
  • 网络Tax burden rate;tax bearing ratio
  1. 有关我国实际税收负担率的高低及其走向问题,一直是学术界争论不休的话题。

    The issue of tax burden rate and its movement has long been the subject of academic debate .

  2. 自20世纪90年代以来,我国的税收负担率一直稳定在10%~18%的水平,这与我国目前能够接受的最优税收负担率已相当接近。

    The tax burden rate level has been kept stably between 10 % and 18 % since 1990s , which is very close to the optimal level for the country .

  3. 对我国近期最优税收负担率量值的大致估计国外常用的灼减量等方法则只能大致估计型砂的抗粘砂能力如何。

    An Estimate of Optimal Tax Burden ; The LOI and other test methods common used in abroad countries can only roughly estimate the tendency to prevent the sand burning-on defect .

  4. 运用宏观税负、税收负担率和税收贡献率指标分析,得出河北省有效增加税收收入,提高经济运行质量重点在于大力发展二三产业。

    Application of macro tax burden , tax rate and tax contribution index analysis , reach Hebei province effectively increase revenue , improve the quality of economic operation is focused on developing the two or three industry .

  5. 正是以上因素的存在,导致了目前农产品企业增值税税收流失较重,行业税收负担率较低,因而有必要对目前的农产品增值税税收政策进行调整。

    It is the existence of the above factors , have led to the present agricultural industry tax loss value added tax is heavier , industry tax rate is low , it is necessary for the current agricultural industry VAT tax policy adjustment .