全顾问)的中国之行,以及基辛格访问前所做的秘密准备。

    The heart of this book is the 1972 visit to Beijing of President Richard Nixon and Kissinger , then US national security adviser , and the secret preparations that the author made .

  5. 其目的是为了防止企业利用谨慎性原则调节利润。但是,制度中并未对秘密准备作出定义。

    The purpose is to prevent using prudence principle to regulation profits .

  6. 在几个星期的秘密准备之后,暗杀那个间谍的计划已酝酿成熟。

    After weeks of secret preparation , the plot to murder the spy came to a head .

  7. 我国《企业会计制度》规定企业在进行会计核算时,应当遵循谨慎性原则的要求,不得多记资产或收益,少记负债和费用,但不得计提秘密准备。

    China 's " accounting system for business enterprises " provides that enterprises should following prudence principle in accounting auditing , that is , neither over-evaluate assets or income nor count less debts or expenses , nor propose secret reserve .

  8. 秘密安置准备给人发现的东西。

    Something planted secretly for discovery by another .

  9. 本周,Twitter宣布已经秘密提交了准备首次公开募股(IPO)的S-1文件。

    Indeed , its troubled trajectory to becoming a publicly-traded company offers some valuable lessons for another company that announced this week it had filed a confidential S-1 with IPO intentions : Twitter .

  10. 卡茨曼引述美国纽约时报的一篇报导说,美国有关官员曾起草了一份秘密计划,准备对巴基斯坦山区中的激进分子采取秘密行动,不过由于政策上的分歧这一计划未能实施。

    Katzman cited a report in the New York Times newspaper that says U.S. officials drafted a secret plan to launch covert missions against militants in the mountains of Pakistan , but the plan languishes because of policy differences .

  11. 过去党的组织全部公开,九月以后,建设秘密的组织,准备在反动派来了也能活动。

    All Party organizations used to be in the open , but since September underground organizations have been built up to prepare the Party for carrying on its activities when the reactionaries come .

  12. 我也许不会将这个秘密告诉他,因为我想他不会感兴趣,但我在听到这个秘密之前不准备作这种承诺。

    I may not pass it on to him , because I don 't think he 'd be interested , but I 'm not prepared to make that commitment until I 've heard the subject matter .