
  • Legislative planning;【法】program of legislation
  1. 最后,在海洋战略中加入海洋立法规划。

    Finally , in the marine strategy add the planning of marine legislation .

  2. 上海文化立法规划和文化法律思想研究

    Research on Cultural Legislation and Legal Thoughts in Shanghai

  3. 军队卫生立法规划项目的论证研究

    Research on item demonstration of military health legislation plan

  4. 预算法的修订已列入国家十五立法规划。

    The revision of < State Indemnity Law > has been included in state 's legislative plan .

  5. 第二部分:编制科学的地方立法规划、计划,是提高地方立法质量的基础。

    Part II : Compiling a scientific local legislation plan is the foundation to improve the local legislation quality .

  6. 具体包括制定科学的立法规划以及全面系统的清理、调整现有法律。

    Specific legislative plan including the development of science as well as a comprehensive and systematic clean-up , adjust the existing laws .

  7. 针对当前地方立法规划现状及存在问题进行了分析,并提出了相应的对策。

    According to the actual condition and problems in regional legislation program at present , some corresponding countermeasures are advised to adopt .

  8. 立法规划制度的实施对于加强立法规划的计划性、提高立法质量有着十分重要的意义和十分明显的作用。

    The operation of legislation plan system plays an important and serious role in the project enforcement and quality improvement of legislation programming .

  9. 既要关注立法规划与立法项目、立法建议、立法政策的联系,又不能忽视它们的区别。

    Legistive authorities and lawyers should pay close attention to both the links and the differences between legislative plan and the legislative programs , proposals , policies and techniques .

  10. 在非正式程序方面,表现在立法规划决定法案能否进入议程审议、起草法案中起草者成为事实上的利益表达者等方面。

    In the aspect of informal process , it 's expressed as the problems such as legislative programming , drafting out laws and unitive discussions of the legal commission .

  11. 综合性与专项性相结合的立法规划的制定为环鄱阳湖生态经济区的法制构建提供了思路。

    The legislative plan of integrated with the Comprehensive legislation and Specialized legislation , which provides a guideline for the legal system construction of the Ecological Economic Zone of Poyang Lake .

  12. 编制合理有效的立法规划,对促使立法工作有计划、有步骤、有目的地进行,保证地方立法工作的科学化、系统化有极其重要的意义。

    Constituting a reasonable and effective legislation program is extremely important to finish the work of legislating designedly , procedurally and intentionally , which is important to ensure the laws legislated suitable and systemic as well .

  13. 布朗称,“为了打造一个良好、开放的政府”,他将立法规划中的优先事项对外公布,以求在11月份下届议会就任前获得“广泛而深入的公众意见”。

    Mr Brown said that " in the interests of good and open government " he was publishing his legislative priorities for " widespread and informed public consultation " ahead of the next parliamentary session which begins in November .

  14. 从民法发展的历史和潮流来看,各国的民法都是围绕着法律意义上的人来进行立法规划的,整部民法的目标就是维护人的尊严,促进人的发展。

    From the history of the development of civil law , the main target is to preserve the dignity of human and the promotion of human development . Therefore , " man " is the basic concept of the Civil Code .

  15. 立法会规划地政及工程事务委员会

    " Legco panel on planning , lands and works "

  16. 从立法、规划、经济和意识四个角度分别阐述了如何从实际出发来建设和发展开放式居住小区。

    It expatiates how to develop opening residential quarter practically from lawmaking , planning , economy and consciousness four aspects .

  17. 同时提出了亟需实施酸性硫酸盐土的资源详查、立法、规划、投资建设与技术试验示范与推广等一系列的可持续发展对策。

    Finally , a series of strategies are put forward concerning enhancement of surveys , legislation , planning , investment , construction of irrigation projects and experiments , demonstration and extension of the successful techniques for the sustainable land use of ASS.

  18. 结论当前我国尘肺危害仍较严重,建议加速立法、制订规划,以解决我国尘肺问题。

    To accelerate legislation and to work out a plan for solving pneumoconiosis are suggested .

  19. 城市规划立法是城市规划依法行政的基础,是城市规划现代化的重要标志。

    Unman planning legislation is the foundation of urban planning administration , and also the important indicator of urban planning 's modernization .

  20. 宅基地使用权的流转符合社会的现实,符合农民的利益,是城镇化的必然,符合市场经济的要求,加大立法、规范规划管理会有利于农村宅基地使用权的流转。

    The transfer of land use right is in accordance with social reality and the interests of farmers and the requirement of market economy is the necessity of urbanization .

  21. 基于此,在已加入WTO的情况下,中国应当加强农业立法和完善生态规划,以生态学理论为视角、以可持续发展为基础建立起中国生态化的农业法律体系。

    Taking this for reference , China , after the access to the WTO , should strengthen the legislation of agricultural laws and improve the ecological regulations . That means China has to set up the agricultural law system based on the ecological theory and the sustainable development .

  22. 在对刑事初查制度进行比较考察之后,从立法层面、流程规划和制度构建三个方面提出建议。

    In comparison to the criminal Preliminary Investigation system after investigation , from the legislation level , flow and system construction three Suggestions .

  23. 在一些国家和地区,绝大多数的规划制定权掌握在立法机关手中,规划通过立法程序完成。

    In some countries and regions , the vast majority of plan-making power rests in the hands of the legislature , plans are completed through the legislative process .

  24. 同时,要加大立法步伐,加强规划、调控和引导,转变职能,培养人才,并不断探讨新方法。

    At the same time we must strengthen legislation , reinforce the planning , regulation and guiding , transform the function of government , cultivate the talented person and probe into new ways continually .

  25. 通过两个案例分析可以看出,有效的区域协调机制应包括两个最为重要的内容:一是要有立法资格、有规划和投资权力的区域权威机构;

    By analyzing two cases , the effectual regional coordinate mechanism should mostly include two factors : One is regional authoritative institution which should have the legislative competence , the power of planning and investment .

  26. 本文认为立法工作需要统筹规划,逐步实现与即将修改的法律进行衔接、地方立法、国家立法。

    This thesis considers that the work of legislation should be developed under a plan for the entire project gradually : achieves the goal of connecting with the correlative laws which are about to be amended , magistrate legislation and state legislation .

  27. 循环经济是实现资源节约型、环境友好型社会的载体和途径,关于它的立法已列入国家立法规划。

    Circular economy is a carrier and an approach of realizing the resource-conservation and friendly-environment society , its legislation has been listed in the plan of NPC .

  28. 我国应该积极借鉴其有益经验和做法,应立法先行,做好立法规划,加快立法进程,强化制度创新,健全法律法规体系,为建设循环型社会构筑坚实的法律保障体系。

    Therefore , a good legislation programming should be made to accelerate the course of legislation , strengthen system innovation , and perfect the system of law and regulation , so that a solid legal guarantee system can be constructed for building a circular society .

  29. 立法提案与立法机关的立法规划有密切的联系。

    The bill presented has close relationship with the legislative blue print of the legislative body .

  30. 在立法工作方面,一是编制五年立法规划,召开立法工作会议,统筹部署立法工作。

    In our legislative work of the past year , we first of all formulated the five-year program for legislation and held a legislative work meeting to map out the work plan for the coming period .