
  • 网络THE Sorbonne;Sorbonne University;la Sorbonne
  1. 没人会去核实你是否真的上过索邦大学(Sorbonne),或是因拼错了cauchemardesque(法语,意为噩梦似的)一词而在魁北克拼字比赛的最后一轮中落败。

    No one is going to check to see if you really went to the Sorbonne or lost in the final rounds of a Quebec spelling bee because you misspelled ' cauchemardesque . '

  2. 1914年10月,艾琳进入索邦大学,攻读数学和物理学学位。

    Irene entered Sorbonne University in October 1914 to prepare for a degree in mathematics and physics .

  3. 他就读于巴黎索邦大学,随后在法国首都流亡。

    He attended Paris ' Sorbonne University and later spent time in exile in the French capital .

  4. 他还带她进入了法语文学殿堂,因为他曾经在巴黎索邦大学就读。

    He also brought her into the palace of French literature , because he had attended the Sorbonne .

  5. 佩尔1971年出生于法国马赛,曾在巴黎索邦大学研修文学。

    Pell in1971 was born in the French Marseilles , once did research in Paris Rope Nation University the literature .

  6. 认为法国是世界上最好的国度,但对岸法语的目不认识及你对罗浮宫和索邦大学了解有限,常使人厌烦。

    Thinks France is the best country in the world and bores everyboby with your limited French knowledge and tales of the Louvre and Sourbonne .

  7. 第一次世界大战爆发后,她离开索邦大学去协助她母亲,当时她母亲正在使用x光设备来拯救受伤士兵的生命。

    When World War I began , she left Sorbonne University to help her mother who was using x-ray facilities to help save the lives of wounded soldiers .

  8. 巴黎索邦大学研究员柯特吉安博士主导了这项研究,其目的为了发现到底服装在招聘过程中会产生什么影响。

    Carried out by Dr Kertechian , a researcher at Paris-Sorbonne University , the study was intended to discover just what impact clothing could have on the recruitment process .

  9. 巴黎索邦大学的研究员卡特西雍博士主持了这项研究,其目的是探究着装对招聘过程的影响。

    Carried out by Dr Sevag Kertechian , a researcher at Paris-Sorbonne University , the study was intended to discover just what impact clothing could have on the recruitment process .