
lì fǎ zhě
  • legislator;lawmaker
  1. 证券立法者、司法者和SEC在披露规则中引入了重大性标准机制,而重大性标准在遏制和打击证券欺诈的同时,也会带来诸多弊端。

    So the legislator , judicial and SEC introduces the mechanism of materiality into the disclosure rules .

  2. 根据GlobeInternational的数据,目前世界各国共有超过480部有关气候变化的法律,而1997年不足40部。该机构是每年对抵御全球变暖的法律进行评估的立法者团体。

    There are now more than 480 climate change laws in countries around the world , up from fewer than 40 in 1997 , according to Globe International , a legislator body that annually assesses laws to combat global warming .

  3. 大多数昨天与总统会晤的立法者说他们支持这个行动。

    Most of the lawmakers who met with the president yesterday said they backed the mission .

  4. 这些改革会作为一个整体被委员会批准或否决,这就使代表个别人利益的说客很难让立法者屈从自己的意志了。

    The changes would have to be approved or rejected as a whole by Congress , making it hard for narrow-interest lobbies to bend lawmakers to their will .

  5. 这场法律角逐的可能会耗上好几个月的时间,哪一方在法庭占上风,哪一方又会贏得公众舆论和立法者的青睐都还尚不可知。

    There will probably be months of legal tussling , and it is not at all clear which side will prevail in court , nor in the battle for public opinion and legislative favor .

  6. 密歇根州的立法者显然希望使该州为无人驾驶技术的商业应用做好准备。

    Lawmakers in Michigan clearly want to make the state ready for the commercial application of self-driving technology .

  7. 在一次试图使无人驾驶汽车生产回归底特律的努力中,密歇根州的立法者提出了一个可以使该州成为全美即使不是全世界开发无人驾驶汽车并让它们上路的最佳地点。

    In a bid to take production back to Detroit , Michigan lawmakers have introduced legislation that could make their state the best place in the country , if not the world , to develop self-driving vehicles and put them on the road .

  8. 但是加利福尼亚州的一个小镇最近提出一项议案,即禁止麦当劳在其高热量的“快乐套餐”中附赠玩具,因为立法者们认为这会引诱孩子们去吃不健康的食物,这表明还有更多事情等着快餐企业去做。

    But the recent proposal by a county in California to ban McDonald 's from including toys in its high-calorie " Happy Meals " , because legislators believe it attracts children to unhealthy food , suggests there is a lot more left to do .

  9. 立法者将就明年是否开始实施香烟素面包装进行投票。

    Lawmakers will vote to introduce plain packaging in the new year .

  10. 贵族德拉古被选为立法者。

    The noble , Dracon , was asked to codify the laws .

  11. 据《泰晤士报》报道,尽管这项法案目前只涉及脊椎动物,但立法者正在考虑将对象扩大到龙虾、章鱼、贻贝等无脊椎动物。

    Though the legislation currently only includes vertebrates , lawmakers are weighing expanding it to include invertebrates such as lobsters , as well as octopuses and mussels , according to The Times .

  12. 但并非所有预言都很惨淡:立法者现正采取全面的解决途径,应对过度依赖外部评级的问题巴塞尔协议iii是佐证。

    But not all the augeries are bleak : regulators are now taking a comprehensive approach to over-reliance on external ratings witness Basel III rules .

  13. 据NPR新闻的卡丽·约翰逊报道,吉福兹要求立法者做出行动。

    NPR 's Carrie Johnson reports she urged lawmakers to do something .

  14. 尽管美国一些立法者在政治上反对,但bp仍竭力维持其在墨西哥湾深水海域(其最重要的地区之一)的地位。

    In spite of political opposition by some US lawmakers , BP is desperate to maintain its position in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico , one of its most important regions .

  15. 此外,在一次众议院药物安全听证会中,数名立法者就关于为何还不召回文迪雅对FDA施压。

    In addition , at a House drug safety hearing , several lawmakers pressed FDA with questions on why such a recall of Avandia has not yet occurred .

  16. 辛格周三表示,他准备回答立法者有关2g电信牌照发放中涉嫌违规行为的问题。

    Mr Singh said on Wednesday that he was prepared to answer questions from legislators about alleged irregularities in the award of 2G telecoms licences .

  17. 但是曾经担任立法者的MarkCojuangco在2008年提出了一个法案,寻求启动Bataan反应堆的商业核运行。

    But Mark Cojuangco , former lawmaker , authored a bill in2008 seeking to start commercial nuclear operations at the Bataan reactor .

  18. 他会见了众议院发言人NancyPelosi,众议院高层共和党人,少数派领袖JohnBoehner,以及参议院多数派领袖HarryReid,少数派领袖MitchMcConnell以及其他立法者。

    He met with House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the top House Republican , Minority Leader John Boehner , Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid , Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and other lawmakers .

  19. 这一次,意大利立法者对于法国人试图购买黄油的举动(以收购奶制品巨擘帕玛拉特(parmalat)的形式)感到不满。

    Italian lawmakers are upset with the French this time , for trying to buy some butter ( in the form of dairy giant Parmalat ) .

  20. 随着立法者和监管者更密切地关注CDO业务,投行利用这种自由占客户便宜的证据正浮出水面。他们知道许多客户并不清楚相关风险。

    As lawmakers and regulators look more closely at the CDO business , evidence is emerging of the way the investment banks used this freedom to take advantage of customers many of whom they knew to be ignorant of the risks .

  21. 一些民主党立法者5月份曾预测为同性恋夫妇提供的婚礼商品和服务能在3年内为纽约带来284m美元的收入。

    In May some Democratic legislators estimated that wedding goods and services for gay couples would generate $ 284m over three years for New York .

  22. 土政府的一名立法者,土前外长YasarYakis确认双方没有达成协议,但是表示对话将继续展开。

    Yasar Yakis , a lawmaker in the governing party and the former foreign minister , confirmed that no agreement had been reached but said the two sides would continue talks .

  23. 这应该是联邦政府和各州立法者的工作。

    That is the job of our federal and state legislators .

  24. 立法者宣传说,生的越多,福利越多。

    Have more children , make more money , say lawmakers .

  25. 美国立法者可能也会允许本国银行投资该市场。

    US lawmakers may also allow US banks to tap the market .

  26. 就其现实根源而言在于投资者与立法者的博弈。

    The practical reason lies in the game between investors and legislators .

  27. 华盛顿立法者们的敌对态度并非什么新鲜事。

    The opposition arising from Washington lawmakers is nothing new .

  28. 加州的立法者争辩称,暴力游戏对儿童来说危害特别大。

    California lawmakers argued that violent games were especially harmful to children .

  29. 行政行为是否停止执行的问题,主要是立法者利益衡量的结果。

    It mainly is a result of interests trade-off introduced by legislators .

  30. 那一种是苏格拉底时期,人类的真正立法者?

    Which one legislates for mankind ? at the time of Socrates ?