
  • 网络legislative guarantee
  1. 要改变这种状况,急需我们在以下方面进行改革:加强政府的积极作为,增加财政投入的支持;加强立法保障,增强制度刚性;

    To change this situation , we must strengthen the government 's initiative , increase financial input , and enforce legislative guarantee .

  2. 最后,文章又从国有企业改制以及立法保障等方面,就如何发挥法人财产权在我国公司治理中的核心作用提出了一些具体的原则和措施。

    Concerning the system reform and legislative guarantee , concrete measures are advanced on the vital role of property rights in the management of corporation .

  3. 我国生态城市建设的立法保障研究

    Study on the Legislation Safeguard of the Construction of Ecocity in China

  4. 第四章:台湾地区成人学习权的立法保障分析。

    Chapter four : Legislation research of adult learning right in Taiwan .

  5. 试论网络信息资源控制的立法保障

    On Law Guarantee of Information Resource Control Under Network Environment

  6. 加强立法保障西部开发

    Reinforcing the Legal System to Guarantee the Western Development

  7. 而劳动三权无疑应是立法保障的重点,本文就其中的集体谈判权进行了详尽的论述。

    Three rights of work are undoubtedly the focuses of legislation to ensure .

  8. 试论我国农民信息帮助权的立法保障

    Comment on Legislative Safeguard of Information Helps Right of Out Country 's Peasant

  9. 正确对待医患纠纷立法保障就医环境

    Correctly deal with medical - patient disputes and guarantee clinical settings through legislation

  10. 《欧洲联盟条约》为欧洲中央银行体系的独立性提供立法保障;

    The Treaty of the European Union furnishes legislative protection for independence of ECBS .

  11. 循序渐进地建立和完善国家层面的社区矫正立法保障体系。

    Gradually establish and improve the national dimension of community corrections legislation security system .

  12. 加快资源综合利用立法保障社会经济可持续发展

    Speed up Legislation of Resources ' Comprehensive Utilisation for Protecting Sustained Development of Economy

  13. 试论政务公开的立法保障

    On the Legislative Guarantee for the Administrative Openness

  14. 粮食综合生产能力建设资源环境立法保障研究

    On the environment and resources legislative protection of the comprehensive grain production ability building

  15. 发展黄金市场亟待立法保障

    On Legislative Safeguard for Developing Gold Market

  16. 用立法保障的方式,实现人对自然权利的尊重与维护;

    Second , human should respect and protect the nature rights under the guarantee of law ;

  17. 再次要健全的道德赏罚机制,为见义勇为立法保障,同时立法惩处见义不为者。

    Thirdly , samaritan acts will be encouraged by the healthy moral reward and punishment mechanism .

  18. 必要的立法保障;

    Guaranteeing the necessary legislation security ;

  19. 明确政府职责并予以立法保障对学前教育的发展至关重要。

    Clarifying and strengthening governmental functions by legislation is vital to the development of early childhood education .

  20. 立法保障“所有权公有,使用权私有”的土地制度

    To make laws to guarantee the land system " state ownership , private right to use it "

  21. 在我国,政府对养老保障制度进行政策导向、立法保障、组织实施、监督管理,这是政府发挥作用重要的也是主要的方面。

    The main role of government is policy-leading , legislating , organizing to supply , supervising and management .

  22. 要解决这一问题,既要从律师本身建设入手,更要从立法保障制度入手。

    The way to solve the problems is both construction of the lawyer and Safeguard systems of legislature .

  23. 立法保障和依法维护是自然权利实现的社会条件。

    III Legislative safeguard and maintain according to law is the social conditions to realize the right of nature .

  24. 和谐社会的法制保障包括立法保障、执法保障、司法保障和守法保障四个方面。

    The approaches of the legal protection of the harmonious society includes legislation , law-executing , judicature and law-abiding .

  25. 其他措施则要求立法保障和公共投资,包括提供化石燃料的代用品,改善公共基础设施和建筑物质量等。

    Others require legislative support and public investment , including providing alternatives to fossil-fuels , and improving the quality of public infrastructure and buildings .

  26. 因此,“积极发展水电”的最有效、最重要的方法是,通过节能减排立法保障水电开发。

    Therefore , the most important and effective way to " actively develop hydropower in China " should be legislation on energy-saving and remission reduction .

  27. 能源问题是影响社会可持续发展的重大问题,因此,世界各国纷纷确立各自的可持续能源战略,并通过明确的立法保障其贯彻实施。

    Energy is the key to sustainable development of society and many countries make their sustainable energy strategies and put them into practice through legislation .

  28. 第三章的主要目的是要引起人们对被追诉者亲友会见交流权的重视,笔者还试图从立法保障和限制性等方面论述了该权利的构建。

    The main purpose of this chapter is to raise the awareness of family and friends and tried to discuss the construction of the right .

  29. 国外一些国家公务员诚信建设实践主要从理念教育,立法保障,制度建设上进行。

    Some foreign countries take measures on the construction of civil servants ' good faith by ideal education , legislative guarantee and system or institution construction .

  30. 在促进循环经济有效运行的社会保障机制方面,首先,应构建完善的立法保障措施。

    For establishing the social guarantee system of circular economy to run effectively , the author advances following suggestions . Firstly , establish the perfect legislative guaranteeing measures .