
  • 网络spatial filtering
  1. 联合使用智能天线和RAKE接收机的空时RAKE接收机,能够充分利用无线信道的空时结构特征,对信号进行空域滤波和时域合并,进而提高通信质量。

    Space-Time RAKE Receiver , which is the combination of smart antenna and RAKE receiver , can fully utilize the spatio-temporal feature of the wireless channel , and implement both the spatial filtering and temporal RAKE combining . So the communication quality is improved .

  2. 完全搜索块匹配和图像空域滤波的可重构芯核

    A Reconfigurable Intellectual Property for Full-Search Block-Matching and Image Spatial Filtering

  3. 本文首先基于实测运动想象EEG数据,分析和比较两种空域滤波方法各自的性能特点。

    Based on the measured EEG data of motor imagery , this thesis analyzed and compared the performance of two algorithms .

  4. 修正MUSIC算法和空域滤波法相比,修正MUSIC算法计算量小,而空间滤波法去相关能力较强,但需要更大的计算量,并且需要先进行预估计。

    Modified MUSIC algorithm has less compute and spatial filtering has stronger power of decorrelation coherent but need more compute and preliminary estimation , when Modified MUSIC algorithm is compared with spatial filtering algorithm .

  5. 基于空域滤波的核RX高光谱图像异常检测算法滤光器-光栅红外光谱仪

    Spatial filter based anomaly detection algorithm for hyperspectral imagery kernel RX detectors

  6. 介绍利用自适应数字波束形成(ADBF)技术对接收信号进行空域滤波,讨论了一种修正的Gram-Schmidt自适应零点形成算法,以适应连续波体制雷达对付有源干扰。

    Method for using adaptive digital beamforming ( ADBF ) technique to complete array space-domain filter for received signal was introduced in this paper , and an improved Gram-Schmidt adaptive null forming algorithm which is applicable for continuous wave radar to suppress active jamming is discussed .

  7. 用小波变换进行图像的空域滤波&边缘检测与去噪

    Using Wavelet Transform for Spacial Filtering ── Edge Detection and Denoising

  8. 基于自适应空域滤波的图像去块效应算法

    Deblock Algorithm for Compressed Image Based on Adaptive Space Domain Filtering

  9. 空域滤波是数字图象处理中重要的预处理方法之一。

    Spatial filter is an important preprocessing method of digital image processing .

  10. 消除文字图像污渍的一种空域滤波方法

    A Space Domain Filter for Stain Removal from Document Images

  11. 对于空域滤波,需要研究波束形成技术。

    As for spatial filtering , research of beamforming techniques is very important .

  12. 一种视频强杂波两级空域滤波抑制方法

    Suppressing heavy video clutter with a two-level spatial filter

  13. 数字电视辐射源雷达基于空域滤波的直达波获取

    Direct-Path Signal Obtaining to Digital Video Broadcasting Transmitter Radar Based on the Spatial Filtering

  14. 提出一种将自适应阈值和空域滤波相结合的去噪方法。

    A denoising algorithm based on adapted shrinkage function combined with spatial filter is proposed .

  15. 介绍一种清除文字图象中背景污渍的空域滤波方法。

    A high - pass filter for removing background stain patches from document images is described .

  16. 对这些技术的研究总体而言分为两个方面:一方面是非线性空域滤波技术,重点是对基于偏微分方程理论的各向异性扩散滤波方法的研究;

    The total research direction is divded into two : nonlinear spatial filtering and wavelet transform filtering .

  17. 对图像分割得到的二值图像进行图像形态学处理和空域滤波处理,提高了二值图像的质量。

    Then we use morphological image processing and spatial filter processing to improve the quality of binary segmentation image .

  18. 波达方向的估计以及空域滤波是无线通信侦察系统中非常关键的技术。

    Direction of arrival ( DOA ) estimation and spatial filtering are pivotal techniques in a wireless communication reconnaissance system .

  19. 同时也分析了空域滤波、空频域滤波、光学成像系统。

    The filtering in spatial domain , spatial frequency domain and a system of optical formatting imagines are also analyzed .

  20. 方法采用图像的多尺度小波变换局部模最大值进行空域滤波(主要是边缘检测及降噪)的方法。

    Method : To use multiscale wavelet transform local max for spacial filtering ( especially edge detection and denoise ) of image .

  21. 并在此基础上结合小波空域滤波原理,提出了小波包系数相关滤波算法。

    Based on these analyses as well as wavelet spatial filtering theory , it proposes a wavelet packet coefficients correlation filtering algorithm .

  22. 该方法既能用于图像的空域滤波,也能用于序列图像的时域滤波。

    The scheme can be applied to the temporal filtering in image sequences as well as to the spatial filtering in a single image .

  23. 抑制红外图像噪声的研究是从分析噪声的种类、特点等开始的,接着研究了空域滤波增强的基本原理。

    After types , characters and models of noise are analyzed , the basic theory of image filtering enhancement on spatial domain is studied .

  24. 深入研究了无源定位中的弱信号检测技术,提出了一种基于空域滤波的强干扰抑制的算法;

    Study the techniques of signal detection for the passive localizing system and put forward a constraining interference algorithm based on space region filtering .

  25. 在此基础上,列举了几种目前流行的基于信号处理的抗干扰方法,主要阐述了使用天线阵的自适应空域滤波技术。

    On this basis , several popular anti-jamming methods based on signal processing are listed , mainly on the use of adaptive spatial filtering technology .

  26. 同时对空域滤波应用线形天线阵和圆形天线阵进行仿真,并做出性能分析,最后得出结论。

    This paper also makes simulation on linear antenna array and circular antenna array , and analyses performance of them , at last makes conclusion .

  27. 通过计算机仿真证明了此算法在低快拍数下能达到较好的空域滤波的目的和输出信干噪比效果。第四,分析了压缩传感理论。

    And the computer simulation proved that it can achieve a good spatial filter purpose and output SINR effect . Fourthly , compressed sensing theory is analyzed .

  28. 紧接下来针对空域滤波所有算法所存在的共性缺点提出改进方案,即采用自适应滑动窗口技术与边缘保持技术相结合的方法来抑制相干斑噪声。

    In light of inherent defects of spacial filters , a modified method is raised , that is combining adaptive sliding window and detail preserving to reduce noises .

  29. 自适应数字波束的应用则提高了雷达波束捷变能力,可以有效的实现自适应空域滤波和空时自适应处理,有效的抑制有源干扰。

    Application of adaptive digital beam radar beam is increased agility ability to effectively implement adaptive spatial filtering and space-time adaptive processing , effective suppression of active interference .

  30. 在对莫尔条纹图滤波的过程中,应用空域滤波和频域滤波两种方法,分别进行了滤波器的参数选择,并对两种滤波方法的效果进行了比较。

    The filter methods both in spatial field and in frequency field are discussed , the results are compared each other and the parameters of two type filters are chosen .