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  • principles of legislation
  1. 立法原则的伦理解读

    Ethics Reading about Principles of Legislation

  2. 中国立法原则经历了由观念化向法律化和制度化的转变。

    China has witnessed a transition in the principles of legislation from ideology to legalization and institutionalization .

  3. 立法原则应突出合法、效率和适度监管三大原则;

    The legislation principles are lawfulness , efficiency and appropriate supervision .

  4. 公司内部制衡机制的立法原则

    The Legislative Principle of the Internal Balance Mechanism in the Cooperation

  5. 学校德育立法原则探议

    Discussing of the Legislative Principle of Moral Education in school

  6. 创造性思维能力培养中的哲学原则也谈立法原则&兼论李步云教授的立法思想

    Philosophical Principles in Fostering Creative Thinking Ability On legislative principles

  7. 我国民事诉讼法立法原则之检讨与重构

    Examination and Re-establishment of Lawmaking Principles of Civil Procedure Law in China

  8. 我国无效劳动合同制度的立法原则

    Legislative Principle of Invalid Labor Contract in Our Country

  9. 它不仅是一项立法原则,也是一项司法原则。

    It is not only a legislative principle , but a judicial principle .

  10. 我国政府信息公开的三项立法原则

    The Legislative Principles of Government Information Publicity of China

  11. 该税种不但有违税收的立法原则,而且,土地增值额与企业所得税应纳税所得额计算有雷同之处,对纳税人同一笔收入有重复计税现象。

    The paper thinks that it goes against the principle of tax legislation .

  12. 统一合同法的主要立法原则如下。

    The guiding legislative principles for an integrated contract law are as follows .

  13. 论渔业法规的内涵和立法原则

    On the connotation and principles of fisheries legislation

  14. 《校园安全法》立法原则性问题研究

    On the Legislative Principles of Campus Security Law

  15. 坚持经济效益、生态效益和社会效益相统一的立法原则。

    Adhere to the economic , ecological and social benefits of the legislative principles .

  16. 我国艺术立法原则和研究要点思考

    Thinking About the Principle and Main Research Points in Art Legislation in Our Country

  17. 论股份回购的立法原则和立法设计

    Legislative principle and design of counterpurchase of stock

  18. 坚持预防为主,全过程控制的立法原则。

    Adhere to the prevention , control the whole process of the legislative principles .

  19. 公司资本立法原则初论

    On the Legislative Principles of the Company Capital

  20. 简论农村合作医疗的立法原则

    Issues on principles of legislative of the cooperative medical service program in rural areas

  21. 离婚立法原则辨析

    An Analysis of Legislative Principle in Divorce

  22. 论器官捐献法立法原则&兼论法律对私权利限制的证成

    The Legislative principle about organs donation law-in passing justification on limitation of the individual rights

  23. 关于铁路立法原则的分析

    Analysis on the Legislative Principle of Railways

  24. 亲权制度立法原则研究

    Research on Legislative Principles of Parental Rights

  25. 其中最重要的权力是通过立法原则的拟定控制整个立法活动。

    Its most important authority was to make legislative principals to control whole legislation activities .

  26. 最后一个部分,文章提出了解决上述各问题的立法原则和具体的立法建议。

    Finally , put forward legislative principles and specific legislative proposals to resolve those issues .

  27. 坚持旅游资源开发与保护并重的立法原则。

    Adhere to the development and protection of tourism resources in both the legislative principles .

  28. 也谈立法原则&兼论李步云教授的立法思想破产理念的立法演变与破产程序的驱动机制

    On legislative principles The Legislative Evolvement of Bankruptcy Concepts and the Driving Mechanism of Bankruptcy Procedure

  29. 论我国离婚制度的立法原则

    Legislative Principles of Domestic Divorce System

  30. 关于军事立法原则的思考

    Thoughts about principles of military legislation