
bì lǔ
  • Peru
秘鲁 [bì lǔ]
  • [Peru] 南美第三大国,与厄瓜多尔、哥伦比亚、巴西、玻利维亚、智利交界。面积 1285216 平方公里,人口 2233 万(1990),首都利马

秘鲁[bì lǔ]
  1. 约200人在秘鲁北部发生的地震中丧生。

    About two-hundred people died in the earthquake which hit northern Peru

  2. 他们与秘鲁队的揭幕战打得波澜不惊,最终以0:0战平。

    They gave an insipid opening performance in a nil-nil draw with Peru .

  3. 300吨秘鲁芒果被禁止进入法国。

    300 tons of Peruvian mangoes were kept from entering France .

  4. 1987年,加西亚立法将秘鲁银行业和金融系统收归国有。

    In 1987 , Garcia introduced legislation to nationalize Peru 's banking and financial systems

  5. 阿根廷队至少要赢秘鲁队4球才能超越巴西队进入决赛。

    Argentina need to beat Peru by at least four goals to overhaul Brazil and reach the final itself

  6. 在秘鲁,有一座山上面的冰川已经成为了气候变化的牺牲品,附近的农民开始把山峰涂成白色,希望能增加反光,恢复那赋予生命的冰。

    In Peru , local farmers around a mountain with a glacier that has already fallen victim to climate change have begun painting the entire mountain peak white in the hope that the added reflectiveness will restore the life-giving ice .

  7. 一次在秘鲁的公共汽车上,一个农夫甚至把一只羊拴在公共汽车的顶部。

    Once on a bus in Peru , a farmer even tied a sheep to the top of the bus .

  8. 利马是秘鲁的首都。

    Lima is the capital of peru .

  9. 由于异常的高温,秘鲁海岸的海水温度变化异常,影响了当地的凤尾鱼捕捞业。

    Waters off the Peruvian coast become unusually warm , destroying the local anchovy fishing industry .

  10. 秘鲁农村的神经囊虫病与癫痫发作、血清学和脑CT间的关系

    Neurocysticercosis : Association between sei-zures , serology , and brain CT in rural Peru

  11. 秘鲁产人参保健品HPLC和四维UV指纹图谱研究

    Study of HPLC-FPS and 4-Dimensional UV-FPS of Peru 's Ginseng healthcare product

  12. DNA技术在刑事技术综合运用中侦破命案2例分析秘鲁刑事侦查局总监

    Analysis on DNA Technology in Applying Criminal Technology to Detected Murder in Two Cases Criminal Investigation Department , Director General

  13. 一是太平洋联盟(PacificAlliance),包括智利、秘鲁、哥伦比亚和墨西哥。

    One is the Pacific Alliance , which includes Chile , Peru , Colombia , and Mexico .

  14. 维生素含量丰富,其中维生素B2含量为23.6mg/100g,明显高于秘鲁鱼粉:氨基酸总含量达50%以上,其中动物所必需的10种氨基酸占氨基酸总量的55.2%。

    The total content of amino acids was determined to be 50 % , of which 55.20 % is the essential amino acids of 10 kinds for animals .

  15. 虽然双边贸易急速增长,规模可能更大,秘鲁大使F对中国说。

    " Although bilateral trade rose rapidly , the scale could have been much larger ," said Harold Forsyth , the Peruvian ambassador to China .

  16. 据世界银行(WorldBank)的报告,2010年,哈萨克斯坦、卢旺达、秘鲁、越南、佛得角、塔吉克斯坦、赞比亚属于为改善商业环境做得最好的经济体。

    In2010 , Kazakhstan , Rwanda , Peru , Vietnam , Cape Verde , Tajikistan , and Zambia were among economies that improved the most in the ease of doing business , according to the World Bank report .

  17. Chang认为把Linux更换成Windows是正确的,他说秘鲁公立学校学生“需要使用全世界最流行的最现代的工具”。

    Chang justified the change from Linux to Windows by saying public school students in Peru " need to use the most modern tools with the most global use " .

  18. 共有1631人聚集在利物浦的城市中心齐唱《爱我吧(LoveMeDo)》,这些狂热追随者中不乏千里迢迢来到这里的秘鲁人与日本人。

    Aficionados poured in from as far afield as Peru and Tokyo for a weekend of live music and Beatlemania , which kicked off with 1631 people singing " Love Me Do " outside the city 's central Liver Building .

  19. 本月早些时候另外一个在秘鲁的团队报告了在MDR和XDR患者作出的相似的结果。

    Earlier this month another team reported similar results in patients with MDR and XDR TB in Peru .

  20. 秘鲁出生的VickiPelaez是纽约一家西班牙语报纸的专栏作家。

    Peruvian-born Vicki Pelaez was a columnist for a Spanish-language newspaper in New York .

  21. 马丘比丘又称“古老的山巅”(OldPeak)是哥伦布发现美洲大陆以前的印加古城,位于秘鲁印加圣谷(UrubambaValley)之上的海拔2430米的山脉之上,靠近库斯科。

    Machu Picchu (" Old Peak ") is a pre-Columbian Inca city located at2,430 m ( 7,970 ft ) altitude on a mountain ridge above the Urubamba Valley in Peru , near Cusco .

  22. 由于总的来说可用的供体肝脏及进行的移植数目较少,秘鲁现在还没有实行MELD分配系统。

    Peru does not currently have a MELD allocation system because of the small number of donor livers used and transplants performed overall .

  23. 另一家在秘鲁拥有权益的伦敦上市公司斯特拉塔(xstrata),股价也下跌了1%尽管大盘是在上涨。

    London-listed Xstrata , another mining company with interests in the Andean nation , slid 1 per cent in a rising market .

  24. 三年后,他带领军队搭乘科克伦勋爵(LordCochrane)的船队来到秘鲁。(科克伦勋爵尽管有些自私自利,但确是一名杰出的英国海军指挥官,他指挥了一支劫掠船队。)

    Three years later he embarked his army in ships assembled by Lord Cochrane , a brilliant , if self-serving , British naval commander operating as a privateer , and landed in Peru .

  25. 这项举措让秘鲁成为了全球第一个测试更改OLPC电脑操作系统的国家。

    The move makes Peru the first country worldwide to test the change in the operating system of the OLPC devices .

  26. 秘鲁Maranon盆地油气地质特征及勘探潜力分析

    Petroleum geological characteristics and exploration potential analysis of Maranon Basin , Peru

  27. 秘鲁Maranon盆地是安第斯山山前的前陆盆地之一。

    Maranon Basin is one of Sub-Andean foreland basins .

  28. 秘鲁财政部长阿隆索·赛古拉(AlonsoSegura)表示,这些举措将帮助秘鲁推动经济发展,使其恢复到近些年来的水平。

    Alonso Segura , the Peruvian finance minister , said the measures should help the country resume economic growth similar to that of recent years .

  29. 举个例子来说,Gabriella在两岁时跟着家人由秘鲁移民到美国。

    For example , let 's take Gabriella , whose family immigrates to the US from Peru when she was two-years old .

  30. 美联社作家马丁在秘鲁首都利马Villena促成了这一报告。

    Associated Press writer Martin Villena in Lima contributed to this report .