
  • 网络shell company;Shell corporation;shelf company
  1. 房产转让文件的一部分内容显示,阿齐兹是英属维尔京群岛公司SorcemInvestments的“惟一董事”,背后操纵上述空壳公司购买月桂公园的公寓的,正是这家公司。

    In one spot on the property transfer , Mr. Aziz is listed as the " sole director " of Sorcem Investments , a British Virgin Islands company that was behind the shell company that bought the Park Laurel condo .

  2. 刘特佐在当地以与帕丽斯·希尔顿(ParisHilton)这样的人出入派对而闻名,一个与他有关的空壳公司买下了位于曼哈顿的公园桂冠(ParkLaurel)共管公寓的一套售价2398万美元的套房。

    First , a shell company connected to Mr. Low , famous back home for partying with the likes of Paris Hilton , purchased a $ 23.98 million apartment in the Park Laurel condominiums in Manhattan .

  3. 时报分析的FirstAmericanDataTree的数据显示,最近几年,在美国各地超过500万美元的住宅交易中,将近一半的买主是空壳公司,而不是实名的个人。

    Across the United States in recent years , nearly half the residential purchases of over $ 5 million were made by shell companies rather than named people , according to data from First American Data Tree analyzed by The Times .

  4. 在VIE结构下,境外空壳公司按合同规定拥有这类上市中国公司的收入,但没有实际的所有权。

    With the VIE structure , offshore shell companies have contractual claims to the revenues from , but no actual ownership of , the Chinese firms .

  5. Telegram公司总部设在柏林,刻意设计了一个复杂的结构,由全球各地的空壳公司组成,力图做到比任何国家的政府发出的传票都领先一步。

    The Telegram company , based in Berlin , has a deliberately complex structure of scattered global shell companies intended to keep it a step ahead of subpoenas from any one government .

  6. 报道称,这所公寓是由一家空壳公司代表两名瑞士居民——彼得·爱德华·查德尼(PeterEdwardChadney)和西莫妮·塞西尔·冯·格拉芬瑞德·森姆波尔(SimoneCécilevonGraffenriedSimperl)购买的。

    The purchase , the reports said , had been made by a shell company on behalf of two residents of Switzerland - Peter Edward Chadney and Simone C é cile von Graffenried Simperl .

  7. 往下几层,是另一家空壳公司“哥伦布天际线”(ColumbusSkylineL.L.C.)拥有的三套共管公寓。该公司属于一个名为王文良的中国商人的家族。

    A few floors down are three condos owned by another shell company , Columbus Skyline L.L.C. , which belongs to the family of a Chinese businessman and contractor named Wang Wenliang .

  8. 其中SPV是一个典型的空壳公司,仅是为了资产证券化融资设立的法律意义上的经济实体,在各国和《国际贸易应收款转让公约》对SPV的立法别具一格。

    SPV is a typical shell company and its goal is legally financing body . Lawmaking of SPV are various in countries and " Convention on Assignment of Receivable ( Convention )" .

  9. 她还表示,该部门的“反高层盗用国有资源项目”(KleptocracyInitiative)经常发现,外国官员往往通过空壳公司或直系亲属,将大量资金投入美国的房地产行业。

    She said that the department 's Kleptocracy Initiative has found that foreign officials often use shell companies or immediate family members to move large amounts of money to United States real estate .

  10. 其中许多是通过空壳公司被称为城市发展投资公司(UDIC,简称城投)发放至各省、市、县的无追索权贷款。

    Many were non-recourse loans to provinces , municipalities and counties through shell companies , known as Urban Development Investment Corporations ( UDICs ) .

  11. 他参观了位于76层的一套顶层套房,那曾是一对明星夫妇JayZ和碧昂丝的家,之后于2011年初通过另外一个空壳公司花3055万美元将其买下,这是该豪华公寓楼售价最高的公寓之一。

    He toured a 76th-floor penthouse , once home to the celebrity couple Jay Z and Beyonc é , then in early 2011 used yet another shell company to buy it for $ 30.55 million , one of the highest prices ever in the building .

  12. 加拿大的TSX-V市场分为三级:第一级为大型创业公司;第二级为较小型公司,NEX则为现金空壳公司。

    Canada 's TSX-V market has3 tiers : Tier One for larger venture companies , Tier Two for smaller ones , and NEX for cash shells .

  13. 从二十世纪80年代的空壳公司上市到2005年开始兴起的特殊目的收购公司(SPAC)反向并购在世界资本市场作为一种主要融资方式受到了广泛的关注。

    Since the blank check company acquisition in the 80s of last century till the emergence of Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (" SPAC "), reverse merger has been the main way of capital financing and has also attracted great attention in global capital market .

  14. 他只是躲在如何通过一系列的空壳公司。

    He merely hid how through a series of shell companies .

  15. 去年售出的此类共管公寓中,超过一半被卖给了空壳公司。

    Just over half of those sales last year were to shell companies .

  16. 已特别注意一家空壳公司。

    Has all the earmarks of a shell corporation .

  17. 什么是并购相关空壳公司?

    B.What is a business combination related shell company ?

  18. 这笔交易涉及一系列空壳公司。

    The sale involved a string of shell companies .

  19. 他们在运作一个皮特名下的空壳公司。

    They are running a shell corporation peter owns .

  20. 发现了一些联盟的空壳公司。

    To some of the alliance 's shell companies .

  21. 建立空壳公司,买保险,还有请临时工

    Shell companies set up , insurance purchased , pilots and crews hired .

  22. 此外,瑞士也成了赞比亚铜商通过设立空壳公司吸走利润的目的地。

    Brass-plate Swiss companies have been used to strip profits from Zambian copper ventures .

  23. 假冒使用者证明书.空壳公司,虚假目录

    Fake end-user certificates.Cut-out companies , meticulously catalogued .

  24. 空壳公司有什么特点?

    What are the characteristics of shell companies ?

  25. 购房者可以使用会计、律师或亲属的名字来注册一家空壳公司。

    Purchasers can register shell companies in the names of accountants , lawyers or relatives .

  26. 在避税港建立空壳公司;

    creating shell companies in tax havens ;

  27. 银行还通过空壳公司向手握重权的省级官员提供资金,使他们能为自己青睐的投资项目筹措资金。

    Banks also provide financing to powerful provincial officials through shell corporations that bankroll pet investment projects .

  28. 上市空壳公司恢复业务

    Reactivation of quoted shell company

  29. 洛杉矶县的公开房产记录显示,上述空壳公司是这所公寓的所有者。

    The same shell company appears as owner in the public property records of Los Angeles County .

  30. 2003年,时代华纳中心售出的所有单位中,超过三分之一被空壳公司所购买。

    In 2003 , one-third of the units sold in Time Warner were purchased by shell companies .