
mì shū chù
  • secretariat
  1. 学生们试图闯进秘书处的办公大楼。

    Students tried to barge into the secretariat buildings

  2. 他是由法国政府借调到联合国秘书处去工作的。

    He was sent to the U.N. secretariat on secondment from the Government of France .

  3. 我还是没有什么明确的目标,于是就去了英国天然气公司的秘书处做临时雇员。

    I was still fairly directionless , and went into secretarial temping for British Gas .

  4. “这是分享和获得好评之间的平衡点,同时也能打击剽窃行为,”丹麦夏洛腾隆国家水产资源研究秘书处的项目协调人伊福·格里戈罗夫说道。

    This is the sweet spot between sharing and getting credit for it , " This is the sweet spot between sharing and getting credit for it , while discouraging plagiarism . " says Ivo Grigorov , a project coordinator at the National Institute of Aquatic Resources Research Secretariat in Charlottenlund , Denmark .

  5. APEC组织结构分层级运作:领导人非正式会议、部长级会议、高官会、委员会和工作组以及秘书处。

    The APEC organization has a tiered structure : Informal Leaders ' Meetings , Ministerial Meetings , Senior Officials ' Meetings , Committee & Working Group Meetings , and Secretariat .

  6. 对WTO秘书处地位和作用的重新定位

    On Re-orienting the Status and the Role of the WTO Secretariat

  7. wto秘书处也可以观察员身份参加此类会议。

    The WTO Secretariat may also attend such meetings with observer status .

  8. wto秘书处担任委员会的秘书处。

    The WTO Secretariat shall act as the secretariat to the Committee .

  9. 13.秘书处本协定由wto秘书处提供服务。

    13 . Secretariat This Agreement shall be serviced by the WTO Secretariat .

  10. 设立由总干事领导的wto秘书处(下称“秘书处”)。

    There shall be a Secretariat of the WTO ( hereinafter referred to as " the Secretariat ") headed by a Director-General .

  11. 首先,G20没有永久性的秘书处。

    For a start , it has no permanent secretariat .

  12. 但令人担忧的是,秘书处的作用被弱化,变得越发唯唯诺诺,这会使WTO失去效率。

    However , there is cause for concern if a more timid and diminished role is leading to lost efficiency for the WTO .

  13. 根据WTO秘书处对美国贸易政策和措施的审议报告,开放而透明的贸易体制是美国经济以高效著称的要素之一。

    The openness and transparency of the US trade regime have been key contributing factors to the efficiency that characterizes the US economy .

  14. 秘书处作为连接WTO与非政府组织的纽带,自多哈回合,在每次部长级会议召开之前吸收符合资格的非政府组织参与到部长级会议中来。

    As the collecting bond between NGOs and the WTO , the Secretariat allows qualified NGOs attend each Ministerial Meeting from Doha Round .

  15. ISO/IEC信息中心应迅速将《良好行为规范》C款所指的任何通知的副本转交秘书处;

    The ISO / IEC Information Centre shall promptly convey to the Secretariat copies of any notifications referred to in paragraph C of the Code of Good Practice ;

  16. 这些通过国家间沟通或者向秘书处报告的减排措施将被添加进附录II的列表中。

    Those mitigation actions in national communications or otherwise communicated to the Secretariat will be added to the list in appendix II .

  17. 如欲获取所列无URL地址的资料副本,请与《烟草控制框架公约》秘书处联系。

    For information on obtaining copies of the resources listed without a URL , please contact the FCTC Secretariat .

  18. 牛津卫生联盟正在设立一个“重大挑战全球伙伴关系”(GrandChallengesGlobalPartnership)的秘书处,其最初5年内由其成员组织提供资助。

    A'Grand Challenges Global Partnership'is being set up with a secretariat at OxHA and will be funded by its member organisations for the first five years .

  19. 为此,秘书处应使提出请求的发展中国家成员可获得WTO技术合作部门一名合格法律专家的协助。

    To this end , the Secretariat shall make available a qualified legal expert from the WTO technical cooperation services to any developing country Member which so requests .

  20. GATT秘书处应迅速向其他参加方散发这些通知供参考。

    The GATT Secretariat shall promptly circulate these notifications to the other participants for information .

  21. (ⅴ)gatt工作人员调任wto秘书处和调任的条款和条件;

    ( v ) the transfer and the terms and conditions of the transfer of the GATT staff to the WTO Secretariat ;

  22. 国际标准化组织(iso)中央秘书处和国际乳品联合会(idf)没有该方面的责任。

    Neither the ISO Central Secretariat nor the IDF accepts any liability in this area .

  23. ISO的最高权力机构是每年一次的“全体大会”,其日常办事机构是中央秘书处,设在瑞士的日内瓦。

    ISO supreme authority is the annual " General Assembly ", the daily office is the Central Secretariat , based in Geneva Switzerland .

  24. 车轮理论要求WTO从两轮机器变成四轮机器,发挥秘书处和总干事的最大功效。

    According to the " bicycle theory ", it is time for transforming the WTO into a " four-wheel vehicle " and getting the best out of the Director-General and Secretariat .

  25. 与(比如说)世界贸易组织(wto)不同,g20没有固定的秘书处、没有任何的协定、也没有任何施行决策的手段。

    Unlike , say , the World Trade Organisation , the G20 has no permanent secretariat , no treaty and no means of enforcing its decisions .

  26. 如有相关问题,请按照下述地址及时通知iso中央秘书处。

    In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found , please inform the ISO Central Secretariat at the address given below .

  27. 经济委员会成员、悉尼总主教乔治•佩尔枢机(CardinalGeorgePell)将任经济秘书处处长。

    Cardinal George Pell , archbishop of Sydney and a member of the advisory commission , will lead the secretariat .

  28. 欧亚集团(EurasiaGroup)汇编的、源自巴西外贸秘书处(SECEX)的数据显示,巴中双边出口额已从2000年的区区20亿美元飙升至去年的780亿美元。

    Two-way exports have soared from as little as $ 2bn in 2000 to $ 78bn last year , according to figures from the Brazilian trade secretariat compiled by Eurasia Group .

  29. X所涉密信息网络整体安全方案设计及实施12.为便利委员会中的磋商,秘书处应准备一份涉及磋商计划各个方面的事实背景文件。

    12 . The Secretariat shall , with a view to facilitating the consultations in the Committee , prepare a factual background paper dealing with the different aspects of the plan for consultations .

  30. 法国国防总秘书处发出警告,RIM的伺服器位在英国与加拿大,容易被海外的国安单位拦截资料。

    The SGDN was worried that RIM 's servers were located in Britain and Canada and might therefore be accessible to overseas security agencies .