
lì tǐ shēnɡ shōu yīn jī
  • Stereo radio;stereo receiver
  1. 真正把敞篷汽车赶上绝路的是空气调节器和立体声收音机。

    What really killed the convertible was air conditioning and stereo .

  2. 汽车附件包括暖气装置和立体声收音机。

    Accessories for the car include a heater and a stereo radio .

  3. 立体声收音机现在是一种常见的特色用品。

    The stereo radio is now a standard feature .

  4. 父亲给他买了只立体声收音机。

    Father bought her a stereo radio .

  5. 船长一边收听立体声收音机,一边小心翼翼的掌舵将船驶进海港。

    The captain listened to the stereo radio and steered the steamer careful into the harbor .

  6. 四声道立体声收音机

    Four sound track stereo radio

  7. 我还想指出,(上)有调幅-调频立体声收音机。

    I should ( also ) point out ( that ) an AM-FM stereo radio is included .