
  • 网络co-opetition;co-opetition strategy
  1. 长三角城市圈域经济发展的竞合战略研究

    Research on the Co-operation Stratagem on the Yangtze Delta Metropolitan Area Economic Development

  2. 本文正是从这一角度入手,研究和探讨了长三角城市圈域经济发展的竞合战略。

    Thus the paper has studies the co-operation stratagem on the economic development of the Yangtze Delta metropolitan area .

  3. 产业融合对市场行为的影响主要表现为企业的竞合战略和争夺标准战略的实施。

    The effects on market behavior are represented by the implementation of companies ' competition and cooperation strategies , and competition for the standard strategy .

  4. 作为市场活动中的有机主体,运用竞合战略可实现与各参与方的双赢或多赢,促进社会信息资源的充分共享。

    As an organic part in the market activities and one of the participants , the library could achieve double wins benefit in the promotion of social information resources sharing by using coopetition theory .

  5. 针对旅游发展现状和相邻区域的比较,河津市应实施旅游意识提升战略、环境优先战略、产业联动战略、河滩一体化战略和区域竞合战略。

    Based on the developing situation and the comparison with neighboring region , Hejin City should carry out the strategy of promoting tourism awareness , that of environment development priory , that of industries interaction , that of integrating river and waterfront and that of regions competition and cooperation .

  6. 利用种群生态学中的LV模型从收益方面来探讨竞合型战略联盟,在稳定点时,形成联盟的企业之间收益最大。

    In the six chapter , use the LV model in ecology community to discuss the stability of Competition-collaboration type strategic alliance in the benefit part . When on the stable point , those logistics enterprises formed Competition-collaboration type strategic alliance can get the best benefits .

  7. 接着,物流企业间竞合型战略联盟关系的分析。

    Third , the Competition-collaboration type strategic alliance relation among the logistics enterprises in park .

  8. 因此,为了实现共生、双赢、多赢,旅游地之间选择旅游空间竞合发展战略是一种必然趋势。

    So in order to realize symbiose , win-win , and even multi-win between different tourism resorts , choosing cooperation-competition model is inevitable .