
  • 网络interpolation;Spatial Interpolation
  1. 基于GIS的海洋光学调查数据空间插值方法研究

    Study on Spatial Interpolation Methods for Marine Optical Data Based on GIS

  2. 基于GIS的中尺度土壤重金属空间插值分析及污染评价

    Study on GIS-Based Middle-Scaled Heavy Metal Spatial Interpolation of Farmland Soil and the Pollution Appraisal

  3. Matlab和C语言集成下的Oraclespatial空间插值方法研究

    Study on Oracle Spatial Interpolation Method by Integrating Matlab with C Language

  4. 本文为GIS空间插值对城市气象数据产品制作的适宜性做出了有益的探索。

    This paper is helpful to the evaluation on the urban meteorological products by the spatial interpolation in GIS .

  5. 基于RBF人工神经网络的空间插值

    A Space Interpolation Method Based on RBF Artificial Neural Network

  6. 利用GIS对GPS采样点数据进行空间插值分析,获取地下水埋深和矿化度状况。

    The situation of ground water depth and mineralization was got by spatial interpolation analysis based on the data of sampling points .

  7. TC常常带来大范围的强降水,在使用GIS技术研究过程降水的分布和影响时,需要使用空间插值技术。

    TC always leads to strongly raining . We need use spatial interpolating in research process precipitation and its effect .

  8. 根据测定结果分析公路沿线农田土壤和水稻中重金属污染特征,采用GIS技术和空间插值方法,对丹阳加密路段土壤重金属总量、有效态含量、水稻重金属含量进行空间分布特征分析。

    GIS technology and space interpolation method were utilized to carry on the spatial distribution characteristics analysis on available content , total amount of heavy metal .

  9. 不同空间插值、等高线及分辨率下微地貌DEM地形因子对比研究

    Comparing Terrain Factors Extracted by DEM Which are Created by Different Spatial Interpolation , Contour Line and Resolution

  10. 概述GIS的基本功能和一种最优的空间插值方法,并给出了空间分布变量变异性对比指标&Cd。

    It narrates briefly the fundamental functions of GIS and " optimum " spatial interpolation method . It also gives the variance contrast index of the spatial distributed variables-C.

  11. 基于地质统计学的DTM空间插值技术研究

    Research on the DTM spacial interpolation technique based on the geological statistics

  12. 珠江三角洲网河区水位空间插值的kriging方法

    Spatial Interpolation of Water Level with Kriging Approach in River Net of the Pearl River Delta

  13. 基于Kriging空间插值法的赤壁市城区基准地价评估研究

    A Study on Evaluation of the Benchmark Land Price in Chibi City Based on Kriging Interpolation

  14. 基于SRTMDEM的月降雨量空间插值研究

    Research on Rainfall Spatial Interpolation Based on SRTM DEM

  15. 通过对昆明市2009-2010年的商品住宅价格进行调查收集,运用GIS空间插值技术得出房价分布等值图及三维模型。

    And it has collected the price of commercial housing In Kunming from 2009 to 2010 ; used GIS derived Price contour maps and three-dimensional model spatial interpolation techniques to analyze .

  16. 煤粉粒度对锅炉燃烧影响的数值模拟粒度可调的并行Kriging地层空间插值算法

    Numerical Simulation for the Impact on Combustion Pulverized Coal of Particle Size Granularity-adjustable Parallel Kriging Interpolation for Stratified Stratum

  17. 矿业三维GIS是地质矿业信息化的研究重点和热点,是科学计算可视化在地质上的应用,它涵盖地质体的三维可视化、体空间插值等领域。

    3D-GIS used in mining industry is a hot and key point for geological information . 3D-GIS , covered visualization and interpolation of geological body , can be applied in visualization of geology .

  18. 在完成降雨量空间插值之后,作者根据小流域缺少实测资料的特点,采用SCS模型进行了产流计算。

    After the completion of the spatial interpolation of precipitation , the author computes the effective rainfall using the SCS method .

  19. 本文构建了一个适用于小流域的分布式水文模型系统框架,并应用于桑园流域,设计和实现了降雨量空间插值和SCS模型产流计算。

    Taking Sangyuan Basin as a study area , a rainfall-runoff distributed hydrological model is constructed , which can be used small catchments .

