
  1. 她现在是空中乘务员了,去国外旅行对她已失去吸引力。

    Now that she 's a flight attendant , foreign travel has lost its glamour for her .

  2. 空中乘务员SCL-90心理量表的测量分析

    The measurement and analysis of SCL-90 psychological scale on air crew

  3. 方法采用SCL-90自评症状量表和艾森克个性问卷调查某航空公司123名空中乘务员的心理健康状况及其个性特征。

    Methods We selected 123 cabin crew in an airline company to fill out Symptom Checklist , SCL - 90 and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire ( EPQ ) .

  4. 目的探讨空中乘务员心理卫生状况。

    Objeefive To investigate the mental health status of the air crew .

  5. 一名空中乘务员一夜之间成为网络上的民间英雄。

    A flight attendant became an overnight folk hero on the Internet .

  6. 空中乘务员执勤中发生食物中毒三例

    Three air attendant cases with onset of food poisoning in the air

  7. 项目课程理论指导下民航空中乘务职业实用体育课程的改革与建设

    The Reform of Practical Physical Education Under the Course Program in Air Service

  8. 空中乘务员心理素质测评量表的编制

    The Development of Air Stewardess Mental Qualities Scale

  9. 中国国际航空公司105名空中乘务员的心理健康状况调查及分析

    Analyses of mental health condition and personality of 105 cabin crew capital international airport

  10. 你为空中乘务员做了什么事吗?

    You 've done something for flight attendants ?

  11. 空中乘务员常见角膜屈光矫治术后眼科一般检查所见

    Ordinary examination findings of eyes after corneal surgical treatment for refractive errors in air attendant

  12. 空中乘务员肺吸虫病两例

    Two air attendant cases of paragonimiasis

  13. 乘客能享用由空中乘务员送来的美味飞机餐,还有饮料和小食。

    Passengers will be served a delicious meal by air stewards , alongside drinks and other snacks .

  14. 浅层点状角膜炎32例中19例阳性,其他未定性角膜炎33例中14例阳性。空中乘务员双眼浅层点状角膜炎一例

    19 of 32 superficial punctate keratitis were positive . An air attendant case of superficial punctate keratitis

  15. 如果您需要任何帮助,请按“呼叫按钮”,我们的空中乘务员会马上为您提供服务。

    Please use your " call button " if you require assistance-our crew will attend to your needs .

  16. 目的了解空中乘务员特殊群体的心理健康状况,探讨影响空中乘务员心理健康的因素。

    Objective To understand the cabin crew mental health condition and the factors which affect their mental health .

  17. 如果你想一个星期享受几次飘飘然的感觉,那就去应聘空中乘务员的工作吧。

    If you like to get high several times a week , apply for a job as a flight attendant .

  18. 为了提高空中乘务员选拔的客观性和科学性,研究设计了《空中乘务员心理素质测验》。研究从工作岗位分析开始,查阅相关文献,参考国内外有关的心理量表,编制了测试工具。

    In order to improve efficiency of the air steward selection , a scale was tentatively developed with the job analysis and some relevant references .

  19. 我从小的梦想就是当一名空中乘务员,所以请评委给我一次机会,我会好好的去干这份工作的。

    My dream while as a child was as an air-hostess , so asked the judging panel to give me a chance , I will go to do this job hard .

  20. 理论教育阶段是培养空中乘务员的基础阶段,也是民航空乘大学生成才的起点阶段。

    The theory of stages of education is to train flight attendants in the basic stage , is also the starting point of the Civil Aviation College Students stage of flight attendants .

  21. 结论重视航空医师知识的更新,对于空中乘务员应定期进行心理健康的检查,做好心理疾病的预防。

    Conclusion Attention should be payed to the update of the doctor 's knowledge , who serves in an airline company . Scheduled mental health examination is needed to cabin crew to prevent mental diseases .