- 网络Savanna;savannah

The tropical seaside sand dune vegetation . 5.the western dried savanna .
These upright apes evolved on the African savanna about two million years ago ,
The floristic characteristic of seed plants in the dry and hot valley of Yunnan is dry-fast , and there are three vegetation types : ( 1 ) The Semi-savanna ;
Imagine our early ancestors roaming the savannah looking for food .
The largest intact savanna in East Africa .
The experience of proper utilization and protection of savanna in Australia was also briefed .
Ecosystem of Savanna in Africa
Elephants live in habitats ranging from thick jungle to savanna , in small family groups led by old cows .
The new protected areas will encompass a mosaic of savannas covering ancient sand dunes , riverside forests , and swamp forests .
The Greeks had brought down into cities the individualism , the personal initiative of the wandering life of the northern parklands .
Error cascades can explain why complex ecosystems ( like rainforests ) tend to be more fragile than simple ones ( like savannahs ) .
The floristic com-position of the river valley and its relationship to the flora of neighboring district , the India savanna , have been discussed .
The plants and animals in savanna in Australia were described and the influences of fire on savanna and the present water and soil loss in savanna discussed .
If you 're an early human on the savanna , you 're better off fearing all snakes than having to closely examine each specimen for venom glands .
A new type of locust area in china ── the ecological geography characteristics of the tropical savannah locust area in Hainan as compared with the river delta type of locust area
And like a horde of aggrieved vultures that has just seen its carrion spirited away to some other part of the savanna , the tech and media business is equally panicked and excited about the vast possibilities for making money from the shift .
Increased abundance of woody plants in grasslands and savannas
A savanna full of predators , after all , was not a place to get distracted .
The ideal savanna landscape is one of the clearest examples where human beings everywhere find beauty in similar visual experience .
The west of Hainan Island is the only sandy desertification district of the tropical dry grasslands with sparse trees in my country , and it is very typical of the sandy desertification types and course .
From a view of disturbances in ecosystems , we discuss the complexity of mechanisms for the increased abundance of woody plant , and indicate the contributions of episodic and continuous recruitment and establishment of seedling to woody plant expansion in the vegetation .
Characteristics and formation causes of temperate sparse forest grassland ecosystem in Inner Mongolia Plateau