  20. 应该在大量田间试验的基础上,从曲势面拟合法、样条函数法、距离权重反比法、Kriging插值法等数理统计方法中筛选比较适合当地条件的空间插值方法。

    Spatial interpolation method should be chosen from trend surface analysis , spline , inverse distance weighting and Kriging based on soil survey ;

  21. 另外从插值模型方法角度分析,基于非线性智能遗传算法优化的BP神经网络的空间插值模型,其估算的误差精度要好于基于统计概率的传统空间插值模型。

    And from another point of view in interpolation model , Comparing with other traditional spatial interpolation based on statistical model , BP neural network model based on nonlinear optimization is better in the estimated accuracy .

  22. 3D-GIS数据表示和空间插值方法研究

    The Method of Data Presentation and Interpolation in 3D-GIS

  23. 粒度可调的并行Kriging地层空间插值算法颗粒粗糙度:纸纹颗粒现在可以调为负数,这样纹理就会反相。

    Granularity-adjustable Parallel Kriging Interpolation for Stratified Stratum Grain Roughness Range : Paper grain roughness can now be taken to negative numbers to invert the texture pattern .

  24. 然后将空间插值的表达方式与GM(1,1)灰色预测模型结合,回顾和预测安徽省三次产业从业人口的空间扩展演变和趋势变化,最后再进行空间插值的平面彩绘。

    Then spatial interpolation of expression and GM ( 1,1 ) gray prediction model are combined to review and predict the spatial trends and extension of the working population of the three industries in Anhui Province .

  25. 提出了应用GIS进行烟草适生性评价分析的方法、步骤,探讨了空间插值、指标量化、权值确定等方法,解决了综合模型的分层次建模问题。

    This paper explores the methods , procedures of GIS-based evaluation of the tobacco growing adaptability , and discusses such methods as the spatial interpolation , the index quantification and the weight determination . It provided a solution for key problems of hierarchical model building of integrated evaluation models .

  26. 采用DEM数据对月平均气温空间插值进行修正,提高了月平均气温插值的精度,在一定程度上提高了垂直地带性植被模拟的准确性。

    The use of DEM data for amendment of the spatial interpolation is used in monthly average temperature . It is not only raising the accuracy of interpolation of temperature , but also improving the simulation of the vertical zonal vegetation .

  27. 对南海卫星高度计资料进行潮汐校正和空间插值得到时间序列数据,对这些时间序列数据进行HHT,得到了南海海平面高度变化的三维能量-频率-时间谱和海平面高度距平(SSA)。

    Altimeter data were corrected with tidal model and was interpolated in spatial domain to obtain time series data . 3D energy-frequency-time spectrum and sea surface anomaly ( SSA ) were obtained by HHT from time series data .

  28. 该方法对不同的差错特征分别采用以下3种掩盖方法:边界匹配(BMA)、空间插值(SI)和频域插值(FI)。

    The algorithm uses three concealment algorithms , namely , boundary matching algorithm ( BMA ), spatial interpolation ( SI ) and frequency interpolation ( FI ), adaptively according to error characteristics . It is independent of information provided by the encoder .

  29. 本研究基于1951~2002年中国约730个气象台站观测数据,利用空间插值和Mann-Kendall时间序列趋势分析方法并结合GIS技术,分析了过去50多年中国降水量的时空变化特征。

    In this study , we analyzed the spatio-temporal patterns of precipitation in China during 1951 to 2002 by using spatial spline interpolation method and Mann-Kendall trend test , also with the support of GIS , based on measurements at about 730 meteorological stations nationally .

  30. 所求未知函数的空间插值采用径向基点插近似,而时间导数离散采用差分格式,建立具有带宽特性的代数方程,采用逐次超松弛迭代法(SOR)有效地求解所得到的代数方程。

    The unknown function is approximated by radial point interpolation method in space discretization , and difference schemes are adopted in time discretization . The algebraic system equations with bandwidth character are built , and it is effectively solved by successive overrelaxation ( SOR ) method .