
chuān chā
  • insert;alternate;thrust deep into the enemy force;do alternately;do in turn
穿插 [chuān chā]
  • (1) [alternate;do in turn]∶互相错开;交叉

  • 这两出戏穿插上演

  • 这两位可以穿插进行

  • (2) [insert]∶小说戏曲中,为了增加情节曲折性和衬托主题而加上的一些次要内容

  • (3) [thrust deep into the enemy force]∶军事上为了击破对方防御而采取的纵深作战行动

穿插[chuān chā]
  1. 我设法在讲话中穿插了几个笑话。

    I managed to slip a few jokes into my speech .

  2. 我设法穿插了几个笑话。

    I managed to slip in a few jokes .

  3. 这本书节奏明快,另外还穿插了一些趣味盎然的文史掌故。

    The pace of the book is leisurely , with enjoyable literary and historical asides .

  4. 舞蹈、诗歌朗诵穿插表演。

    Dances and recitations of poems are performed alternately .

  5. 莎士比亚总爱在他的悲剧中穿插一些令人轻松的滑稽场面。

    Shakespeare always introduced some comic relief into his tragedies .

  6. 如果生活是一床被子,爱应该就是一根线。爱是穿插在生活里面的。

    If life is a quilt , love should be a thread.Love is inside .

  7. Weisure是在休闲生活中穿插进工作,而不是在工作之余找找乐子。

    Weisure time is fitting1 fun around work , rather than fitting work around fun .

  8. 这部文笔优美的作品,有着对乡村的生动描述,其中穿插令人兴奋的冒险经历,是英国儿童文学的经典之作。

    The beautifully written work , with its evocative descriptions of the countryside interspersed with exciting adventures , became a classic of English children 's literature .

  9. 第三十五条消防车、消防艇前往执行火灾扑救任务或者执行其他灾害、事故的抢险救援任务时,不受行驶速度、行驶路线、行驶方向和指挥信号的限制,其他车辆、船舶以及行人必须让行,不得穿插、超越。

    Article 35 Fire trucks and fire boats , when rushing for fire fighting and rescue work or relief and rescue task for other disaster and accidents , shall not be restricted by its driving speed , driving route , driving direction and traffic signals ; other vehicles , ships and pedestrians must make way and shall not conduct overtaking .

  10. 穿插:简短的,不那么可怕的RSA向导

    Interlude : A Short , Not Too Scary , Guide to RSA

  11. 旧管道穿插HDPE管清洗修复技术

    Old pipe adding HDPE tube technique for cleaning and repairing

  12. 邯郸市采用HDPE管穿插内衬修复旧管道的施工

    Old pipeline rehabilitation construction by using the HDPE pipe insertion lining in Handan

  13. 内穿插HDPE管修复技术在大口径给水管修复中的应用

    Application of HDPE Pipe Insertion Rehabilitation Technology in Large Diameter Water Supplying Pipes

  14. 他的著作中穿插着大量“商业快照”(businesssnapshots),向人们展示定量理论和模型在现实生活中的应用。

    His books are dotted with " business snapshots " that show how quantitative theories and models are applied in real-life situations .

  15. 其中,笔者还将文章所解决的三个重要技术问题(教学平台异构集成、个性化教学和Web服务性能优化)的实现穿插其中,做了更深入实用的讨论。

    Author also mentions how to solve the three import issue including heterogeneous teaching resources integration in platform , personality education and web services optimization . They are discussed deeply in the article .

  16. XLPE在穿插法修复旧管道领域中的应用

    Study on Application of XLPE in Repair of Metal Old Pipe by Intercrossing Method

  17. 穿插法修复金属旧管道通常使用管材级高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)作为塑料内衬管。

    The intercrossing method in repairing old metal pipes usually uses pipe-class high density polyethylene ( HDPE ) as lining plastic-underlayer pipes .

  18. Struts框架的引入是为了将系统显示层和业务层进行分离,从而可改变系统页面中穿插功能代码的缺陷性。

    Struts framework is introduced in order to display system and business layers were separated , so as to change the the system pages interspersed function code defects .

  19. 文章中以道路规划的一般步骤为主线,穿插了如何利用GIS使规划更加便捷。(3)提出了如何实现高校道路交通规划数据库设计及道路交通规划数据的具体实现方法和步骤。

    This article takes the general steps as the main line , interspersed with how to use GIS to make the planning more convenient . ( 3 ) The paper put forward the standards and methods to establish a database for road traffic planning in campus .

  20. 大量图片、音乐、Flash动画甚至视频的穿插应用,使得电子杂志与传统杂志相比具备了更多元的表现形式,并且省去了传统杂志巨大的纸张和印刷成本。

    The insertion and application of large quantities of pictures , music , flash cartoons as well as videos make the electronic magazine more diverse in its forms of representation than the traditional magazine and saves the huge cost in paper and printing of the traditional magazine .

  21. “我们养女孩就是要互相竞争。”音乐录影带把碧昂斯10岁时在电视才艺表演节目《明日之星》(StarSearch)中的片段与如今的碧昂斯的镜头穿插起来,现在的她穿着科特·柯本(KurtCobain)

    The video intersperses an excerpt from 10-year-old Beyonc é 's appearance on the TV talent show " Star Search " with the current-day Beyonc é , clad in Kurt Cobain flannel , executing a spectacular dance routine in a dank basement surrounded by skinheads .

  22. 论文在总体结构上以介绍在LNMS系统中应用的架构模式为主,在介绍模块中类的设计时穿插介绍了设计模式。

    Surely , the article introduces the architecture pattern used in LNMS mostly , but also introduces the design pattern when we implement the class design in each model .

  23. 穿插衬装高密度聚乙烯管在线修复旧管道技术

    Reparation of pipeline by insertion of high - density polyethylene liner

  24. 高速弹丸撞靶的侵彻参数的统计分析建筑中穿插的运用

    Statistical analysis of the penetration parameters for projectiles impact on targets

  25. 燃气管道穿插衬塑修复过程参数的计算

    Calculation of Parameters for Gas Pipeline Rehabilitation Process with Plastic Lining

  26. 魏纳擅长于将报告文学和学术研究穿插在一起。

    Weiner is skilled at weaving together reportage and academic research .

  27. 论大学课堂教学穿插励志教育的方式方法

    Ways and means to insert aspiration education in college classroom teaching

  28. 穿插程度对高分子链结晶初始阶段的影响

    Influence of Interpenetration Degree on Initial Stage of Polymer Chain Crystallization

  29. 燃气管道穿插法修复对输送能力的影响

    Influence of Insertion Method Rehabilitation on Transmission Capacity of Gas Pipeline

  30. 穿插是现代建筑设计手法之一。

    Penetration is one of the design methods in modern architecture .