
  1. 中国古代租佃契约文书考析

    Analysis of Tenancy Contract in Ancient Ch in a

  2. 民国时期四川盐井租佃契约

    The Tenancy Contract for Salt Wells in Sichuan Province in the Age of Republic of China

  3. 第一部分是概论,主要交代本文的写作缘由,介绍国内外对吐鲁番出土租佃契约文书立契日期格式的研究状况,以及本文的研究内容、使用材料的情况、研究方法和研究意义。

    The first part is the introduction to the writing the reason 、 introducing research status at home and abroad 、 situation using of materials 、 research methods and significance .

  4. 明清时期商品经济繁荣,土地买卖逐渐成为获取土地的主要方式,租佃契约关系成为主要的剥削形式,农民的人身依附关系渐趋弱化。

    The commodity economy of Ming and Qing dynasties is prosperous , land business became the main form of access to land , tenancy contractual relationship was a major form of exploitation , farmers ' relationship to landlord became more and more weakening .

  5. 从租佃制形式看宋代租佃契约的订立

    Signature of the Rent Contract Seen from Kinds of the Rent System in the Song Dynasty